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Tom Arpat's page

108 posts. Alias of Anderlorn.

Full Name

Tom C. Armpat


Fast Hero/Technician, LVL1, HP:9/9, AC:18/T:17/FF:14, Initiative:+4, F:+1&4/R:+5/W:+1, Speed:35


Craft(mechanical):+6, Craft(structural):+6, Drive:+8, Knowledge(Physical Sciences):+6, Pilot:+8, Repair:+6, Tumble:+8


**INACTIVE(D20 ZPOC)** Human Male Adult





Special Abilities

Fast Hero Talents and Bonus Feats


Chaotic Good


Christian, currently Agnostic


Outskirts of Atlanta, GA




Former Architect, now on The Job Training Zombie Apocalypse Survivalist

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Tom Arpat

Tom's Pre-Z Image

Tom Arpat, Medium Sized, Chaotic Good, Fast Hero 1, Occupation: Technician (Architectural Focus)

Tom's Zombieland Motto: "Movement is Life"

Init +4; Senses Spot: , Listen:

AC 18, Touch 17, Flat-Footed 14 (DB +3, Dex +4, Armor +1, Base +10)
HP 9 (1D8+1), Defense Bonus(DB): +3
Fort +1/+4 (+1 CN, Cl 0/+4 Feat), Ref +5 (+4 DX, +1 Cl), Will +1 (+1 Wis, +0 Cl)
Special Endurance, Increased Speed +5


Spd 35 (Base 30, Talent +5)



A. Melee BaB: +2 (+0 BaB, +2 STR)

1. Unarmed Fighting - Attack: +2, Damage 1d3+2, Range: 5', Type: B, Special: Non-Lethal

2. Long Crowbar (Club) - Attack: +2, Damage 1d6+1, Range: 10', Type: B

3. Pistol Whip - Attack: +2, Damage 1d4+1, Range: 5', Type: B



A. Range BaB: +4 (+0 BaB, +4 DEX)

1. Beretta 92F (USMC M9) 9mm - Attack: +4, Damage 2d6, Critical: 20, x4, Type: (B), Range: 40', RoF: S, Special: Silencer, Ranged Touch Attack

2. HK PSG1 - 7.62mm Sniper Rifle - Attack: +5, Damage 2d10, Critical: 20, x4, Type: (B), Range: 90', RoF: S, Special: Considered Mastercraft, Ranged Touch Attack

(B) = Ballistic


(1) 9mm Magazine (15/15) - Loaded
(3) 9mm Magazines (15/15)
(0/4) 9mm Magazines Unloaded

(1) 7.62mm Magazine (5/5) - Loaded
(4) Loose 7.62mm rounds
(0/1) 7.62mm Magazine Unloaded




Str 14(+2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 15 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Base Atk +0;
Reputation Bonus: +0
Action Points: 5
Class Features (2) Free Feats at 1st Level, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Talents at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level from the Defensive and Increased talent trees, Bonus feats at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th level.
Feats Simple Weapon Proficiency, Personal Firearm Proficiency, Endurance, Armor Proficiency (light),
Talents Increased Speed (by 5),
Class Skills Balance (Dex), Craft (mechanical, structural) (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (current events, popular culture, streetwise, physical sciences) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none), and Tumble (Dex).
Languages English
Combat Gear Heavy Leather Jacket, Long Crowbar (Club), Beretta 92F(USMC M9)(9mm) w\ Silencer, (4) 9mm Mags.
Other Seasonal Casual Clothing, Baseball Cap
Food & Drink Scavenging
Gold & Valuables 1 SH
SQ Paranoia

Special Abilities:


1. Increased Speed: The Fast hero’s base speed increases by 5 feet.


1. Simple Weapons Proficiency

Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Normal: A character without this feat takes the –4 nonproficient penalty when making attacks with simple weapons.

2. Personal Firearms Proficiency

Benefit: The character can fire any personal firearm without penalty.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms.

3. Endurance

Benefit: The character gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: hourly Swim checks to avoid becoming fatigued, Constitution checks to continue running, Constitution checks to hold the character’s breath, Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves to avoid damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves to resist suffocation or drowning.
Also, the character may sleep in medium or light armor without becoming fatigued.
Normal: A character without this feat who sleeps in armor is automatically fatigued the following day.

4. Armor Proficiency (light)

Benefit: When a character wears a type of armor with which he or she is proficient, the character gets to add the armor’s equipment bonus to his or her Defense. Also, the armor check penalty applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble checks.
Normal: A character who wears armor with which he or she is not proficient adds only the armor’s non-proficient equipment bonus to his or her Defense. Also, he or she suffers its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving.


