
Thrillington's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Just want to echo previous comments about the compression used for the pdf - it does not look great on a display.

It's disappointing to see so many jpeg artefacts, right from the cover onwards - there's great artwork here but it's been overzealously compressed, that I feel sorry for the artists. I hoped the individual chapter pdfs would be better, but it is the same issue.

It's below the standard I've come to expect from Paizo, and looks more like a pirated pdf than one I've just paid $20 for. Treasure Vault has a similar number of pages and looks fine. Can this really not be better compressed?

Otherwise, I'm very happy to finally have this and looking forward to trying out all the great content.

MagnusPrime wrote:
The pdf currently says unavailable...when will it be available?

Looks available to me currently, must've gone live on the hour.