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About Toby Pearce

Scion of Odin
Name: Toby Pearce
Player: Ancient Dragon Master
Calling: Military Captain/Ragnarok Preparer
Nature: Gambler
Pantheon: Aesir
God: Odin
Strength: 3; Dexterity: 3/1; Stamina: 5/3

Charisma: 3; Manipulation: 2; Appearance: 2

Perception: 3/1; Intelligence: 3/2; Wits: 3
Academics 3
Art (Drawing) 2
Athletics 2 – N/A
Awareness 3
Command 3
Empathy 3
Fortitude 1
Integrity 3
Marksmanship 3
Melee 3
Occult 3
Presence 1
Legend 4 (16/16)
Willpower 7
Jump (Vertically): 5 yards
Jump (Horizontally): 10 yards
Go Without Sleep: 35 days
Go Without Food: 40 days
Go Without Water: 14 days
Hold Breath: 2400 seconds
Move (Base): 4 yards
Move (Dash): 11 yards
DV (Dodge): 5.5
DV (Parry (Labrys)): 4
Lift (Easily): 125 lbs.
Lift (Feat of Strength): 450 lbs.
Work at a Strenous Task: 245 hours
Soak 3A, 6L, 9B
Armor Soak 5L, 8B
My wounds will never be infected
Courage 1
Endurance 3
Expression 1
Loyalty 4
Odin’s old Magic Armor (•••)
This old armor is forged with celestial metal and has symbols of magic & norse gods etched into it.
It grants access to the magic boon.
Soak: 5L, 8B, Fatigue 2

Odin’s older and weaker Labrys (•••)
This Labrys is formed out of a dark magical steel that shifts the weapons weight and positioning in the wielders hands to get a higher chance to hit. It transforms into a pencil that slots easily into a pocket in his armor

Stats: Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +8L, Melee

Magic (•••)

Spells: 1 of each level

Dice Pool: Perception + Empathy
Cost: 1 Legend

A glance at the threads about a particular person can tell much of that person’s capabilities, his weaknesses and the way that he handles problems. With a successful casting of this spell, the magician learns the subject’s highest-level Purview or Epic Attribute. Each additional success scored on the casting roll grants knowledge of the next lower Purview or Epic Attribute. If the subject has multiple abilities at the same level, the Storyteller randomly chooses which ones the caster learns. Note that this spell does not indicate the lack of a particular Purview or Epic Attribute: It simply indicates which ones the target has, starting with the target’s strongest (most defining) powers and proceeding to the weakest.

Dice Pool: Wits + Occult
Cost: 1 Legend

The caster calls upon Fortune for a good luck streak. Each success gives him one die that he can “spend” to add to any dice pool for any rolls he makes for the remainder of the scene. Once he spends all of his Bona Fortuna successes, they are gone; he must cast this spell again if he wants more. He can apportion multiple successes however he wishes, but the maximum Fortune dice he can add to any single roll cannot exceed half his Willpower score.

Inner Furnace

The character rarely lacks for sustenance. As long as he can find some sort of organic substance (from rotting quail eggs to a piece of notebook paper on which someone blew her nose), the Scion can eat it and survive. And as long as he finds a source of water (no matter how stagnant or polluted it might be), he can drink it and survive. Any pestilence or poison lurking in what he consumes burns in the fires of his superior constitution, without even requiring a Fortitude roll. The same goes for drugs or poisons he ingests on purpose, or for any Mickey Finn a ne’er-do-well might try to slip him. He’s still just as susceptible to airborne toxins and any drug injected into his bloodstream, but any drug that has to go through his stomach first stops there.
This Knack does nothing to suppress the gag reflex or make an unappetizing meal taste better.

Perfect Memory

The character remembers everything about his past from before the game started to the current moment in the story. If ever the player forgets a salient point or key bit of information from previous sessions, he has but to ask the Storyteller and the Storyteller will remind him. It’s a good idea for the character’s player to take copious notes on each session’s events and double-check them with the Storyteller, if only to alleviate some of the stress on the Storyteller.

