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anything can become broken or unbalanced. I love taking your terrible classes and wrecking people with them. For instance I'm playing a Fetchling Swashbuckler in a magic rich setting and by level 12 through some wonderous adventuring have a 32 Dex and a base AC of 42. Rarely do i get touched by anything and the whole party knows that i could decimate them in an instant. The CRB is mostly mirrored what it was from 3.5, the feats changed (and might be due for some finessing.) Mostly it's about finding your own balance, like not letting a swashbuckler use the Crane Style feat chain, or a player wizard show up as a Drow Noble. (GM almost wiped the party when he found out one of the guys in our group was a noble and not a normal drow.) Keep at it, Plug in the templates, ramp up the hps or stats little by little and find your own rythm. Like Raynulf said. ![]()
As of now I haven't seen anyone mention it, but on page 65 of the pdf under the Warpriest Blessings Destruction blessing seems to bleed right over Earth Blessing. There is no Earth Blessing title or listed deities. It just ends destruction and adds earth powers. Oops? Haha actually looking at it is quite ironic as they have the Glory Blessing and associated deities listed at the bottom of the page and starting powers at the next. ![]()
Well as the standard, earliest a character can gain this combo of Butterfly Sting and Sieze The Moment is a Fighter level 9 right? So the only way to chain it is to have them have two fighters make the same combo. Now I particularly want to make this absolutely dumb, say two Elf Fighter 9 (no particular archetype atm.) using Heroic NPC stats and two level bonuses we make Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Sure you could take different feats or use different races but this seems like a fun way to place them at. Our stat's aren't overly impressive but lets look at this 1 AoO per normal, +3 AoO from Combat Reflexes, +1 AoO when wielding specified 'Elven' weapons, so 5 AoO's a round. Paired Opportunists gives you an AoO when an ally takes an AoO against an enemy you threaten (Even if you normally wouldn't get one, still only 1 AoO per provoking action, etc.) and Sieze the Moment grants the ally an AoO when you confirm a crit, and of course Butterfly Sting for abusing. So we can look like this +15 to hit (non-magical, non-masterwork rapier, with our +2 Weapon Training in Light Blades) and we deal 1d6+6 damage on a regular hit. If we are adjacent to our combo buddy we gain a +4 bonus to hit with AoO's so we would swing in at +19 to hit (or higher.) Elf 1 hits and confirms a critical, defers for Butterfly Sting, Elf 2 uses AoO 1 for Sieze the Moment it's likely he hits with his AoO and gets an 'Auto-Confirm' and defers his crit for Butterfly Sting, and since Elf 2 made an AoO Elf 1 makes his 1st AoO which most likely hits and would also auto-confirm? which would provoke a second Sieze the Moment? or would it trigger the Paired Opportunist? Either way this can happen at most 5 times a round? It still seems kinda funny to do though. Anyone else have a super abusive idea? ![]()
Ok I see that we are allowing the same 'Lance is a two-handed weapon' clause to add the 50% bonus on Power Attack while wielding the lance in one hand and that is where the main difference is. I did mention the difference in to hit numbers barring a GM fiat in allowing the RAW/RAI on the two-handed weapon in one hand to qualify for Furious Focus. I did forget to mention the Higher Ground part, good catch there. So my math for the two-handed lance in two hands is correct. And the only difference is the extra 50% damage from Power Attack in one handing the lance while mounted and charging. (Which unfortunately would also fall under a GM Fiat, I did the math that it falls as a one handed weapon that way because mostly my GM's are douches who hate one shot's and abhor the power of an optimized summoner/eidolon combination.) Well at least I now have a point of reference on my mounted combat character I plan on running shortly. I am thankful for your reply and the additional information on Mounted Lances and Power Attack/Furious Focus. ![]()
Really hate to thread necro this but the math seems a scant off.
