
TobiasBlues's page

Organized Play Member. 174 posts (1,788 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

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I have an idea for a character, but I need to verify the way the rules works.

I'm wondering if I can use the "Adopted" trait to get "Shoanti Tattoo" even though my character is not human?

Sovereign Court

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Thank you again for running the game. It was a blast.

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lol, it was fun guys. Thanks all for putting up with this being my first time gm'ing society stuff. Maybe we'll game again another time.

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Nothing in pathfinder, but in 3.5 D&D I did a dragonwrought kobold dragonfire adept that was pretty fun. He was alittle on the "off" side, referring to his travelling companion as his "captor" since she "kidnapped" him to get him out of his warren. And he basically just kept following her around.

he was great fun to play.