Throknor's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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When someone only needs a 2 to pass a check saying "Don't roll a one" out loud.

Do not taunt the dice.

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Quick question for subscribers - did you receive the non-Ekkie promo card? I have not even though it is listed in the order history. And yes, I dug through this months supply of foam peanuts.

Obvious follow-up question, where do I report order problems? There's nothing on the order page to report 'Problem with this order' or the like.

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delslow wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Subscribers *are* top priority.

You have to see it from our end... it just doesn't feel that way. Here are three things you can easily do to remedy that feeling.

1. Eat the shipping cost for subscribers this month and next.
2. Get your products to subscribers before the street date.
3. One free class deck of our choice.

I just want to chime in that I doubt all subscribers feel this, as I certainly don't. I've been annoyed that mine was held up but that was when I thought the only hold up was the Character Decks which I hadn't ordered. Now that I know that there were hold ups with my actual order I'm more forgiving.

I've been on the receiving end of the "Everything's fine!' lie before; it's never a good place to be. Personally I appreciate that you let us know what you have; some companies would just mark everything 'delayed' and call it a day.