14(BAB) + 4(Mounted Charge) + 4(Sword Morale) + 7 (Str Mod) + 3(Enhancement Bonus)= 32 (to hit) -4 Power Attack = +28 to hit.
1d8 +39 19-20/x3 (Mighty Charge doubles threat range on a charge. Non stacking level 11 feature) If we lost shield and held lance in two hands.
so we result in a one handed lance charging at +28 1d8+39
Two Handed Lance Charge +32 1d8+46. (+32 3d8+138 Spirited Charge) [+32 to confirm Extra 2d8+92 on a crit.]
Anyone else think that's correct? not that it matters anymore lol ![]()
Just a quick question on Warlord Gambits, the Bull Rush is not the same as an Overrun right? Yet I cannot understand why we don't have a gambit for that? It seems like a tasty option or does that fall under Cavalry Gambit? Cavalry Gambit:
Risk: The warlord attempts a successful mounted charge attack or overrun maneuver against a target creature. Reward: The warlord’s opponent’s defense is unbalanced; the warlord and his allies gain a bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on attacks opportunity against that foe until the warlord’s next turn. Am I correct in assuming that the aforementioned 'mounted charge' also applies a 'mounted' to the overrun? If yes could it not read as such or mention trample, otherwise it's use unmounted should have been a separate gambit that may or may not have been mentioned in Gatecrasher gambit? I feel like I'm posing annoying questions, but when the warlord has access to Primal Fury and Golden Lion he seems like a charger build, particularly Golden Lion Charger and Iron Hide Stance (Which treats us as large for CMB/CMD for Bull Rush and Overrun attempts) when Charge Through is such a delicious feat coupled with Martial Charge and lets us overrun things in our way to our main target. Perhaps I'm screaming for abuse and awaiting a designer/Game Master to throw a book at me for power gaming. Has anyone clarified Martial Charge if it is restricted to Standard Action maneuvers, or if we get our Full Round Attack maneuvers on our charge. I'm sensing a huge change in balance/power, most of the full rounds are already a charge, or some sort of attack and movement option so i can't tell how much it hurts balance to allow those to be used with a charge say normal speed if using a full round maneuver and regular double speed charge with a standar action maneuver. (Off the wall feat addition, Rhino Charge from Sargava : The Lost Colony lets you ready an action to charge [which come to think of it most GM's just let you specify such] would that work with using a charge maneuver or not since the charge maneuver stipulates 'full round' or how about using it in conjunction with Martial Charge?) Any feedback is appreciated. James ![]()
I was going back through my Stalker build and noticed a redundancy. What is the point of Deadly Insight as a Stalker Art? At 5th level we gain the same worded ability from our Ki Pool just for having reached 5th level. Ki Pool:
"At 5th level, the stalker may use his deadly
strikes in conjunction with his combat insight to “read” his opponent’s defenses and deliver devastating blows beyond his foe’s guard. The stalker spends one point of ki as a swift action to read his target opponent, and may apply his deadly strike to all martial strikes initiated by the stalker for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier against this target. If the stalker scores a successful critical hit against the target while this ability is active, then he activates deadly strikes as normal." Deadly Insight:
"Deadly Insight (Su): The stalker may use his
deadly strikes in conjunction with his combat insight to “read” his opponent’s defenses and effortlessly attacks beyond his foe’s guard. The stalker spends one point of ki as a swift action to read his target opponent, and may apply his deadly strike to all of his attacks for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier against this target. If the stalker scores a successful critical hit against the target while his deadly strike ability is active, the duration of this ability is extended by one round (no more than one extension can be made per round)." Ok on a second read through the Ki Pool allows for its use with Martial Strikes, and Deadly Insight allows for all attacks? Why not just roll this into one ability in the Ki Pool, is that too OP? Just curious if anyone else hadn't mentioned this prior. James ![]()
From the PoW: Supplemental Content prestige classes a few notes. Dragon Fury Stances Known:
"Stances Known: At 3rd level you learn a new martial
stance from the Broken Blade, Primal Fury, and Thrashing Dragon Disciplines. You must meet the stances prerequisites to learn it." Chart shows 3rd and 8th level, text only mentions 3rd level. Also as written it makes me want a new stance from all 3 since it says 'and,' would be less confusing as 'or' like "At 3rd and 8th level you learn a new martial stance from the Broken Blade, Primal Fury or Thrashing Dragon Disciplines. You must meet the stances prerequisites to learn it."
