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The Ninja wrote: Just my 2 cp, but i think giving paladins Smite Points or something like that wouldn't be a half bad idea myself. Letting them use the points for smiting, turning, or auras.
*Edit* And yes, i very much think paladins should be Charisma casters. They represent the martial leaders of the church and their deity. And because of that spark, their god takes notice of them. I think that is more personality than wisdom based. *Edit*
I agree. I think a point-based smite system would work out well. I absolutely love what PRPG is doing, and the Paladin has always had a special place in my heart, but I do not enjoy playing one beyond the first few levels for one dire reason; the repetitively dull use of remove disease.
The Rebalanced Paladin by Jason A. Engle has won my heart over, and I think that PRPG should take a look at how this variant uses the Lay on Hands ability to do a number of different effects, including BUT NOT LIMITED TO remove disease. Otherwise, They are doing a fantastic job, and have my complete support and appreciation.
Cha based casting? I could certainly get behind that.
Ross Byers wrote: My attempt to (partially) solve this problem can be found on this thread as a new spellcasting system.
In short, I use the Spell Point system to increase the number of high level spells available to one character in a day, while simultaneously limiting the number of spells available during one fight. It's my hope that this will allow characters to take on more fights before feeling spent, without increasing their overall power level.
I am NOT suggesting that this be made part of PFRPG, since it would mess with compatibility (though maybe not more than some other things do), but I think it may work for helping fix the 15-minute workday.
That is a very complex, but well thought out system. I have save d a copy to mull over, and will likely give it a try at some point. I agree that it can't really be used as a substitution for backwards compatability, but I have to tip my hat to it nontheless.
Having looked at it, I think that these 'extra uses' of concentration are best rolled into the Autohypnosis skill. It has a lot of 'kooky' uses and being able to 'take 15' on the checks is not as drastic a change as it is on Psicraft.
Well, those are excellent points, and now that I think about it, I see no reason why Concentration couldn't {shouldn't} be added to the Autohypnosis skill. I whole-heartedly agree, psionics needs to retain its "mental" flavor, and your suggestion is quite appropriate. Harumph!
I've never even heard of Dreamscarred, but will definately check it out. Thanks for the enlightenment.
Hope you got rested.
tallforadwarf wrote: KnightErrantJR wrote: As far as backwards compatibility and psionics, wouldn't concentration's functions for psionics fall into Psicraft, just like concentration's functions for spellcasters fall into Spellcraft? Yeah - but the two skills are the same thing due to the transparency rules. Concentration is a lot more important for psionic characters than magic ones as the skill lets them do new things. Really, I think the fairest option, now I've had a chance to think about it, might be to roll the extra concentration uses into the Autohypnosis skill.
Any thoughts?
tfad Hmm, could you give an example of where psicraft might fall short for concentration? I'm a huge fan of psionics, and have many psi-pc's {I even have a "jedi-like" home made psi-based class}. To my simple eyes, it would seem that psicraft could easily sub for concentration, but I'd like hear more thoughts.
Excellent job, tfad! I couldn't agree with your post more! Everything you've covered jives with our group as well. I completely agree with your thoughts on Skills. In fact, just yesterday, I ran a test using the skill choices of Alpha 1, but stuck with the skill points of the current edition. All went great.
Fly was wonderfully used, and CMB grapple has won my heart. Just as a note about the Turn Outsider Feat, It seems to me that once you've chosen the "type", it would effect the outsider as normal for Turning regardless of "living" status.
Bring back scry, huh? I can dig it! I also would have to agree with your thoughts about Combat Expertese. All in all, well done. I salute you!

JediSoth wrote: I only included the bits that deal with the mechanics of my Pathfinder game. If you want to see the full write-up (including Campaign Journal), you can find it at http://okayyourturn.yuku.com/topic/14904/
The biggest rules question with Pathfinder was the working of skills. It was quite different from what they were used to with 3.x and even I had to read the mechanics a couple of times to get it. They liked the truncated skill list, particularly the skills like Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth (though N wondered if some skills, like sleight of hand, couldn't...
Hi JediSoth,
I am running two seperate games of the Savage Tides Campaign myself. One is in the seventh chapter, "City of Broken Idols", and the other has just embarked on "The Sea Wyvern's Wake". In the higher-level game, I recently had one person not be able to join, and just yesterday I ran him {and a couple other stand-ins} on a side adventure to catch him up with the others {xp-wise}. For fun we started using the Alpha 1 stuff.
We had a great time, and found the new Turning system a wonderful way to extend the party's ability to keep going. I told my friends to use the new skills list, but for now stick with the skill points that we're already familiar with, since this topic is the hottest debated issue and no telling how it will come out.
My only problem with the Alpha Skills is that by its nature, it makes every skill taken the equivelent of "max ranks", and with gaining a new skill every even level, it would seem to get gross after a while.
A friend and I are toying with other variants, including tweaking the system by removing the +3 factor entirely and gaining a new skill every 4th level. But both get weird when you multiclass.
Yesterday, after our session, I had a new thought:
When/if you take on another class, you gain a number of skills from the new class equal to the classes base + Int mod {ie, if your new class were fighter, you'd gain 2 + Int mod in skills}, but the "ranking" would work off the new class level + 1/2 your other class level {semi-cross class}. Skills that were available to both classes would stack normally and cross class skills not belonging to either would follow the standard format.
I've not tested this theory, and may never, but I'm curious about other thoughts.
Besides the skills, we used the rest of the system as is and loved everything about it. I didn't have to change any of the encounters, with the exception of adding the Fly skill or ousting Concentration.
I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with the Alpha Tide! grin

