Tom was born and raised in the village of Redfield in northern Nirmathas.
Tom had always been a tad odd. Folks said he had some of the old Whatley blood in him, but never where his father could here. Truth was the strange traits of that side of the family were strong in Tom.
When his mother caught him staring one too many time at the black places between the stars the family knew something needed to be done.
the family had once sold some land to a priest of Neyths who tried to settle in their small town. She ultimately moved away but the family kept in touch. They sent Tom to meet her in the city of Tamran.
Tom's studies under the priest progressed quickly, but it was soon clear that Tom would never wear the mask of nethys. So the priestess called in a favor and Tom was apprenticed to a mage of her acquaintance.
The apprenticeship was short and unpleasant. The mage was an unsuitable teacher for Tom. Demanding and with very strong views on magic. He taught Tom enough for him to survive and then sent him into the world to "wipe that damned smile off his face."
Tom caught the coach to glade simply because it was about to leave as he walked up. He has found the village much to his liking. He enjoys the forest and the local ale. A few of the eligible young people of the settlement have begun to cast eyes at him though he has yet to really notice.
Combat stats:
Perception +6/8
-Fortitude, +1
-Reflex, +1/3
-Will +2
AC/Flatfoot AC 11/10
Touch AC 11
CMD 11
Hit Points: 10
Initiative +1
Speed 30/20
Spells per day.
Arcane bond
~Mage Hand
~Dancing lights
First level 2
~sleep dc14 will
~silent image dc14 will
Second Level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
Sixth level
Seventh level
Eighth level
Ninth level
Spells known.
First Level:DC 14
Color Spray (will)
Crafter's Fortune
Mage Armor
Silent Image (will)
Sleep (will)
Traits and Feats:
Focused Mind +2 concentration
Militia Veteran Ride is a class skill
Human, Cosmopolitan, Perception and Sense Motive
First level, Toughness
Wizard 1, scribe scroll
Club, used as walking stick.
Dagger on belt left side
Light Crossbow worn on back
Quiver belt right side.
Backpack, Old but of high quality
-Winter Blanket
-Cooking kit
-Flint and Steel
-Five man/days rations
-Traveling spell-book
-Water skin
-Writing case (scroll case)
--Ink, black 1oz
--Two ink pens
--Five parchment sheets
Reddish leather belt pouch
-50' of string
Grayish leather belt pouch
-Sewing needle and thread
Rabbit fir spell component pouch.
Black leather spell component pouch.
Extraction supplies.
12 person days rations
2 spare sets of clothing
Healers kit.
Unassigned party loot, xp and notes:
20gp from Halfling killed by spiders.
small figurine shaped like a swan with wings extended from spider
clear vial containing a shimmering, silver-colored liquid from spider
gemstone of medium size and amber color, brilliantly faceted from spider
Fox familiar, Aesop.
The arcanist is a universalist wizard who has dedicated himself to mastery of the arcane bond. Through careful reflection on the nature of the bond, the arcanist can gain a realization that it is not the form of the bond that matters, but instead the relationship between the wizard and the bond.
Bondsman: At 1st level, an arcanist gains a heightened understanding of the arcane bond class feature. Each arcanist begins play with one object suitable for bonding at no charge. This object incorporates the likeness of a creature of a type chosen from the familiar list by the wizard. Each day, when the wizard chooses spells, he must declare whether he wishes his bond to be applied to the object itself (granting an extra spell as the standard object bond) or to a familiar (as the standard familiar bond, or as an improved familiar if the improved familiar feat has been selected). If the arcanist chooses to bond to a familiar, the object transmutes into a standard familiar of the type chosen for the object. This ability replaces hand of the apprentice.
Bond Mastery: At 8th level, the arcanist enjoys a complete mastery of the Arcane Bond. As a full-round action, the arcanist may alter his bond, choosing either a bonded object or any familiar from the familiar list (or the improved familiar list, if the improved familiar feat has been selected). You can use this ability a number of times per
day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier, but can only use it if the extra spell granted by the bonded object has not been cast. Once the extra spell is cast, the bonded object can not be altered until the arcanist memorizes spells on the next day. This ability replaces metamagic mastery.