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Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 3 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sadly, I must cancel my Adventure Path subscription.
I just can't budget it in right now. It's a shame too, I'm enjoying the current AP. I'll be back when I can budget it in again.

Please cancel my pawns subscription. I can't afford it in my current budget.

I wasn't sure where to post this, but my copy of Fangs of War has ghosted, mirrored printing on some pages starting around page 22. I haven't seen this kind of QC issue before and thought I should bring it up.

My Pawns subscription was supposed to start with Hell's Vengeance, not Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection, but it was added to my order. Could someone kindly fix this slight snafu?

The product (Curse of the Crimson Throne) from this order no longer shows in my sidecart awaiting shipment with next subscription. The pending Pathfinder Pawns subscription items have also disappeared.

Could you also deactivate my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription? I've decided pawns are a better way to go.


I would really appreciate a different subject line for a subscription order where the payment was declined. I seem to periodically get issues with the card I use for my subscription, and as a result miss fixing it until after the order should have shipped because I assume that the order is fine by seeing the normal subject line in my e-mail.


1.) Is it possible to pause a subscription for a month, in case an item you have no desire for comes up. I really like the Pathfinder RPG subscription, but I don't have use for the NPC codex type books. I hate to have to cancel and resubscribe when this happens.

2.) Is there any possibility of the pawns for adventure paths becoming part of that subscription?