Message, Xov:
I am putting more trust in you then any organization period. Most organizations are easily subverted and considering the enemy it is safe to assume that all intelligence agencies have been at the very least infiltrated if not outright subverted. You play for small, insignificant stakes: one nation among many. I play a game where continents and civilizations are either saved or destroyed... If you show promise Absylon may decide to put your name forward to know more, however not even he has the authority to perform a direct induction... If those higher in the Hierarchy decide that you warrant a summoning they will let Absylon know... Thrask raises the bottle to take another sip and his lips blow subtly over the rim of the bottle...
Thrask takes a swig and uses the motion to cover his barely moving lips... Message, Xov:
Absylon's cover story has been established, he works for an old, tottering half orc chasing after days of glory long past... While our employers cannot for obvious reasons be disclosed we are authorized to inform you that we mean no deliberate harm to any of the Five Nations... Unfortunately with the way events tend to transpire we cannot offer any true guarantees, for in truth nothing is certain in this life. bluff1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Missive, Xov:
[i]Perhaps it is time to involve you... Open up a link between us and come closer, we don't want the others hearing what we have to say... The Dragonmarked are a notoriously indiscreet lot. Pretend that you want some of this most fine beverage...[i/] As Thrask sends his message to Xov, he brings a bottle of fine Malt Whiskey from his coat and begins to uncork the sacred substance... GM how much would a fine bottle of Malt Whiskey cost? I am assuming that Thrask will always carry a bottle with him to help his disguise.
Unknown, I only arrived in time to witness the transaction... It is likely a lost cause but Cassadar may not have fled, we should check the Skyway top to bottom. As for your "patriarch" I am willing to wager that the "real" patriarch was replaced a long time ago... You can mind control a target sure but teach him how to manifest mindblades?
I believe gentlemen I need to drop a name for you, the man who handed the sack to the dark haired crazy was Cassadar, an innkeeper on the skyway. I was tracking her, I believed that the sack contained the payment for the assassination... Feel like some good old fashioned rough rousing interrogation?
Thrask will when his turn is up unleash this little badboy... UMD if required1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 If successful Thrask crushes the bead in his hand and a ball of fire starts to take shape in his clenched fist, as it gains size Thrask unclenches his hand and the ball of fire roars as it strikes the two foes... Oh it's good alright, using my 5d6 fireball bead GM, save dc 14 damage5d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 4, 3) = 12
Thrask takes a small step (five foot step) and concentrates briefly on Othan... Othan, missive:
Get out of the way, I can finish this... He then withdraws thirty feet and calmly takes one bead from his small necklace... Forgot my UMD check with the wand rolling it now, count it as having fizzled last round if the check fails... UMD1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Damn it, Dragons and now the Dreaming Dark... Kill the madwomen before she finishes her insanity! diplomacy1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25 (Influence the Crowd to take a chunk out of this woman...) Thrask then pulls his fire wand out and charges forward to point blank range... Assuming max caster level of five for the wand, make adjustments if that is not the case Burning Hands 5d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 1, 2) = 12
Time to pull a dissappearing act... And do some investigation, this isn't the Aurum... Interhouse warfare is the only answer, now what were the names of the conservatives again... stealth1d20 + 11 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 10 = 29 11 is my skill bonus, 10 is from Chameleon. 1 powerpoint expended 17/18 perception1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 thrask is going to wander the areas he can and go about it quietly and unseen if possible... GM what does my prior research unearth name and history wise about the more conservative branch of The House? Also anything about the assassinated half elf?
Thrask sweeps his hat of his head in a respectiful salute to the dead and speaks to the Inquisitor... My good Inquisitor I am sorry to hear of your loss, as a professional contractor I have an interest in assisting my client, Ebran. You see I was contracted to assist him and I would like to know if your brother's death would have any "ramifications" that might effect my client's safety... bluff1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Hero points are an 8+ luck bonus if applied to a d20 roll, i Had one before the previous use so now I'm out. This is per the prd. the Twenty meanwhile is a result of taking twenty, think about it for a minute Thrask is't trying to impersonate anyone who exists. And the rules don't state anything about not taking ten or twenty on a disguise roll if you have the time to do so. Thrask calmly stares the Shifter his eyes unwavering... Listen hear shifter, like you I am a mercenary, just older and wiser. The fact of the matter is my contract states I am to assist you by whatever means are required of me, short of directly intervening on your behalf due to old age. A man in your position needs all the help he can get, you want cannon fodder to take the heat while you sneak behind the enemy I can supply. Want a small army on short notice I can supply it, I can make your life easier son but only if you have the sense to allow me to do so.
As allies of my employee, Absylon I believe that you are entitled to certain "benefits"... No ones knows from day to day what you will find in the "merc pit", however with this being Sharn the Droam contigent will be large... You always find something or someone "interesting" in the Droam contigent, like a Medusa for instance... Thrask's eyes seem to briefly glaze over as if remembering a memorable event from the past... Those were the days, they were brief but they were good. At any rate, I am willing to recruit and pay mercenaries on your behalf youngsters. Although the exact details will depends greatly on the mercenaries in question, for instance I won't completely fiance a Medusa's contract but I will subsidize it with my own funds if you will make up the rest... using hero point, GM I understand that since I am trying to lie again so I receive 10- penalty. Do I have documentation that shows I am really "Thrask" and if so how much of a bonus does it give me? If he does have the documents Thrask will show them as "convincing evidence". bluff (make them believe Thrask is Thrask)1d20 + 11 + 8 - 10 ⇒ (19) + 11 + 8 - 10 = 28
Depends, my knowledge of the Elven renegades is limited... However I can say this, in all my years as a mercenary contractor I have never gotten the chance to recruit Thurani operatives as "mercenaries". If this is Thurani the people who hired them whether they be the Aurum or not are way beyond your pay grade...
The backstory said he was said nothing about "House Cannith". House Cannith may have the majority of magical item makers in the world but by no means would it have a total and complete monopoly. Black marketeers and crafters of magic items will always exist, especially in Xen'drik. Think about it, every nation would have there own artificers who owed their loyalty to only that Nation... Xov's mistrust of the Houses isn't exclusive to him.