
Thutmose of Tehuti's page

9 posts. Alias of Bloodydove.

Full Name

Thutmose of Tehuti




Level 1 Gravewalker Witch




Medium, 5'10




Lawful Neutral




Common, Samsaran, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Sylvan


Priest of Thobis, Spymaster of Haven

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 8
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 9
Charisma 11

About Thutmose of Tehuti

Favored class bonus - +1 Skills

CMB: -1
CMD: 11
AC: 13, Touch: 12, Flat-Footed: 11

Fortitude: -1
Reflex: +2
Will: +1

Initiative: +2
Speed: 30ft
Health: 7

----------------Racial Traits---------:

Ability Score Racial Traits: Samsarans are insightful and strong-minded, but their bodies tend to be frail. They gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Constitution.

Lifebound (Ex): Samsarans gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points.

Mystic Past Life (Su) You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class's key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you're adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.
Mystic Past Life Spells: Magic Missile, Shadow Evocation, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Wish, Gate

Low-Light Vision: Samsarans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Samsaran Magic (Sp): Samsarans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—comprehend languages, deathwatch, and stabilize. The caster level for these effects is equal to the samsaran's level.

----------------Class Abilities-------:

Favored Class: +1 Skills

Level 1 - Prehensile Hair (Su): The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand. The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch’s elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch’s head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, mustache, or eyebrows.

Patron Spells - Shadow: 2nd—silent image, 4th—darkness, 6th—deeper darkness, 8th—shadow conjuration, 10th—shadow evocation, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—shadow conjuration (greater), 16th—shadow evocation (greater), 18th—shades.

Witch’s familiar - Poppet


Hedge Magician - Whenever you craft a magic item, you reduce the required gp cost to make the item by 5%.

Magic Crafter - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise checks and a +1 bonus on any Craft checks attempted while making magic items.


Lvl 1 Spell Focus (necromancy)


Craft Alchemy Enbalmer (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Fly (Dex) + 2: (0 + 0 + 2)
Heal (Wis) + 1: (0 + 0 + 1)
Intimidate (Cha) + 4: ( 1 + 3 + 0)
Knowledge Arcana (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Knowledge History (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Knowledge Nature (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Knowledge Planes (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Perception (Wis) + 2: (1 + 0 + 1)
Profession (Wis) + 1: (0 + 0 + 1)
Spellcraft (Int) + 9: (1 + 3 + 5)
Survival (Wis) + 5: (1 + 3 + 1)
Use Magic Device (Cha) + 0: (0 + 0 + 0)