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Thank you! I just looked up these links. the problem he has with these is, that he wants to keep beeing able to channel energy because we most probably will have no full healer in this campaign. But I will ask him about the possibility of playing a silver champion. Since there is still about a year left until we start and there will also be a session whrer we genereate the charas together, i hope that until then I have found a solution everyone is happy with.

we have an oracle
a warpriest
a rogue
one player will play in his words: "something arcane"
one player is still undecided
and the paladin...

I will be starting the CotCT- campagn next year once we have finished RotRL. I will be the one to be the GM this time. One of my players is set on playing a paladin dragon knight. I am hesitant to allow this, since it is a third-party build and I had previously stated that I would not allow thrird-party content. I would have to give the other players the same options as well. Furthermore I do not know if a dragon knight would have too much of an advantage knowledge wise, since the big baddy was an evil dragon. (or am I totally wrong with this? I have not finished reading all the books yet)

Can a dragon knight also sense the remnants of evil dragons? I would find it really problematic, if one player could easily access all the info the players should get much later. I do not want the campaign to be solved by one dice roll made by one player. I want my other players to be able to contribute and have as much fun while playing.
The paragraphs below are alle the information I have concerning dragon knights:

Dragon Knight:
"These mighty paladins are crusaders against evil who share a powerful bond with metallic dragons. Together with these custodians of righteousness they strive against evil, and particularly against evil dragons, believing these creatures pose a great threat to civilization.

Detect Dragons (Su)

The dragon knight is aware of any dragons within a radius of 1 mile per class level. This ability is always active and informs the paladin only of the presence or absence of dragons. By spending one or more full rounds concentrating on these presences, the dragon knight can gleam additional information about the dragons in the area. By spending one full round concentrating on these presences, the dragon knight can determine the number of dragons in the area. By spending an additional round, he can learn the locations of those creatures. A dragon knight may then spend an additional round of concentration to focus on a single dragon within the area, alerting him to the creature’s alignment, color and age category if it is a true dragon.

This ability replaces detect evil.
Draconic Bond (Sp)

At 5th level, the dragon knight gains the service of a powerful draconic ally. This is a spiritual entity reflecting the dragon knight’s own soul, and is fueled by holy energy. When manifested, this draconic ally has the same statistics as a metallic true dragon with Hit Dice less than or equal to the dragon knight’s Hit Dice, and which obeys the dragon knight’s will as though it were created with the spell summon monster I (the caster level is equal to the dragon knight’s paladin level).

Manifesting this draconic ally is a standard action, and it can be dismissed as a swift action. You can manifest this draconic ally for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier each day, though these rounds need not be consecutive. At each level beyond 5th, you can manifest this ally for an additional 2 rounds (for example, at 6th level you can manifest this ally for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier +2, at 7th level you can manifest this ally for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier +4, etc.). Each time you use this ability, you may summon a dragon of a different type.

If your draconic ally is slain in battle, you cannot summon a new one for 1 week. During this time, your detect dragons ability ceases to function. Any damage sustained by the draconic ally while manifested does not heal until he rests and recovers his spells, even if the dragon knight summons a dragon of a different color or of a different age category, that creature will have sustained damage equal to the damage accrued by the previously manifested dragon.

This ability replaces divine bond."
Content from http://www.necromancers-online.com/. Copyright 2010-2012 Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC

Does anyone have suggestions? Is this even a good idea? If yes, how can I make this possible?

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yet another yay-post... just... I can't help myself so:
I was waiting and hoping for this!!!

the pocket editions sound interesting as well :-)

I am interested in the opinions of other GMs as well, because one of my players for the CoTCT campaign wants to play an Oracle. He has taken the mystery ancestors, which was ok with me, because it fits very well with the character background. I would have vetoed any mysteries, that would not fit the campaign. The player knew that beforehand and was ok with it.

Quick riddles or food for thought for the victims, also konwn as players:

The group finds a sufficient quantity of helium in bottles or other containers. later on they find waterproof sailcloth. When the players have to ascend a chute/well/mine shaft - the walls have to be impossible to climb - they will have to balloon upwards to get out.

