
Thorin Ironbreaker's page

5 posts. Alias of TheOrcnextdoor.

Ok, gonna be playing in a campaign soon with a gestalt character. I decided I wanted to go with a half-orc blood rager(Draconic, Red or Green) spell-eater that grew up in an orc tribe but eventually left.

Couple caveats, the blood rage feature will be working as the unchained barbarian rage feature, along with the barbarian powers. The game likely won't reach, or go past Level 8-9

Now, I've decided to focus him on natural attacks(claws) when he rages. However I've been stumped mostly for a gestalt. ATM I'm thinking arcane duelist bard, reasons are-
Free arcane strike for going into blooded arcane strike, skills/spells and more spells to eat via spell-eater, bardic performance for when he isn't raging and good saves all around.

I've also considered- Rogue - for skills/Sneak attack and going Dex-damage with his claws. And the other goodies that comes with the unchained rogue.

Oracle- lame curse, but I'm shying away from this as it smells a bit cheesy.

Sorcerer- lots of spells to eat, stat synergy, full level arcane.. but no armor.

Any ideas?

First off, Yes, it may be "sub-optimal" but I want to focus on making a cleric based on channels so please don't post comments saying to drop it and go battle cleric/caster etc.

So, I LOVE the channel ability of clerics, it can be extremely thematic and flavorful as such I have embarked on a quest to make it viable, I know it won't be "Great" but I want to make it "good" SO, here is what I have so far, any further suggestions would be welcome. Of course the spells would still be a large part of the cleric, but Channel energy is the main focus for this. I'll go up to level 16, in theory, but provide a rough outline for continuing to 20.

I will make one build with positive energy, and one with negative.

as expected, the postive channeler focuses on smiting undead/evil and healing/buffing his party when up against non-evil/undead

Positive Channel Cleric:

Race: Aasimar
FCB: +1/2 damage on channel when used to harm undead/evil outsiders
Ability scores: 20pt buy
Str: 12
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 07
Wis: 16 (+1, if going to 20, +1) (as needed to gain spells)
Cha: 17 (+1, +1, +1)

traits: Sacred Conduit(+1 dc on channel), exemplar of the society (+1 channel/day)

Domains: Sun, Glory

1- Extra channel
3- Channel Surge
5- Improved Channel
7- Alignment Channel (evil)
9- Claryifing Channel - laugh at charms/compulsions! (only 1/day, but amazing when needed)
11- Extra Channel
13- Protective Channel- free protection from evil on all healed
15- Quicken channel- useful in dire situations, or when you just want to heal and still deal damage/cast a spell

If you continue
17- Extra channel/????
19- no idea

so, channels/channel uses per every odd level: All levels have no channel resistance added to the save. I am assuming you round down for the aasimar favored class bonus,
level 1: 9/day DC: 15(17vsundead), Damage: 1d6+1
level 3: 9/day DC: 16(18vsundead), Damage: 2d6+4, / 2d6+4x50% (or 3d6+6)
level 5: 10/day DC: 20(22vsundead), Damage: 3d6+7 / 3d6+7x50%(5d6+11)
level 7: 10/day DC: 21(23vsundead), Damage: 4d6+10 / 4d6+10x50%(6d6+15)
level 9: 10/day DC: 22(24vsundead), Damage: 5d6+13 / 5d6+13x50% (7d6+20) 1/day immediate save vs charm effects with +cha mod bonus to roll for all healed.
level 11: 12/day DC: 23(25vsundead), Damage: 6d6+16 / 6d6+16x50%(9d6+24)
level 13: 13/day DC: 25(27vsundead), Damage: 7d6+19 / 7d6+19x50%(10d6+28) Free protection from evil for all characters healed by channel
level 15: 13/day DC: 26(28vsundead), Damage: 8d6+22 / 8d6+22x50%(12d6+33), may channel twice in one turn OR channel and cast a spell.
level 17: 15/day DC: 27(29vsundead), Damage: 9d6+25 / 9d6+22x50%

Note, the saves and uses/day here do not reflect magic items, I think its safe to assume that around level 10(11/12 for conservatives) to have a +6 Alluring headband for your charisma, so uses and DC goes up by 3 each. It is also safe to assume that around this level, (likely much lower, say level 8) you get the phylactery of positive channeling adding 2d6 damage dealt or healed. Now the healing is much worse on damage healed than done, so this build WANTS to channel to harm undead and or evil creatures. The healing is only the D6s, but can be boosted via surge, and can be used to remove certain status effects in dire situations, or grant a honestly really nice buff vs evil. If you worship a deity that has freedom or "celebrations" domains/portfolio, you could add/replace the level 13 feat with liberating channel to grant Freedom of movement for CHA mod rounds to those healed.