Jason Bulmahn wrote: Design Focus: Skills
For information on design focus threads, please read this thread.
It has become apparent that there are a great number of opinions on the new skill system. I would like to spend a moment to talk about some alternatives that we might explore to help address some of the problems. Here are the options:
1. Pathfinder: The system presented in Skills chapter of the Pathfinder RPG.
2. 3.5 OGL:The system presented in the 3.5 OGL.
3. Combination: Using the system in the 3.5 OGL for characters, and using the system in the Skills chapter of the Pathfinder RPG for NPCs and monsters (noting that they would not get additional skill choices at higher levels). This system gives NPCs and monster that multiclass a slight edge (depending on the class), but makes them quite a bit easier to create.
4. Hybrid System: In this system, characters would get a number of skill ranks equal to the number of skill choices granted by the Skills chapter of the Pathfinder RPG. Skill ranks granted by the first level of your class must be spent on class skills. Skill ranks granted after first level and those granted by a high Intelligence score at first level could be spent on any skill. Instead of the class skill/cross-class skill distinction, your bonus in a skill would be determined in the following method.
0 ranks – Untrained: Bonus = ability modifier + racial modifiers (or modifiers)
1 ranks – Trained: Bonus = 1/2 your character level + modifiers
2 ranks – Skilled: Bonus = your character level + modifiers
3 ranks – Expert: Bonus = your character level + 3 + modifiers
4 ranks – Master: Bonus = your character level +6 + modifiers
There are a few additional rules to go with this. At first level, you can have no skill higher than 2 ranks (or the skilled level). Many of the prestige...
After reading {for hours}, I actually think that the scaled version would be the simplest, and easiest to adapt to. Although, there are some good suggestions out there, and it would seam that most prefer the hybrid system. I'd be cool with that, but I stand by my decision to support the scaled.
I love the simplicity of the Alpha 1 skills system, but think that since they would seem to make all skills "max rank" by comparison, a simple solution would be to drop the "+3" factor all together and gain an additional skill every 4 levels instead of every 2. At least that's what we're going to try. I'll get back when some testing has occurred.
Oh, yeah, count me in on loving the 1.1 changes. Haven't had the chance to playtest, but thanks for the alterations. Keep it up friends, you're doing us all a great service!

Fatespinner wrote: B.T. wrote: (Just an idea for the design team.)
The barbarian's rage ability leaves players with a lot to keep track of, both during and after the rage. The way the CON boost works also makes it extremely likely that players will die once the rage wears off. Personally, I believe that the barbarian's rage could be simplified into the following:
1. +2 to-hit/damage.
2. +2 temporary HP/level.
3. -2 AC.
The bonuses would improve to +3-+4 to-hit/damage and +3-+4 temporary HP/level. Toss out the bonus to Will saves and the fatigued. I realize that these are there to force the barbarian to choose carefully when he rages, but it just adds a lot of bookkeeping and seems a nuisance to me.
I realize that this probably won't go over well with a number of players because it's such a significant change to the mechanics, so I'd like to hear your suggestions on how we could tweak my idea to better fit how you'd like to see the barbarian's rage work. One of the most useful application of a barbarian's rage is for feats of Strength as well. No one has a better chance of breaking chains or kicking open doors than the party barbarian, especially with a couple of spell buffs (which stack because rage is untyped). With your variant, you would remove the Strength boost by simplifying it into an attack/damage bonus. You would also remove the implied +2 Fort save bonus that comes with the Constitution increase. Overall, in my experience, the barbarian's rage ability is no more bookkeeping than any similar buff spell. I say leave it alone or improve it, but there's no need to simplify it. {sigh} Good point, but I still like the thought of it being a x/encounter.

B.T. wrote: (Just an idea for the design team.)
The barbarian's rage ability leaves players with a lot to keep track of, both during and after the rage. The way the CON boost works also makes it extremely likely that players will die once the rage wears off. Personally, I believe that the barbarian's rage could be simplified into the following:
1. +2 to-hit/damage.
2. +2 temporary HP/level.
3. -2 AC.
The bonuses would improve to +3-+4 to-hit/damage and +3-+4 temporary HP/level. Toss out the bonus to Will saves and the fatigued. I realize that these are there to force the barbarian to choose carefully when he rages, but it just adds a lot of bookkeeping and seems a nuisance to me.
I realize that this probably won't go over well with a number of players because it's such a significant change to the mechanics, so I'd like to hear your suggestions on how we could tweak my idea to better fit how you'd like to see the barbarian's rage work.
I like simple, and it could be done by making Rage a 1/encounter {more at higher levels} thing. Thoughts?
Jason Bulmahn wrote: As to the original post in this thread. I hear your concerns about Paladins of non-LG alignments. For this to work, I feel that they would need to be specific classes. This is something we have tossed around the design pit a number of times (primarily in reference to the Hellknight). I am not sure that this solution is right for the core paladin. This may be a bigger sacred cow for me than it is for others.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
I love the Domain Powers in the Alpha 1! It might be applicable to give the Paladin access to one or two of a chosen deity's domains instead of Spells in general.
Alright, Im one of those "been playing DnD for decades" guys. I've played every version. 3e was ground breaking, and I fell in love with the game all over again, bought all the books {and I mean all of them} and settled in for life. Then they announced 4e, and closed the doors to outside sources. I know we play an evolving game, but that's just rude. Of course, I'll still participate. I like collecting all the editions, but when my friend told me what our good pals at Paizo were doing with the PRPG, I felt relieved. Now that I've read the Alpha 1 PDF, I have to have more!
I too love what's been done with the core classes {though it still needs a little tweaking} and absolutely cannot wait for more. I'm presently running the Savage Tide path and intend to start experimenting immediately, and will fully endorse this truly fantastic endeavor. Thank you Paizo, you heart's in the right place!