Tomael92 |
I'm currently playing through Mummy's Mask with Drelm and I'm looking at the following power in his Vaultkeeper role:
Vaultkeeper Drelm wrote:
When you encounter a card, before you act, you may recharge a card that has the Abadar trait to draw a random weapon, armor or item from the box. After you act, banish that card
I'm wondering what happens if the card is no longer in my hand after acting, if there would be any way of bypassing banishing that card. I assume that if I manage to recharge the card or put it in my deck in any way, it may be unaccessible to banish it afterwards, although this may be difficult to achieve with most boons of those types. I suppose that if it's in my discard pile, it's still totally accessible for me to banish afterwards. What if I bury it with something like Effigy of Maat?
In general, is this a good power feat to have? What are its uses and how can it be taken a advantage of?