All this is on top of spells they can use. Now I understand its not raging barb/etc damage, but its an AoE, and it comes with a lot of options, good saves, decent AC/HP and support. In otherwords, you have a plethora of options vs Undead/evil enemies, but still retain most of the support a normal cleric has vs other enemies.

Now, for negative channel focused cleric.

We will use a hobgoblin (for +1/2 damage on negative energy, ALL negative energy) And use the domains of Death and Chaos, using the undead subdomain for death, and the Riot sub-domain for chaos. This doesn't particularly matter as far as channeling goes, feel free to use whatever you want, I selected these as they boost his ability to debuff enemies within his channel range, and to allow him to heal himself.

Now, remember, the death domain level 8 ability basically functions as allowing the cleric to heal each use. If she would take negative energy damage she is instead healed, and if she uses negative energy to heal undead, she heals as undead would. So I HEAVILY suggest to keep death domain.

Negative channel Cleric:

20pt buy Hobgoblin, (Half-elf may be used, as they gain +1/2 damage done/healed on channel energy)
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 07
Wis: 15 (+1 12, +1 20 for spells)
Cha: 17 (+1 4, +1 8 +1 16)

Traits: sacred Conduit, exemplar of society

1- Selective Channel, (lets assume you care about your party)
3- Improved Channel
5- Siphon Channel
7- Extra Channel
9- Channel Surge
11- Extra Channel
13- Extra Channel
15- Quicken channel
17- Channel Discord
19- ???

So, for each odd level- (remember, I am rounding down the FCB, if you round up FCB add 1 additional base damage at each odd level)
1: 7/day DC: 15, Damage 1d6
3: 7/day DC: 18, Damage: 2d6+1
5: 8/day DC: 20, Damage: 3d6+2, 1/day gain temp HP equal to the damage total of your channel +1 for each affected enemy and an additional +1 for each failed saving throw. (lasts 1hour)
7: 10/day DC: 21, Damage: 4d6+3
9: 10/day DC: 22, Damage: 5d6+4, 5d6+4x50%
11: 12/day DC: 23, Damage: 6d6+5, 6d6+5x50%
13: 14/day DC: 24, Damage: 7d6+6, 7d6+6x50%
15: 15/day DC: 25, Damage: 8d6+7, 8d6+7x50%, can channel and cast a spell on same turn. (or channel twice)
17: 15/day DC: 27, Damage: 9d6+8, 9d6+8x50% 1/day affect all creatures damaged with the spell "Song of Discord"

So after level 8, you can damage enemies while healing yourself (A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. she/he counts as living, death domain kicks in)

Again no magic items have been considered in the base overlook, as in the positive build we can assume a +6 charisma/wisdom headband and a phylactery of negative channeling to be top priority

They also have access to inflict wounds spells (which gains the FCB damage bonus) and access to debuffs, while theey may not wish to focus on debuffs due to lower DCs (likely 1-2 lower than someone else before feats) they can still have access to other support spells or focus on negative energy damage.

Now please, I don't want to hear "This is bad, go battle cleric/focus on casting" This is an attempt to make a CHANNEL focused cleric. So please keep this in mind when making comments/suggestions. However Please feel free to suggest other feats/races/feat progression/domains/items/armor/etc that you think may be better or add something more.

EDIT: If you wish to use 3pp have a look at this prestige class Master Channler

I didn't use it as I wanted to present something that is -always- legal.

One thing to note, Both builds would benefit GREATLY from a 2 level paladin(anti-paladin) dip( you lose a 1d6 from channel, but gain some swift healing and +Cha to all saves.

Hey guys, I was considering doing a 1-shot level 20 game for my group after we wrap up our current campaign and before the other guy gives GMing a shot.

My idea was a party/Merc special forces team need to infiltrate and take down a wizard in his tower. (mwhahaha)

Now, this wizard would likely be LE, sadistic, overconfidient, and enjoy toying with people, after all, not only being a level 20 wizard, but having discovered a magic to keep from aging can do that.

So! I want to get some ideas from here, (not sure if advice would be better as this is honestly hypothetical ATM, if it is please move the thread) but just some Ideas on what kind of defenses a level 20 wizard (who has two specializations schools, of transmutation and Necromancy) would have in his tower and what kind of creatures and other things he would have bound and ready to deploy WITHOUT really preparing for trouble.

and THEN, give me some ideas what he would have ready if he actually perceived them as any sort of significant threat.

Hey folks, my group will be finishing an arc vs a fire themed cult trying to fully restore an evil diety (portfolio of. Fire, destruction, war, chaos)

The head Cleric is there, He is a level 8 cleric. The only Cleric that the diety is capable of granting power to through a ruby gem in which it's last vestige of power remains in the material world. Anyway, onto the crunch part.

he is built with a 20pt buy (1 for 1) same as my PCs. He is a hell-spawn teifling. His domains will likely be Fire and Destruction

Stats of the following:

Str: 18
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 12

Now, I want this guy to be challenging, he is after all, the only recipient of this dieties remaining strength. The party will be a group of 6 PCs, all 6th level. So, I come here to ask for advice from the lovely folks at paizo.