"At levels 3rd, 6th and 9th levels, you gain an additional maneuver readied per day, and and 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels he may exchange a known maneuver for a different
maneuver that he qualifies for." (Emphasis mine) Mage Harrier Stance.:
"The benefits of this
ability end if the mage hunter assumes a martial stance until or unless the mage hunter abandons his stance as a swift action." Is the UNTIL a portion of a previous sentence? Or is it leading to something that we lost. (Emphasis mine) I really wish we had the Umbral Blade a while ago, seems like the prefect class to take my Fetchling Swashbuckler into... Oh the son of shadows shall return to the shadows. Tommy Vaceck svirneblin rogue and criminal mastermind.
Well I'm not the first to Thread Necro here, so i suppose thanks to Garvdart lol... Well since you weren't a fan of the Create Pit + Create Pit idea, what if you Stone Shaped first and then Create Pit inside your newly "Stone Shaped Pit" on the bottom. Sure they are down there and then you can Stone Shape again to cover the Create Pit with the earth that was there. It avoids the Extra-dimensional possible hang ups and then they can get out of the pit and into a layer of stone that will trap and suffocate them. Or better yet, cast Maze...
So I say Maze + Stone Shape is efficient for not allowing any save. (Not always easy to make a DC 20 Intelligence check, and who prepares Plane Shift on a regular basis?) ![]()
actually there is the scent rage power, and if i'm not mistaken a feat for orc/half-orcs to give them scent as well? Keen Scent (APG 164) *SMASHED* you could still be human and take the Racial Heritage feat for Keen Scent, that still leaves darkvision out. I mean he's the Hulk not a Predator... Actually that sounds like a fun match up. ![]()
Avianfoo said wrote:
Hey you know let me put it this way on a joust your lance starts pretty vertical... you then "Overhand Chop" it down to connect with your target, voila the "Overhand Chop Spirited Charge Lance" edit: added relevant quote for hilarity ![]()
How much versatility does he need? Because he would be using Overhand Chop to gain that extra half of his strength on the first swing. If he later levels more in two-handed fighter then he gets twice his strength modifier on a full attack for swings after the first via Backswing. Although i believe the wording is going to keep him from getting twice his strength modifier on all his attacks. Overhand chop states single attack thus negating it's benefit on a full attack. Level 7 gets Backswing and adds it on the later swings after the first attack only in a full attack action. I suppose a 3 level dip isn't terrible but that moves the level 17 barbarian ability to your capstone, which you are no longer fatigued after a rage, he'd get that at 20. Reason #1:
Personally he doesn't get much from the dip, it makes his one Rage/Sword/Charge hurt a little more assuming he has an 18 STR, when he rages that nets him a 22 STR +6 mod. this means that he would add +9 to a two handed weapon damage while raging, or a +12 on a single attack (As a standard/ charge action) great if he is going to move and charge, or Vital Strike. That would be at level 6 which may be a boon coupled with Power Attack and Furious Focus.
