
ToastmanTom's page

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Gromnar wrote:
Would you be able to elaborate? I'd love to hear your idea!

What, you want to hear me talk about my game ideas!? Oh, if I must... :)

I'm still working it out. I mostly didn't like the rapid hideout leapfrog from the coffee house to the Tooth & Nail to the Lucky Bones, so I thought I could accomplish several goals with a raid on the coffee house: 1) raise the stakes now that their rebellion is actually getting some traction, 2) remind them that their actions may have unforeseen consequences, 3) give them a reason to go to the Tooth & Nail (two of my characters already chose that as their workplace, so it's an obvious choice), and 4) introduce more of the flavor of the noble classes, who have been absent thus far. I'm picturing a young Sarini noble (totally a Draco Malfoy-esque clone) getting his/her hands both on Blosodriette and the knowledge of the Silver Ravens' whereabouts and going in without notifying Thrune so he/she can get all the glory. Even when the players win, their base will have been compromised, and they will have royally pissed off the Sarinis. Capturing Laria is something I'm still toying with. The PCs didn't really take to her, so she's not serving much of a function now. Captured, she'd give them more of a reason to hate Thrune.