Some good feats/Spells to give him would be good.

He will have some "mooks" as well as a partner in a Level 5 Sorcerer, (elemental bloodline, fire) any suggestions for the low threat mooks would be helpful too.

Also any flavorful ways to add a more memorable encounter via the environment would be welcomed. The fight will be in an underground chamber the size of a smaller temple, underneath another, larger temple.

As said, he is a NE diety with the domains (fire, destruction, war, chaos, Evil, Trickery)

The idea would be that you each make a character at a certian level. Then you must complete a pre-made dungeon for that level. Note these are extremely challenging, and have a time restraint for completion or failure occurs. If you fail, or, all PCs die, then applications from other PCs will be used to cycle in. Any player who's PC died and was cycled out may submit a new character, or resubmit a modified version of their old character.

Upon completion of the dungeon, any PC(s) still alive will be allowed to move on to the next dungeon trial. Those that perished may re-submit but are not allowed to continue. The final dungeon will be a level 20 dungeon in which any PC that has survived at least 3 dungeons in a row to this point with be given a special boost, this boost increases in potency the more dungeons in a row they survived.

Players that wish to can apply in groups or teams of two, up to five (the party size I will be selecting)

This will be either PbP or Skype/Roll20 depending on popular/player demand.

The first dungeon will be done with 6th level PCs, with a 27pt buy,

HP: Max hp every odd level, half HD+1 every even level.

Classes: all paizo classes are allowed,i will not be accepting any 3PP as this is in part something of a test for me. The only exceptions to this are the following: no summoner except unchained summoner, no master summoner builds, and no summoner based caster with more than 2 summoned monsters at a time.

Traits: two traits, no drawbacks,

Feats: every gains one free feat at level 1, that may be used on any non-combat feat.

Use the standard WBL for 6th level characters, with the following rules, one item worth up to 50% of maximum wealth, one item worth up to 25% maximum wealth, and all other items worth no more than 15% of maximum wealth. If you have the craft X feat and the proper spells you may craft the item as per standard rules if and only if taking 10 on the roll meets the crafting DC. Only two items may be crafted.

As this will be a dungeon/combat/survival based game I would like 1 post/day.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

So I've been tussling with two character concepts fora CC game.

The first, would be a simple fighter or gunslinger.

It's not OMG op for the campaign, but I find it extremely heroic for some dude that has learned the art of blade to stand against a wave of terror and darkness with not but blade and skill. Or an inventor putting his life and invention on the line to protect others.

The other concept is, while slightly leas heroic, more potential for an easier game. He would be a Cleric, likely Sarenrea. He had experiences with haunts when he was younger and actually managed to get a haunt to move on as a kid. He always maintains an air of hope and happiness even if he is suffocating inside because "he has to give others hope".

Mechanics wise.
The fighter would likely be a two handed/switch hitter with a falchion. Or a lore master maneuver specialist.

The cleric would be a roaming excorsict and focus on buffs/healing/channels with some minor combat options.

Suggestions? Thoughts on builds or which would fit better? Never played CC but I heard its undead heavy and rather 'gothic" in style.

So I wanted to make a crossbow focused warrior. Starting at 7. Here's what I have so far, suggestions are appreciated.

Ability scores:
Str: 10
Dex: 20 (2+1)
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 14
Cha: 08

1- point blank shot, precise shot, deadly aim.
2- weapon focus (heavy crossbow)
3- focused shot
4- weapon specialization (heavy crossbow)
5- rapid reload
6- vital strike
7- snap shot
Planned feats:
8- Rapid shot
9- combat reflexes
10- Improved snap shot
11- Improved precise shot
12- Improved vital strike
13- Improved precise shot
14- Penetrating strike
15- iron will

The idea is too one-sided ready a standard attack action on each turn, (getting dex to damage with the fighter archetype) use a Large sized heavy repeating crossbow for 2d8 base, gravity bow makes it 3d8, enlarged 4d8.

Since a readied action to attack counts as a standard attack action, I apply focused shot+ vital strike and deadly aim.

So, with just this, at level 12 doing, with just a +3 crossbow
12d8+22 I believe.

SO, I'm going to be playing a unchained monk starting at 5 with 1 mythic tier.

now, I normally really like scorpion style as it lets me add on 1-2 (with stunning fist) save or be useless effects with a move + standard and has decent synergy with spring attack. However, with mythic swift strike opens up move+attack+full attack.

SO, this all said is scorpion style still worth the feat? If not, do I just pick up dodge instead?

So, as the title asks? Which do you think is better (or prefer) and why?

To keep it a bit more focused.

-which class do you feel works better mechanically and it's stronger.

-which class do you feel has more flavor and is easier to RP/has more easily used RP options/ideas.