Volshyenek Ornelos

Thunhus the Lord's page

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Thorgrym wrote:

I am excited about this one as well, although I'm disappointed that (again) the adventure paths start at 1st level and end at something very short of 20th level.

Since this path is "Kingmaker" it would have made a lot more sense to start it at 13th level and get them to 20th level by the end of the campaign.

That way people who started campaigns in other adventure paths such as "The Council of Thieves" would be able to end that campaign and get in to something like this.

The Kingmaker series harkens back to some original D&D Companion modules for levels 14-25, which opened up the area of Norwald (Northern coasts)--a large area of mostly uncivilized land, for conquering.

Test of the Warlords was a great module for 15th level characters. It was sandbox style module where your character was granted land in Norworld.


Companion set's Dominion and war machine rules were easy to use and made it really cool to play a character with a dominion and an army.