A straight on level 11 Barbarian gets Greater Rage for a +6 bonus. Lets assume he has pumped his strength at 4 and 8, for a 20 strength (+5 mod) He rages for a 26 STR (+8 mod) and would do +12 damage with a two-handed weapon. This gains an extra 4 damage for +16 (If he makes it to 14 with the 3 level dip) Overall I would say that the Rage Powers might outweigh the extra 2 feats and bonus damage on a limited attack option. Reason #2:
The real beauty is level 15 Two-handed Fighter. 100% increase in Power Attack damage with a two handed weapon. Lets be honest as a fighter with Weapon Training AND quite possibly Weapon Focus, you can afford a -X penalty to hit, and unlike everyone else you get a 4*X damage bonus. At level 15 it would be a -4 Penalty to hit, for an extra 8 damage (one handed weapons) normal characters get +12 damage with a two-handed weapon, You my friend get +16. At level 20 it grows to +24 damage, not to mention you can standard action attack at -5 and it's an Auto Crit Threat, (Roll to confirm for 1 level, because at 20 you auto confirm) I suggest him sticking it out with Barbarian or if he can get a rebuild then to do so. But the Two-Handed Fighter route isn't going to help him be that much more versatile when combined with Barbarian, he drops the shield and starts a rage thats a net loss of 4 AC (on average) and a slight gain on a single attack. Nothing is gained for full attacking. My $2.20 as it were, sorry for the extended post. ![]()
The question about the Positive Energy Plane is if he does explode in a brilliant burst of light... where wil his body reform when his regeneration kicks him back to 1? if it's on the PEP then great go turbo loop. just wait for a very upset GM to piss on your loop by making something bring him back. Otherwise he'll just make it regenerate back in its lair... no wins for anyone. ![]()
Here is an interesting thought, What would happen if you beat down the Tarrasque and then summoned and bound a Memitim Psychopomp to the area where it was at? The Memitim has an interesting ability going for it, Terminal Aura (Su) which submits any creature within 50 feet at -1 hp to a Bleed spell if it fails a DC 23 Will save.
The Tarrasque states Regeneration (Ex) No form of attack can suppress the tarrasque’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. So my question here is whether the Memitims Terminal Aura counts as an attack? I understand that it won't 'kill' the creature because the moment the Memitim is removed the regeneration would resume, but would it not stand to reason that it would keep the beast down for as long as it was subjected. I'm just wondering which of these RAW supercedes the others you know? Such as other specific rules allowing Keen or Improved Critical to be augmented by class effects, (Tome of Secrets broken Swashbuckler I'm looking at you) unfortunately I'm not positive what other effects happen like this, so I would appreciate some insight. ![]()
I would disagree that starvation wouldn't kill the Tarrasque. His giant lumbering self would just wander off to another region with food, and or return to the core of the planet to hibernate before he starved and just come back later on hungry again. So might it kill him? i suppose it might, but good luck detaining him to the point that he actually starves to death instead of hibernating for another 1000 years. ![]()
Uldain the Slayer
Init +8; Senses Perception +22
AC 40, touch 23, flat-footed 33 (+8 armor, +6 Dex, +5 deflection, +1 Insight, +7 Shield, +1 Dodge, +2 Defiant Magical Beasts) hp 244 (20d10+120) Fort +23, Ref+ 18, Will+ 13; +5 vs. effects targeting a Greatsword held. Defensive Abilities Weapon Guard (Greatsword) +5, Mirror Move, Immunity to bleed; DR 2/-, Damage Resistance Electricity (2) OFFENSE:
Speed 30 ft., 40 ft. (boots) Melee Tarrasque Fang;+4 Bane (Magical Beasts) Impact, Speed Adamantine Greatsword +40/+40/+35/+30/+25 (3d6+26/17-20/x3 plus 2d6 vs. Magical Beasts) Power Attack Tarrasque Fang +40/+40/+29/+24/+19 (3d6+44/17-20/ x3 plus 2d6 vs. Magical Beasts) Special Attacks weapon mastery (Greatsword), weapon training (Greatsword +5), Reliable Strike (4/day), Deadly Critical (3/day), Unstoppable Strike STATISTICS:
Str 28, Dex 22, Con 20, lnt 14, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +20; CMB +31; CMD 52, (57 vs Disarm, Sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Crippling Critical, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Critical Versatility - Exhausting Critical, Devastating Strike, Dodge, Furious Focus, Greater Penetrating Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Improved Critical (Greatsword), Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Penetrating Strike, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Stunning Assault, Tiring Critical, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Weapon Specialization (Greatsword) Skills Acrobatics +27 (+36 Jump), Climb +10, Knowledge Arcana +23, Knowledge Dungeoneering +21, Knowledge Local +7, Knowledge Nature +8, Knowledge Planar +8, Knowledge Religion +8, Linguistics +3, Perception +22, Survival +10 (+14 Underground), Swim +10 Languages Common, Giant, Ulphen, Aklo SQ Log Roller (Forest), Reactionary Combat Gear Stone Horse (Destrier); Other Gear + 5 Defiant (Magical Beasts), Fortification (Moderate), Stanching Eel Hide Studded Leather, + 5 Animated, Arrow Catching, Arrow Deflection Paueliel Heavy Wooden Shield, belt of physical perfection +6, Boots of Striding and Springing, Boots of the Cat (not equipped), cloak of resistance +5, Darklands Goggles, Deliquescent Gloves, Hand of Glory, Handy Haversack, Headband of Unshakeable Resolve (3/Day), Ioun Stone (Dusty Rose Prism), Ioun Stone ( pale green prism), Manual of War (1/Day), Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Regeneration, 4,718 gp Alright basic here is to power attack him into submission, while the rest of the team would finish whatever means it is to keep him down. The +4 Bane sword should bypass his DR 15/Epic as it functions as a +6 weapon. GM is being a pain then you still reduce his DR by 10 by Greater Penetrating strike. When you go to close, (possibly riding the Stone Horse in and leaping off with an impressive Acrobatics check) using Spring Attack to get up close with him, Greater Vital Strike W/PA should deal the following
Then you continue to rain blows down on his poor little head, at 3d6+46/17-20/x3(4) plus 2d6. When you connect with a full round of attacks the bare minimum adds up. 49 damage *(5 attacks + crit multipliers) + 10 or 255 damage a round with no crits. Every Critical you should apply the Crippling Critical effect (even if the GM defends it only lasting 1 round that is still a round where it has half speed. Exhausting Critical is also great as there is no save involved. You have a DC 34 effect on criticals involving a save, so even the Tarrasque fails on a 2. ![]()
Claxon said wrote: I agree whole heartedly. A barbarian build with raging brutality could be churning out +60 in static damage per attack, plus Come and Get Me when the Tarrasque attacks (assuming within range). Who cares if he blows through all his rounds of rage taking down the Tarrasque. You see this is why you make him a Half-Orc. (or a human with the Half-Orc heritage feat) It opens up Gore Fiend (prereqs = Orc or Half-Orc, Rage) which gets you back a round of rage every time that you Crit or are Crit. It won't quite make up for the Raging Brutality's extra 3 rounds. But the chances of critting with a 15-20 Falchion are what? ![]()
I would have to concur with the Tarrasque on the ability drain. Isn't the drain considered a form of "Permanent Wounds" that can be cured by the Restoration spell. And if it would qualify as "Permanent Wounds" as such the Tarrasque is stated as being immune. I don't know what exactly James Jacobs stated as the reason the Tarrasque was immune but it seems to make sense. MacGurgles said wrote:
I don't see how that drops the Tarrasque in one round? Then again I'm not keen on the Double-Barreled Gun's interaction with Haste and Rapid Shot. I'm assuming that you would feat/ Class Feature to reload both barrels as a free action, and they fire both barrels at once? So 6 touch attacks (with both barrels?) would be 50 * 12 shots or 600 damage? dropping the Tarrasque to -75, putting it down for 2-3 rounds, (that is making an assumption you have overcome the DR 15/Epic)This is why I had asked for a build post, kinda like taking a math test. (They like it when you show your work.) Great ideas, please keep them coming guys. ![]()
I was messing around in Hero Lab and built a decent Weapon Master Fighter archetype and got to wondering, If this guy can dish out more than 40 points of damage regularly, what back up would he need to beat the tarrasque? And then I thought what would the smallest team be that could tank the tarrasque? I know it isn't quite like Final Fantasy VII (as in not everyone can caste Haste, Wall>All and Final Attack>Revive combos) But I think there is a possibility for a 2 or 3 man team to do it. So I propose a challenge. Create a level 20 character, 25 point buy, with 20th WBL gold (880,000gp)and post the results here. Or create your team and post them as well. I actually have a group of friends willing to run this with me so if you have a strategy as far as the characters general tactics and prepared spells etc, it would be helpful. Please cite any feats, traits, etc that are from chronicle books or other splats. Prefer not to use a terrible amount of 3rd party material, as I'm sure this Fighter could benefit from Vampiric strike feat (Who wouldn't benefit from healing 1/5th of the damage they deal?) ![]()
I have actually played a Green Lantern build from level 6 to 16.
