One part of a 2 headed troll

TombRobber's page

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wraithstrike wrote:

The brass knuckles are going to be errata'd like they were in the equipment book. SKR has already said that line was an error.

In short if the GM goes by intent, and not by RAW the brass knuckles won't help, which is why I did not mention them.

edit: One of many links

<shrugs> OK, so maybe it's no good for a PFS game, but we don't religiously follow errata and developer FAQs at my table. If a rule changes from what's in the book I bought, I'll probably never know about it unless I stumble upon it on some random thread here.

Anyway, to me the line in question makes sense, and will likely be extended to cestus and the like in our games. Having to say "I'm sorry, the plated spiky gloves you're wearing make your attack do less damage" seems more than a bit silly to me...