
Tiasar's page

1,048 posts. Organized Play character for CampinCarl9127.


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The Exchange

"Morde, if you would be so kind. And stay out of reach this time."

The Exchange

Tiasar freezes. "By all means Stalkid. If not I'll attempt to make it fall asleep."

The Exchange

With a word Morde takes to the air, flitting from tree to tree ahead of the group.

"The point of our villages and cities are not to be invisible. We strive to preserve the nature around us and live within what the world provides instead of shaping it to our will. However with the rise of man, the difficulty to locate us is certainly appreciated." Tiasar appears to be just reciting facts, but a hint of displeasure for man can be heard in his voice.

The Exchange

"Once we know their location that will work. In the meantime, Morde does not know how to track."

The Exchange

She's as loquacious as my mentors. But not half as wise. "Yes, I'm sure that the group of us attacking an unknown number of bandits will end all well and good. For what does numbers mean in the face of righteousness?"

The Exchange

Tiasar follows along quietly, trusting Morde and the others to catch his attention if they happen upon something. As he daydreams he has a sudden realization. "We're tracking at least two people, correct? What if the mission is going as planned and he is not in need of rescuing?"

The Exchange

I wasn't sure how much control you wanted over him. Does he not have a physical description of who grabbed him?

The Exchange

"So Morde, what exactly happened?"

The Exchange

Jusker's Rescue Party:
Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Tiasar looks at the body curiously. "That's interesting. I remember that the bandits Jusker took down had similar wounds. He must have done this."

The Exchange

"Oh bother. Should have went with the lower risk plan. We should get moving out."

The Exchange

Tiasar shakes his head. "I can only sense Morde's emotions, not his thoughts. We will have to wait his return before knowing the location of the camp, if he even found it."

The Exchange

"Beyond something going wrong, I don't know. But Morde is still alive so we will have to wait for his return. I'm guessing he's heading back as we speak."

The Exchange

Man, that is impressive security all around. Observant enough to notice a bird (amongst the others that must be there), stealthy enough to get up into the tree with it, and smart enough to somehow recognize it as a familiar. No wonder the guard is having trouble.

Tiasar frowns and puts his book down. "That doesn't bode well."

The Exchange

I like your understanding and interpretation of the familiar rules DM.

Tiasar rarely enjoys company in his room, but Liath was quickly becoming an exception. The combination of eagerness to learn, helpful attitude, and (although he would never admit this one) attractive features was welcome. He spent much of his time pouring over some times on the hierarchy and ability of devils, then gives a nod when Morde checks in. "The plan is going well for now. We won't get details until Morde can return."

The Exchange

Yup. Morde will be following along quietly.

The Exchange

DM, I just want to say I'm really enjoying your game. It's a fun, dynamic world and your DMing style encourages creativity and strong roleplaying. I'm very glad I decided to apply.

The Exchange

Tiasar looks haughtily past Jusker, as if bored and annoyed at the matter. "Ah, but you didn't you simpleton." Tiasar pulls down the shoulder of his robe, revealing the newly made crossbow-hole in his shoulder. "There's a piece of me out there on the trail somewhere due to your incompetence. The deal was that I was brought here unharmed, and you have failed. No wonder you're a starving street rat, every time you get a job you're lazy and try to break deals." He waves a hand dismissively. "Go back to your gutter and starve. I'm going to find a proper fighter."

Bluff/Perform (act) (same bonus): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

The Exchange

Ah, apologies. I thought there were other things going on first. When I get done with classes for the day I'll get a writeup for that.

The Exchange

After some training Tiasar feels a little excited. He's seen some of the theater the more free-spirited elves have put on, and he feels like he gets to experience that. It's interesting to say the least.

Back at the tavern Tiasar is surprised his room is already payed for. He leans towards Jusker and says, for probably the 20th time this week, "Is this normal human custom?"

The Exchange

"I only wish I was a better liar. I have little experience with it. I suppose I could just imitate one of my more abrasive mentors again..."

Tiasar wants to spend some time rehearsing this little scene. I don't know if that would allow him a bonus or not, but regardless he is not overconfident in his ability to lie so he wants to be prepared.

The Exchange

"I think there are more points of failure in that plan than mine, but I think the merits of them outweigh the risk. I agree Liath."

