
Tony Tempest's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will there be a sketch cover?

Dunno if you know if this has been answered, or if you found out yourself, but I see on GameNerdz there is a pre-order for the sketch style cover.

I didn't see an answer to this on the rest of this thread.

James Jacobs wrote:
Tony Tempest wrote:

A) is this article also in the hardcover, or does the hardcover only have the adventures and beasts?

B) was the Kingmaker First World stuff covered in the later First World products (for 1e).
C) does the Bestiary contain any of the info from that article, but maybe more spread out?

We published a 64 page book about the First World for 1st edition Pathfinder that pretty much took that initial article and expanded it. You can pick up a PDF of that book here.

Thank you! I have that book, but wasn't sure which came in which order, and I was interested in the Kingmaker hardcover anyway... so I thought I'd ask. I appreciate it.

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I am doing a big adventure in the Feywild, and have been using First World stuff to build up some of the Feywild stuff. With that being said, I have some questions about Kingmaker. I have the new bestiary hardcover and the Wild Hunt stat blocks plays right into my story, so that's really cool. The final adventure book, Sound of 1000 Screams, in the original AP had an exploration of the First World article. I had some questions about the First World article:

A) is this article also in the hardcover, or does the hardcover only have the adventures and beasts?
B) was the Kingmaker First World stuff covered in the later First World products (for 1e).
C) does the Bestiary contain any of the info from that article, but maybe more spread out?

Thank you

Hmm. I wonder why none of my normal sources for hardcopies have gotten it yet?

I knew the pdf was released based on comments in this thread, but was wondering if something untoward happened to the hard cover.

thank you.

Hate to be annoying... but has the hardcover book been released yet? My FLGS doesn't and hasn't had it, and coolstuffinc.com and gamenerdz.com still list it as a preorder. I've been waiting on this for a while and wondered if something has gone wrong.



James Jacobs wrote:

We do like going "further afield" than Tome of Horrors for OGL stuff... but there's an unfortunate pair of reasons why we don't do this often.

1) A lot of OGL stuff is just unfortunately not good.
2) Of the good stuff that remains, an unfortunate amount of it is crippled content; the publishers made the monster stat blocks open from the size category to the end of the combat info; the monster's NAME is not open. This more or less is a dealbreaker for me, since without a name, there's no way to reference the monster and no reason to go with the monster's stats. Frustrating.

Yeah, it's pretty frustrating when the monster name isn't open content... or worse, they only open the stat block... no name or ecology.


When I noticed Nyambe in the OGL section 15 (yes, I read that), I had high hopes that Paizo might put the open source Wakyambi elves in the Mwambi Expanse. Call me crazy, but I really like those crazy prehensile-tailed people.

I don't think those elves will ever exist except in MY Mwambi, but it's good to see the Pathfinder APs go further afield in OGL stuff than Tome of Horrors. Thanks!