Skill Details:

Starting Skill Points (5 + 2 Int) x 4 = 28
Skill Points Per Level after 1st: 1(5+2) = 7

Trained Skills!
Untrained Skills*
Trained Only Skills~
Class Skills$


Computer Use*(INT)
Craft(mechanical)!~$(INT) +6 (4 + 2 Int)
Craft(structural)!*$(INT) +6 (4 + 2 Int)
Decipher Script~(INT)
Disable Device~(INT)
Drive!*$(DEX) +8 (4 + 4 Dex)
Escape Artist*$(DEX)
Gather Information*(CHA)
Handle Animal~(CHA)
Knowledge~(INT) N/A[/b]
Knowledge(Physical Sciences)!~$(INT) +6 (4 + 2 Int)
Move Silently*$(DEX)
Pilot!~$(DEX) +8 (4 + 4 Dex)
Read/Write Languages$(N/A)
Repair!~$(INT) +6 (4 + 2 Int)
Sense Motive*(WIS)
Sleight of Hand~$(DEX)
Speak Language~$(N/A)
Treat Injury*(WIS)
Tumble!*$(DEX) +8 (4 + 4 Dex)

STR (+2), Dex (+4), Con (+1), Int (+3), Wis (+2), Cha (+1)

+total = rank(s) + att mod + race\tool mod


Equipment Details:


Body: Seasonal Casual Clothing (Free, 5 lbs)
Head: Baseball cap
Chest: Heavy Leather Jacket (10 SH, 4 lbs), HK PSG-1 (slunged)
Pockets: (3) 9mm Magazines
Waist: Police Utility belt with holster, Beretta 92F w\Silencer(holster), PR-24 ring, taped long crowbar(PR-24 ring), flashlight with holster.
Hands: Leather Gloves (free, incl clothing)

Total Cost: 10
Total Weight: 9

Weapons and Ammunition

1. Long crowbar (Club) (4 SH, 3 lbs)
2. Beretta 92F (USMCS M9) (Para, 4 lbs)
3. (4) 9mm mags (loaded - 60 rounds)
4. HK PSG-1
5. (1) 762mm mag (loaded 5 + 4)

Total Cost: 4
Total Weight: 7

Total Weight Carried 20
Light 58 lb. or less, Med 59-116 lb., Heavy 117-175 lb.


Background, Physical Description & Personality:

***Quick Character Details***
Name Tom Arpat
Age 25
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2"
Weight 200, Skinny Build
Hair Dirty Blond
Eye Color Hazel
Alignment Chaotic Good
Token Deity Christian, currently Agnostic
Occupation Former Architect, now on The Job Training Zombie Apocalypse Survivalist


Tom was born into what would be considered a tight knit, stable, and normal middle class family. When he was 12, his Father and Grandfather took him hunting and he enjoyed it so much, he received a rifle for Christmas that would be kept at his grandfather's house until he was old enough to own it responsibly [Personal Firearms Proficiency]. In high school, Tom excelled in math, drafting, auto shop, track and field, and was the star wide receiver for his high school football team [Fast Hero Talent - Increased Speed, and Armor Proficiency, Light]. During the weekends and some holidays, Tom worked with his dad and friends in restoring old cars and their own rides [Craft (Mechanical), Repair]. Tom’s football team mates nicknamed him "Pretty boy" and the cheerleaders thought he was cute but too nice for most of them except one, Jenna, who ended up being his girlfriend throughout high school. They would break up as they went their separate ways for college. Tom and Jenna would at first keep close in touch but as time progressed, they would keep less and less in touch moving on with their lives especially since there would now be no 10 year reunion to possibly get reacquainted.

Tom was accepted to the prestigious Southern California Institute of Architecture (Sci-ARC); he majored in architectural engineering with a minor in mechanical engineering [craft (structural) and knowledge (physical sciences)]. Since there were no sports teams at Sci-ARC, Tom would run once a day and play football with his friends when he could to stay in shape. In addition, he would maintain his car from high school to keep up with his skills.

After graduating Sci-ARC, Tom moved to Atlanta, Georgia to work for a large Architecture Firm. Shortly after arriving in Georgia, he drove into the wrong part of town and was robbed at gun point, shot, left for dead. Tom's great endurance allowed him to make it to a hospital and made a full recovery. Ever since then he is very paranoid of strangers and especially during the zombie apocalypse as he witnessed people around him turning into zombies. Before the zombie apocalypse, he was designing structures for corporations, the wealthy, the middle class, and helping groups build homes for the poor for the Architecture Firm. While in Georgia and working for the firm, he was learning how to fly, belong to the local gun club, and purchased a ski-boat to take pretty women and friends out on Lake Lanier. Unfortunately, the airplane is in a zombie infested area and the ski-boat is not really practical right now.

