TopSecretPorkChop's page

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I'm wondering whether a Kineticist's Elemental Blasts (the melee version anyway) would benefit from the Power Attack feat (i.e. gain an extra damage die). By RAW wording it seems like it should as the Elemental Blasts have the Attack trait and the Power Attack feat specifies that it applies to "melee Strikes." Would melee Elemental Blasts not qualify as "melee Strikes," or are not all actions with the Attack trait Strikes?

How does the combined damage of FoB work when the Strikes have different damage types? Specifically, I'm asking about a situation where he target is resistant/immune to one of the damage types but not the other.

E.g. a monk hits with a Visous Ooze with a fist (bludgeoning) and a dogslicer (slashing). Does the slashing immunity block all the damage, just the dogslicer damage, or none of the damage? Does the fact that its an immunity and not a resistant change the answer? If the target were a skeleton (resistance 5 to non-bludgeoning) would the damage be reduced by 5 or not at all?