Titan671's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


pixierose wrote:
CWheezy wrote:
Rune wrote:


She is a very powerful character who could solo the first book. The rules are horribly mangled with her around.

Trying to downplay her doesnt really work because she is central to phaendar as the local celebrity. She also has a big monlogue in the middle of the book..

Its really sad imo, because of how great the rest of the book is.

They give her several penalties so all she can really do is heal in the first section and even somewhat into the second section. Not to mention that after the escape from Phaender she pretty muh takes a back seat and guides the refugees while letting the PC's be the hero. She isn't really suppoused to assist in the fights.

I’m having the same problems with Aubrin. The biggest problem is that my party wants to provide magical healing and they expect this to make her a full participant. Considering this is a magical world, how has anyone else dealt with this?

Also, my group is wanting to make a push for the closet city, likely longshadow. I know the ironfang is supposed to control the roads and make that impossible for now, but has anyone else dealt with this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Stellar work. I'm getting ready to run this adventure path with 6 players and you just made my life a million times easier. Thank you!