Tom has been alone since that infamous day at the Atlanta Gun Club when it was overrun by crazy cannibals. He was squeezing off a few rounds at the gun club to prevent himself from ever becoming a casualty ever again. Whether it was because no one knew how to kill them, or there weren’t enough shooters, or not enough ammunition, the invading horde which seemed to be attracted by the gunfire overtook the gun range in what appeared to be with ease. Some zombies did go down but more humans were turned into human sushi that day. Since there were so many of them, only one person escaped and one person was turned. The rest were so badly eaten, they didn't have enough meat on their bones too animate or "zombiefy".

Tom had barely managed to escape because he couldn't jump in his car to escape the horde, there simply wasn't enough time to get in, start the car, and get the "beep" out. He actually had to take some of the zombies out for a jog. They chased Tom until something easier presented itself. Since Tom was a gifted wide receiver in high school, the zombies who didn't feel pain or tire out, actually had a hard time catching him in the open. Tom probably could have gone to college on a football scholarship then into the NFL but his passion was in architecture.

Even when the last zombie had stop chasing Tom for "easier" prey, Tom continued to run a marathon that day. He ran out of the suburbs of Atlanta into the country. Of course, the longer he ran, the running reduced in speed as Tom's endurance wane. Tired and hungry, he looked for food, water, and a place to stay. He found a small house he thought was abandoned. Well, it was abandoned of the normal, however there was lurking zombies within that attacked Tom and tried to bite him but instead connected with his leather jacket and not flesh. Tom used his Beretta 92F, which the Marine Corps used as the side arm for years before going back to a Colt 1911 derivative, to dispatch the zombie. Looking at the zombie, Tom thought to himself, "Isn't there a way to escape these things?! Tom cleared the house of any more residing zombies and none were to be found. He ate as much food as he could to recharge his batteries, quenched his thirst, barricaded the door, took a shower and fell asleep. Barely after enough sleep, Tom was awakened by a loud noise at the front door. He jumped out of the bed with his 92F at the ready, "What the F-?!" Then he heard the front door crashing down, without hesitation, Tom headed for the window, picked up a long crowbar and jumped out through the close window as the zombies first jammed up in his door way. Luckily, he crashed through the window like an Western Gunslinger and without a beat, jogged his way from the small house. He was able to get out of sight quickly and the small horde lost track of him.

It has been two very long weeks since his initial escape from the zombie invasion and poor Tom's pre-Z day paranoia has been exasperated by the extinction level event. He is having a hard time meeting up with people; however his meticulous mind is forcing him to find other survivors. Zombies currently have the numbers or what the military labels as Force Multiplier. Tom has found zombie inaccessible roofs to be the safest place to sleep but that will end when winter begins and the temperatures plummet. With a force multiplier, there will be hopefully decent people to watch your back and you watch theirs when it is your time to vigilant.

***Physical Description***

Tom is a tall, well defined, lean young white male adult, with short dirty blood hair. He has hazel eyes and is wearing Summer South East casual clothing, a leather jacket, and a Baseball Cap to keep his hair out of his eyes. Tom walks with a fast confident gate especially in the zombie apocalypse. He is currently holding a long crowbar (club) with dry black blood on it. And there is a black handgun in his waistband.


Tom has a great personality once you get past his paranoid shell and he is a well-rounded individual. Although his most annoying personality trait, is that he talks and walks fast all of the time and has the endurance to keep this up for a while. Tom is very jumpy of new people and very cautious around any permanent and mobile structures (buildings and anything with wheels).

***Virtues, Vices, and Paranoia Triggers***

1. Paranoia Triggers - all new people (are they going to rob him or are they going to turn into zombies?), buildings, and anything with wheels.

2. Not a Hero for Everyone - Due to his paranoia, he is not a hero of strangers.

3. A Calculated (Spock) Hero for the Rest - He uses a quick mathematical calculation(s) to determine the likeliness of success. The result will determine whether Tom helps or not. Love ones have the most lead way, and friends have more than acquaintances.

4. Part Mongoose - Tom talks and walks fast. It is exasperated by psychoactive stimulants such as caffeine.

5. Family Oriented - Before hell was unleashed on Tom, he was a devout family man and was beginning to think of attracting himself a nice woman to be his wife Pre Z-day. Obviously, that will have to wait or never happen.


Combat Stat Block:

Round 0 Initiative 0
HP: 9
AC: 18/14/17
Saves: Fort: +1, Refl: +5, Will: +1.
Speed: 35
Summer South East Casual Clothing
Baseball Cap
Leather Jacket
Long Crowbar (club)
Black Handgun in waistband



Unarmed Fighting - Attack: +2, Damage 1d3+2, Range: 5', Type: B, Special: Non-Lethal
Long Crowbar (Club) - Attack: +2, Damage 1d6+1, Range: 10', Type: B
Pistol Whip - Attack: +2, Damage 1d4+1, Range: 5', Type: B


Beretta 92F (USMC M9) 9mm - Attack: +4, Damage 2d6, Range: 40', Type: B, Special: Silencer, Ranged Touch Attack

Misc Conditions

Paranoia, Endurance
