
Tobias Estancia's page

46 posts. Alias of Kjob.

Full Name

Tobias Estancia


Human (Chelaxian)


Witch 1













Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Tobias Estancia



Tobias, as he is known now, was born and raised in Westcrown. His childhood was largely mundane compared to the many sordid stories you hear about the dark nature of Westcrown. Instead of battling demons, or participating in mutinous uprisings, Tobias lift a quiet life on the outskirts of town helping to tend the family's thriving Alchemical business. They owned a sort of medicine store, adventurers, commoners, and even the occasional nobleman would come to purchase one of his family's many tonics and tinctures. Life was pretty simple, and honestly, pretty good relative to most of Cheliax's population.
To say his life was mundane, is not to mean his life was boring or unremarkable. Unfortunately for Tobias, at around the age of 13, his father, Elias, became deathly ill. The disease was nothing Tobias had ever seen before, and try as they might, none of the potions he had could cure poor Elias. Although the family's business was thriving, they could not afford any of the city's healers. Most healers in Westcrown, it seemed, had taken up the mantle of a business man and felt they'd only offer their services to those that would enter binding contracts or charge prices the family just could not afford. They were able to locate a few adepts, but their services could not fix his father.
Tobias's mother, Melinda, was lost to despair and Tobias knew he had to step up. He went to the Temple of Asmodeus and in a fit of desperation, cut gashes along each arm in sacrifice, praying for the power to heal his father. As Tobias wept at the foot of the altar, his tears, now blood red, began to singe his wounds, painfully cauterizing them shut, leaving gnarled scars winding up his forearms. As though divinely inspired, Tobias returned home and wept at his father's side, his tears, still sanguine, fell upon his father, who suddenly seized, wracked in pain. Minutes later, Elias fell into a deep slumber. When he woke days later, all signs of his illness had gone.

Tobias left his family the day his father awoke, cured, ashamed of what he'd done. His fingernails had turned yellow, and crusty, his skin had become pale and ashy, his hair turned soot black. He was Damned for his sacrifice to Asmodeus. Tobias hoped that perhaps should he act opposite to the edicts of Asmodeus, he may be able to save his soul. He left for the Westcrown Academy of Medicine, eventually gaining the credentials to offer mundane medical assistance . A successful graduate, he has set up shop as a doctor and pharmacist under a new name. He offers his services to young and old, rich and poor, evil and good. Tobias never turns away a patient, regards life as the highest priority. Although he can use his understanding of the body to hurt people, he tries not to, instead convincing them they want to flee instead of fight.
Unbeknownst to him, his will to heal and devotion to life had drawn the attention of certain aspects of nature. One particular spirit, who was particularly curious about Tobias, came to him in the form of a black cat. To Tobias, the cat had just seemed like some stray, so paid it some attention. At first it was an offered saucer of milk, and in return the cat killed the mice that pilfered Tobias's stock room. Then Tobias would let the cat in during weather or the occasional period of civil unrest. Eventually, they were inseparable. Slowly, Tobias was changing. His diagnoses were right more often, his medicine more potent. Potential thieves found themselves discouraged, and patients' conditions changed for the better with no discernible reason. Eventually, Tobias found that his cat was no ordinary feline, Pandora, as he had named her, was...improving his abilities....he was drawing his "medical genius" from her!
Lately, he's noticed something...isn't right in Westcrown...even for Westcrown. Strange injuries and odd diseases. More people than usual are disappearing in the night or winding up dead on the streets for no apparent reason...he's heard there is a group of freedom fighters around...Tobias loves his not sure how he feels about what it is becoming. Life needs to be respected...and is neither of those things in Westcrown, now...perhaps the time for change has arrived? [Spoiler]
Tobias stands before you with a sullen gaze, squinting eyes, and a half bitten lip. "Imp Stain of the eyes is whats causing that yellow ooze," he gives you as his diagnosis. With a half-smile he hands you a bottle of a warm green liquid. "Two drops in each eye three times a day until the next full moon will cure it right up."
His hair is soot black, his fingernails a little crusty...he almost appears to have the infernal touch...but...his voice is soothing, his demeanor calm. He seems very relaxed and compassionate. At 5'10" he is a tall fellow, tall as he is though, he appears a little gaunt and ashy white. His clothes seem modern and stylish, but he is also adorned with random fetishes and a feather necklace. Although his practice is odd for Westcrown, you cant argue with the results!
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Soot-black
Skin: Pale, with gnarled scars across the arms
XP: 0

Hit Points: 10
Initiative: +3
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 12 (10 + 2 Dex)
Touch: 10
Flat-footed: 12
Fortitude: +1 (0 +1 Con)
Reflex: +2 (0 +2 Dex)
Will: +4 (2 +2 Wis)

Base Attack Bonus: +0

Combat Maneuver Bonus: 3 (0 BAB-1 Str) CM DC: 11 (10+ 0 Base -1 Str + 2 Dex)

Sap -1 (1d6-1 20/X2; B; Nonlethal)

Feats and Traits

Desperate Focus (+2 concentration)
Westcrown Firebrand (+1 init, +1 atk roll surprise round)
Brew Potion

Special Abilities

Familiar: Cat
Hex DC 15
Slumber 30 ft Sleep for 1 round

Heal +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Craft (Alchemy) +8, Spellcraft +8, UMD +4

0-DC 14- All
1-DC 15-Burning Hands, Cure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire, Grease, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Faerie Fire

0-Light, Stabilize, Prestidigitation
1-Mage Armor, Grease


3X Potion CLW
2X Scroll of Burning Hands