Algon the Ever-Seeking

TinyTitan's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Vic Wertz wrote:
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game *subscribers* get free promo cards with their shipments. (We also insert promo cards into some orders, but there are no guarantees on that...)

I have accepted the fact that I will never have Promo cards (cept maybe eBaying them). I be Canadian EH! Point is that shipping costs to me are insane. The base set $59.99 + $41 shipping? Even with the subscription rate that is just not going to happen. [SARCASM] I will just have to support my local Hobby shop [/SARCASM] since they sell it at $59.99 CAD.

I see that now, thanx,

Thanx all, all cleared up now.

csouth154 wrote:
Only once per check or step of an encounter.

Oh, so the Bard says once per check because he can use his ability more then once during a step then?

So like a monster that requires 2 separate combat check the Bard can do it twice but the Paladin can't?

Why is this set as Unavailable? Out of print or something?

Couldn't see this one in the FAQ.

Can you use an character power more then once?


Lini: You may reveal an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (+1) (+2) to your check. (this would require multiple animals if possible, revealing a Crow and a Dog)

Seelah: You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6 (+1) to your check. If the top card was a blessing ( or spell), recharge it instead of discarding it.

If you cannot, why does the bard specify differently?

Lem: ONCE PER CHECK, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 (+1) (+2) to a check attempted by another character at your location.

cartmanbeck wrote:
TinyTitan wrote:
This should be obvious but I rather ask for clarity. This base set does not combine in any way with RotRL? And is in now way required to buy RotRL to use this set?
The Skull & Shackles set is completely independent of the RotRL set, yes.

Thanx, is there a card list I can view somewhere? Just card titles will do, not looking to print them or anything lol. Would be nice to see the card names on a list while I wait for my order lol.

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This should be obvious but I rather ask for clarity. This base set does not combine in any way with RotRL? And is in now way required to buy RotRL to use this set?