Prerequisite Knack: Inner Furnace (Scion: Hero, p. 129)

The Scion will never lack for sustenance again. Any liquid that can exist at as a liquid at room temperature can sustain him as water sustains a mortal—even such distasteful liquids as gasoline, blood, pine-scented disinfectant or diet cola. The same goes for food. Whereas Inner Furnace requires that the Scion at least consume organic matter in order to fuel the inferno at his core, this Knack loosens even that restriction. The Scion could fill his belly with sand, polystyrene, harmonicas or suture needles and not feel so much of a pang of indigestion. This Knack confers no special ability to chew up or tear off pieces of inorganic material, but anything small enough to swallow disappears down his gullet with no harmful effects and fuels him just as efficiently as normal food.

Spatial Attunement

The Scion is so aware of his surroundings that his other senses (primarily those of hearing and smell) compensate for his eyes in identifying nearby objects outside his line of sight. The Scion could recognize the person sneaking up on him by that person’s telltale scent and mark exactly how far away that person is by the sound of his passing. With one quick glance around the room, the Scion could mark in his mind exactly where every wall and piece of furniture is within. Having done so, he could then navigate the room with his eyes closed, even slipping through a milling crowd of people without bumping into anyone or anything. To a certain extent, the character can perceive what’s going on around him in a 360-degree arc. Also, he suffers no penalties for fighting blind as long as he can hear or smell his opponents.

Internal Refinery
Prerequisite Knack: Devourer (Scion: Demigod, p. 58)

A character with Inner Furnace (see Scion: Hero, p. 129) can eat any organic substance and drink water from any source and be efficiently nourished. A character with Devourer can safely eat literally anything she can force down her gullet. With both Knacks, no poison or toxin in what she eats or drinks has any effect on her. Internal Refinery expands that latter protection to not only poisons or toxins she eats, but all poisons and toxins she’s exposed to, as well as any diseases that mortal flesh might suffer.

In addition, a character with this Knack can refine any poison, toxin or disease to which she is exposed into a single dose of an antidote for that substance or cure to that affliction. If the character spits this antidote or cure out and administers it to an afflicted patient, it completely erases one dose or one exposure to the hazardous substance in the patient’s system. The character must administer this treatment within one scene of the patient’s exposure, and within one action of when she (the character with this Knack) refines the substance into a dose of its cure. The cure doesn’t heal damage from the exposure, but it purges it completely. Refining the deleterious material costs five Legend points per dose.

Speed Reader

The character can read and comprehend with perfect clarity an entire block of text—such as two facing pages of an open book—in the amount of time it takes her to blink. She need only be able to see the entire block clearly enough to focus her eyes on any given word in it.


The Scion functionally has “two right hands”. The Scion can use either hand with equal facility and also suffers no penalties when trying to manipulate an object with his tongue or his toes; even while using some other contorted body part, the Scion suffers only half the usual penalties (rounded down) for the awkwardness of the situation. While the Scion still can’t perform something physically impossible (there’s no way to fit his calf muscle through the trigger guard of a pistol to fire it, for instance), just about any amount of wiggle room is sufficient for the Scion to manipulate objects in surprising ways. The Scion could hang from a tree branch by his toes (perhaps in emulation of Sun Wukong) or could use his tongue to hold a pair of probes and thereby pick a lock. If the Scion manages to gain new and different natural appendages, say by assuming the form of an octopus via the Animal Purview, then his new appendages also benefit from Omnidexterity. Artificial “appendages,” such as a chain or a ruler with a sticky piece of tape on the end, do not gain this benefit, although the Scion could certainly wield such a tool via his hand, foot, mouth or stranger combination of limbs.


Toby Pearce was born in London, England in 1985. He never saw his father and his mother never talked so he assumed he was adopted (looking nothing like her). He grew up with his mother and had a mostly normal childhood.
He joined the army at the age of 18. After his first couple of battles he was promoted to lieutenant. Soon after he was promoted he was in a damgerous battle. He took a risk and it paid off, winning the battle but not without getting seriously injured. He was discharged from the army.

He moved out of england to (where eggellis’s character lives) as to be near the near-world famous doctor. To keep himself supplied he worked on odd jobs, only spending enough to cover the costs of living and put the rest in the bank

After Odin visited he started training for ragnarok.