As far as bloodline powers go, pick the arcane bond first, as a ring of course. And from there you get to pick which powers you take at each level between your bloodlines, as well as your bloodline spells. For spell selection it's good to focus on conjuration, but i picked mostly trap and slowing spells with a few damaging spells in between. Shadow Weapon lets you conjure a weapon as 1st level. Web is a good trap spell. Of course Magic Missile and Acid Arrow are nice too. As you keep getting higher spell levels you can add on Chains of Perdition and Resilient Sphere (Especially if they aren't a caster and will fit inside the bubble you make.) I did it mostly all for flavor, and i'm not sure about which other powers you want from this guy, But I feel that this is a fairly solid build. ![]()
MagiMaster wrote: If you're going to make it continuous anyway, just use caster level 1. (IIRC) The only benefit you get for the higher CL is that it makes it harder to dispel, which isn't worth tripling the price for. I went back and re-read the Magic Item Creation rules and this is about all i came up with. "PF Core Rulebook"' wrote:
So in RAW it says you can lower your caster level, but maybe it's just RAI since 3.5 had required minimum caster levels on Wondrous Items, I was pretty sure you had to stay at making the item with at least CL 3. If anyone can show cause for that I would love to see it, because there are a lot of spells i would use at a lower caster level to make items that would make anyone ridiculous. ![]()
Quiver(Pouch) of Abundant Ammunition... Reqs Craft Wondrous Item (CL3)
Final cost is 12,000G... The real cheap skate could justify a cheaper version as a use activated item. Spell level 1 * Caster Level 3 * 1,800G... 5,400G final price... Standard Action command word activation (not limited by number of uses per day) acts as if a 3rd level caster cast Abundant Ammunition on the pouch giving you 3 minutes of never ending ammo. Only worry about higher level battles which last longer than 30 rounds, in which you just charge up again. ![]()
Ok so crazy builds aside how would you build the DC Universe?
I have seen people talk about Hawkeye as an Archer Fighter archetype or the Zen Archer Monk archetype, Feats are what makes the class line between those builds. With the Archer i tend to focus on the Snap Shot route, and the Zen Archer just utilizes his Flurry of Bows to make many more shots than any other bow character, (short of a Volley into a group of enemies). I agree that Iron Man should be along the lines of a Synthesist Summoner. It's that or a very intense Wizard that focuses on building Constructs and then installing Phlogiston Cores into them. (Phlogiston Constructs from Rite Publishings Book of Monster Templates) it allows you to put a space where you can actually put a creature inside the construct. The Hulk is a Rage Chemist with the emphasis on Mutagens. Captain America utilizes the Throwing Shield and all of the Shield Fighter archetype, (or at least the shield feats.) But how about the Flash? A Monk who takes the Fleet feat? But how would we make him even faster? Without magic items preferably, Is there anyone who can think of a haste duplicator? Or something that allows the use of Pounce or the Lions Charge spell? Bounce some ideas of off me please! |