The old door handle trick (probably not useful in D20 systems) - was used by a friend of mine (written by Hythlodeus): the door can only be opened by pressing the handle up, not down. Experienced players cecked the door for anything they could think of (traps, potions, spells etc) - it took half an hour for them to dicover how to get past the door.

In Pathfinder every god has a holy text and there are legends about him/her.
If you have time, write down some fragments of the holy text and let the players find it. It's really fun for a paladin or clereic to discover something about their god.
I did this with the 'Parables of Erastil': I used old country sayings, weather proverbs and tips from a moon calendar and adapted it for Golarion.
Hythlodeus (who is also posting in the pathfinder message board) wrote a piece on Iomedae in verse (!), and the story of how Cayden Cailean came to take the test of the starstone, which was written like a medieval epic.
I also plan on doing "The Secets of the Trade" as a fragment of " The Order of Numbers" (Holy text of Abadar), which I will base on the Ferengi rules of acquisition :-)
I also have some Ideas for Calistrias "Book of Joy"....

@ The Shadow Piggy: Did you use any of these and how? How did your players solve it?

And here a homebrew riddle + self-made dungeon for the same players-group (they have not encountered it yet - it will feature in book three of the adventure campaign...

The group has to retrieve an item for a NPC who cannot do it himself.
In my case it is the leader of a grippli-tribe (cough the frog-prince cough) who was trapped by the evil queen into giving up his artefact of shape-change, which would grant him the transformation into a human male whenever and as long as he wants.
Now the item is 'protected' by various monsters in a dungeonesque maze-like building that is acessed through a cave.
The group has to win his (and subsequently all his underlings) favor and secure his help in the upcoming fight against the evil queen. In oreder to achieve this, they have to retrieve said item.

Dungeon - about LV 6:
Through the cave, inside the mountain - one huge octagonal room. The group enters through one door (put any thap there you want, or just let the rogue use hils lockpicks DC 25 at least.
on every side of the room are two doors. It doeas not matter through wich tha group entered. In the middle of the floor there is an inscription in common, or if you want it to be harder, any other language (in my case German: " Die dreizehnte Tür führt dich zu deinem Schicksal") " The thirteenth door will guide you to your destiny".
The twelve doors are numbered: 1 trough 12. In the middle of every one of the 8 walls there is a burning torch (= between 2 doors each).
The players have to figure out how to pass through to the next level.

The group has to pass through any two doors (each has a number) that add up to 13

When they get through, the come into another room, that looks similar to the first one, exept that there is a huge marble ball in the middle in which a sword sticks out from the top. If the players try to remove it, it will not work.
a) nothing will happen
b) there is a sleep-spell on it, that will last 1d20 minutes.
In this room, they will encounter 2 dead bodies of grippli-rangers/fighters and one berely living grippli veteran-fighter/barbarian.
while literally breathing his last he tells them: "It's a trap!"

The group now has to pass through this room as well. If they try to apply the same method like last time, I will not so regrettfully have to inform them, that this will not work by letting the first one (unless they pass through the door simultaneously, only one person will get through) draw a monster from a pouch (challengerating depends on the group level, or the GM rolls a D6, or make the players roll a D6 muahahaaa). He/she has to overcome the monster before beeing able to go back through te door.
This continues until the group has figured out:

that the numbers on the doors in this room can be removed. when they make their own door No. 13 on any of the 12 doors,

they may pass through to room No. 3:

This room is also octagonal, but there are no doors, exept the one they went through. In the middle of the room is a huge well. There are some chests, broken adventuring gear (whatever you want to put in there) + an item, magic or masterwork (in my case for the cleric of the group)for a groupmember who hasn't got one yet.
There is also the dead body of an adventurer (in my case a cleric or paladin of Iomedae).

The group will look around, get to close to the well and will have to fight against 3 hags (coven: 2 sea hags, 1 green hag)
Insert traps at your discretion, generally make the group work for it and eventualle let them gein the artifact (cough golden ball cough).

When passing through the door, they get back to room 2.
Walking through any door will result in having to fight against monsters drawn from any Callengerating-pouch of your choice.
To get back, the players have to

carry the artifact in one hand and pull the sword from the stone (enter a halo of light an angels singing). A door will open or they will be teleportet or however you want to solve this, and the players will arrive in the cave.

