Tiniere's page

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Hello there!

I will be GMing for a group of 3 starting sometime soon. We're all curious as to what sort of party dynamic we should aim for and if the PCs would be advised against any particular classes for the campaign. I've read that Paladins may find it hard to eek out a place in Korvosa, but with the Campaign being mostly?/entirely? urban, does that mean that nature themed classes and mount-dependent classes should be avoided?

I'm also looking for general advice as a GM for things that might need tweaking for our smaller party. I've got a few years of experience GMing regularly with this group but it never hurts to be prepared!

Thank you for your help and advice.

Hello there!

I will be GMing for a group of 3 starting sometime soon. We're all curious as to what sort of party dynamic we should aim for and if the PCs would be advised against any particular classes for the campaign. I've read that Paladins may find it hard to eek out a place in Korvosa, but with the Campaign being mostly?/entirely? urban, does that mean that nature themed classes and mount-dependent classes should be avoided?

I'm also looking for general advice as a GM for things that might need tweaking for our smaller party. I've got a few years of experience GMing regularly with this group but it never hurts to be prepared!

Thank you for your help and advice.