Tony C.'s page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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jemstone wrote:

If I was still living in Milpitas...

Want me to check to see if any of my SFBA friends have space in their groups?

Hey Jemstone! I'd be incredibly grateful if you inquired if your SFBA friends had any open slots. That's very generous of you :)

Kate Baker wrote:

I know it's not quite what you're asking for, but we do have a bustling PFS scene in the area: events listed here. It might scratch your gaming itch, and a lot of campaigns form with players who meet through Organized Play.

And welcome back to the Bay Area!

I appreciate the welcome and the information, Kate! I may end up looking into PFS, even if it isn't exactly what I'm looking for. At the very least, it's another option and I'm always happy to have more options!