The Exchange

"We're not setting them up as bait, we're simply taking advantage of an opportunity already set into motion. And if we have to sacrifice one to save a thousand, I'm willing to make that call. It's about the bigger picture."

The Exchange

"Exactly, Morde will follow the bait that we find. We can't have any involvement with the recruit because that leaves more places for failure. If we simply search and observe, the only point of failure there is if for some reason they suspect Morde of being exactly what he is."

The Exchange

"Such an organization would have measures against that. You have to think like them, what is the first way they could be infiltrated and how could they prevent it? It's exactly what they would expect."

The Exchange

Tiasar shakes his head. Typical cleric type. "They are motivated to survive. In this harsh land I don't blame them."

"Whatever person is in charge I feel had a very good chance of seeing through a double agent. I still want to have a spy that doesn't know he's a spy. Alternatively, we could release him and follow him without his knowledge."

The Exchange

"I say it is a plan they will anticipate. Even if it works we will only take out one small group and won't hurt the larger organization. We need a spy, but uur spy needs to be somebody that does not realize they're a spy." Tiasar looks up, nodding as the idea forms. "We scour Bastion for men that would be good candidates to be recruited and keep tabs on them. We have two birds at our disposal that could follow them without attracting attention, and Morde is capable of speech so he can tell us exactly where he is being taken. Recruits will probably lead us back to the boss instead of some group."

The Exchange

Tiasar softens. Sometimes I forget the struggles of the world outside our leafy halls. "Well I was once so absorbed in a project I forgot to eat for sixteen hours, but you're right, I have never had that unfortunate experience." He wants to say something else to the man: We're not the bad guys, you don't have to resort to banditry, there are better ways. But the man was right, he made a choice, and his choice was to survive. It was at the expense of others, but harsh times breed harsh men. It was unfortunate, but not illogical. Tiasar leaves and goes back to the others, seeming lost in thought.

The Exchange

"So they basically kidnap you is what I'm hearing?" He nods. "Alright. Thank you for your..." He looks at the man shaking in fear. "...cooperation."

The Exchange

"Tell me everything you know of the recruitment process."

The Exchange

Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 161d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26


Wow, they know so little. Tiasar gives a nod. "How do people join your group of bandits? Lastly, do you know of a man by the name of Hugo Schmidt?"

The Exchange

Oh by the Eye. Tiasar thought the man might be scared by their show, but quite an overreacting to minor magic. Once the leader appears to be friendly, Tiasar lazily waves a hand to Liath and Barbie. "I will call you should your services be required again. Make sure to keep this one intact, there are so many uses for a healthy body." He says, gesturing to the unconscious bandit.

  • Where are your bases of operation?
  • Where is your main base of operation?
  • When and where are your attacks scheduled?
  • Why are you attacking, if it's not just to make a living?
  • Who do you primarily target?
  • What would keep you from attacking a target?
  • How do we find your leaders?
  • Who are your leaders, and what motivates them?
  • How does one join your group of bandits?
  • What is your groups magic capabilities?
  • How many numbers do you have?
  • What are your groups strengths and weaknesses?
  • Anything else you think telling me? it could save your life...well as you know it.

The Exchange

Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

The Exchange

"Yes, that sounds excellent. However my tricks are restricted to visual effects only, no sounds or smells or temperature changes. Still, sight is the most influential sense."

Tiasar takes on the demeanor of one of his teachers, a very stern old elf who always gave off the feeling of everything being less important than him. He does his best to gaze down at the bandits with little care, as if they are worms that are wasting his time. The whole time he keeps an eye on his image, making sure to keep Liath as terrifying as possible. Her appearance, he hopes, strikes fear into them.

Tiasar slowly steps forward, giving an exasperated sigh. "Such a waste of time." He looks down at the poor man. "I wanted to put your body to use, but they insisted you stay alive. Please, refuse to tell me where your base is. I do so need another test subject."

Intimidate: 1d20 ⇒ 15

The Exchange

Tiasar talks with Liath before going in. "I can create a visual illusion. I'm thinking of turning you into some kind of demon, or maybe even a dragon to scare them. Although a good sized dragon wouldn't fit down here. I think I'll go with the demon idea unless you have another idea."