My thoughts on the rooms: this works if they are all connected by magical portals. This dungeon could be remnants of ancient azlanti ruins the evil queen adapded for her purposes (apart from beeing a sorceress herself, she does have court-mages and wizards).
The portals are not meant to be destroyed. A goog enough knowledge arcana check could reveal their purpose if the players have gone through them a few times. detect magic would only blind the character using it.
I am a bit shaky on how to do this actually: How and when can a magic-user make which skill-check to gain the information? Is there even a chance on him/her realising what the group is dealing with apart from it beeing magical?
I will let them realise, that these are magical portals, but not the inner workings of them (the group will be busy with fightin anyway).
BUT: if this is total bogus and anybody has a better idea, please help a poor innnocent and generally very nice (oh the irony!) GM out....

If any of you want the dungeon-maps, PM me :-)

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Hi everyone who is interested!

Since I'm reseaching ideas for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure-Path (and will be shamelessly incorporating them), I figured I could post something too. So this post will feature my accumulated evilness concerning traps and riddles (mostly from my homebrew campaign at the moment). I will post, if at all possible, the link to the ressource where I got the riddle/trap or explicitly state, if I thought it up.
If somebody else would like to post in this thread, please do the same :-)

item one
2 riddles
from: http://savagelegend.com/misc-resources/classic-riddles-1-100/
No. 61
I am a box that holds keys without locks
yet they can unlock your soul.

A piano.

No. 56:
Every dawn begins with me
At dusk I’ll be the first you see
And daybreak couldn’t come without
What midday centers all about
Daises grow from me, I’m told
And when I come, I end all cold
But in the sun I won’t be found
Yet still, each day I’ll be around.

The letter d.

why and how:
A campaign i wrote for a group of kids (12-14 years old). Here is part of their story:
The group lost all their money at playing poker in a shady establisment and accumulated quite a hefty debt. to make up for it, the local mob-boss (think: the godfather - complete with cat) had them 'reaquire' the lost family-pizza-recipie.
He told them the most likely location, since he had already let his people investigate, and also a clue they hat found (riddle 1).
The group then made their way to the very posh and successful restaurant (named Ristorante) of Calzone and Carciofini Steinofen. Bluffed their way in (I had them roll perception if thex could hear someone play the piano, which the miserably failed) and let them check out the first floor. They also saw, by looking through a window from outside, that there was a big vault in one of the rooms.
They brainstormed, solved the first riddle and came back during the night to break and enter. After reaching the second floor and entering the apertment of the restaurant-owner (bypassing the sleeping dog) they found the piano and also riddle number 2.
They took some time solving that, but figured out, what they had to do to get the key to the vault.
After a few difficulties, they managed to get into the office, where the proceeded to open the vault, after searching the room for traps (standard level one Pathfinder traps: pit-trap, alarm-trap, poison-dart etc).
Bad surprise: the group also needed a numerical code. So after spending quite some time searching the office, they found a slip of paper that doubled as a bookmark in one of Calzones romance-novels (she is an avid reader of romance-novels especially the ones by the half-elf fabiel = the ones with fabio on the cover. which was an epic wtf moment because i tortured my players by making them look at various covers and if they made the mistake of opening one, i gave them a brief summary).
So they finally (after the elven wizard pocketed one of the books) found the third riddle
(i don't have a source for this one):
Why is six afraid of seven?

Because 7 8 9.(seven ate nine)

which is a very bad pun, i know...
After opening the vault and totally missing the alarm-trap, they were caught by a troupe of city-guards and spent the night in jail.

I tested this by letting some of my friends play it (they took quite some time for riddle number 1 and 3. Since they are no English-native speakers (we all hail from Austria), that was understandable. I was also mean by picking english riddles, but in this campaign i used English as Elven, German as Common and I still have no idea what i should do for Dwarven.

The kids, 2 of them have English as first language,had quite some fund and did really good in my opinion (it was their firt time playing Pathfinder). Here riddle numbe 2 took the longest to be solved.

Quite long for for my first post, lets hope the spoiler-button-thingy works...