The Exchange

"I have a trick or two that might scare them, but I'm not much of a talker."

Between silent image and summon monster, we can put some supernatural fear into them. Just need somebody who's good at intimidate or bluff to back up the idea.

The Exchange

Tiasar nearly falls over at the idea of burning the forest. A joke in very poor taste...

"We captured some of the bandits already, did we not? Perhaps we can start with questioning them."

The Exchange

Seems like things are going to become a bit sandboxed. DM I can create a map if you want.

The Exchange

CHA people, you're up.

The Exchange

Tiasar stops and stares in complete befuddlement. He is at a loss of understanding. "Do...do windmills threaten humans?"

The Exchange

"I suppose my only concern is that if we run into your men that we are not taken for bandits ourselves and can acquire their aid if need be, in addition to anybody other than bandits who would otherwise act against us. But I understand the risk involved."

"Guard captain Argus. Thank you. I believe we should go talk to this man now."

The Exchange

"Could we get a map of the area? And something to mark our authority on your behalf?"

The Exchange

DM Ancient:
In that case he'll have a pinch of sand in there. Never know when knocking somebody out could save a life.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

A bribe? Well that's...hmm...

Tiasar leans back, carefully considering. I remember Mr.Ragnos complaining of the cost of weapons and armor, there can be some money to make there. In addition it would be much easier, including safer, to conduct my research on the wards without the interference of bandits. Also having a figure of importance indebted to me can be invaluable. Of course there's the risk involved, but proper planning can mitigate the chances of serious injury...

After a solid two minutes of sitting silently, Tiasar clears his throat and nods. "Yes, I will do what I can to help." Morde punctuates this with a "Caw!", going back to peck at his piece of beef.

The Exchange

DM Ancient:
Not to be "that guy" who tries to sneak something in to a meeting which I'm 95% sure won't turn hostile, but what will the guards do if they find a little loose sand in Tiasar's pocket? It's the only material component required for the sleep spell, so depending on their education level they may or may not pick up on it. More curious than anything.

Tiasar looks around the dining room. Ah, now this is how to live. Before things go much further, he quickly whispers to Morde. [smaller]"We're in a higher society setting, be on your best behavior. And try not to fly around so much." He smiles a moment at the feast, then frowns. They have the resources to bring us a feast, but not to better Bastion? The young wizard's attention is turned to who he assumes is Lord Markov. It takes Tiasar all of two seconds to realize this man's social grace and subtleties are going to fly way over his head. He decides to take words at face value, for now.

Tiasar gives the man a traditional elven bow, a sign of respect to elders or ones in power. "Greetings Lord Markov, it is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Tiasar sits and compiles a small plate of fruit and cheeses, seeming to arrange them in a very specific manner, and on the side he sits a single piece of beef. He starts experimenting with different fruit and cheese combinations, a habit he's picked up since learning of the various cheeses that humans make.

The Exchange

"Thank you for your time. It was enlightening."

The Exchange

"It is my main purpose here. First I need to be more informed, in detail, about the events going on here."

The Exchange

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Ooh, cool.

The Exchange

"Of course. If all the wards failed I would hope that much more than just me would have come."

Tiasar nods, already anticipating the underestimation of him. "Well, I cannot predict how I can make a change, but failing to at least attempt would be a dishonor to Kathar's memory and everybody that made Bastion possible."

The Exchange

Tiasar gives a proud smile. "Indeed, I am Kathar's descendant."

"It's a shame that the wards have gone down, and it's precisely why I'm here. It's only right that one of Kathar's blood comes to fix the barriers her set up, although I am nowhere near the caster he was." Yet.

The Exchange

Tiasar looks with mild disappointment at the temple. You would think they would at least keep the temples in good order. His ears perk up at the mention of scrolls, but he knows he doesn't have the money on hand to afford any.

When Father Cadd comes out Tiasar gives a slight inclination of his head. "Tiasar Auvreathem, Ms.Gwenilian and I traveled here together."

What are the gold and silver orders?

The Exchange

I'm pretty sure Gandalf had a higher strength score than intelligence score if judge it by all the times he beats people up rather than casts spells.

No problem DM, just curious.

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