
Thorbrin's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Hello every one I just wanted to take a moment and let every one know that a new Pathfinder Society game will be taking place in Belleville,Ontario, at Scalliwag Toys on Saturday October 3rd. I will be running the scenario Master of the Fallen Fortress.
It will be our first Pathfinder Society game in our region and will be the first of many more to come.
If any one has any questions please feel free to contact me .
Thank you and have a great day :)

Liberty's Edge

I am building an adventure that involves the heroes delving in to a Goblin Lair. Its a good sized lair with 40 WARRIORS...80 NON COMBATANT..6th lvl warrior Chieftan..5th lvl Adept and two 3rd lvl warrior. I used the rules in chapter 14 to generate NPC gear for the leaders but how do I generate the Lair treasure for the goblins? Do i just do treasure per room...as I am filling out the room descriptions..?

Liberty's Edge

I dont normaly take part in "surveys" but what the heck lol
My group is only playing "Pathfinder" atm, we play once a week and honestly have not even looked at another system since I brought the "beta" play test for pathfinder to the game table.
I am the "GM" of this group and honestly I really do prefer running the game then playing as a "PC".
I consider myself lucky to have had the same core group for 15 + years now.
I better get back to work now :)

Liberty's Edge

Personaly I dealt with this the simple way and ruled that combat manouvers cannot be used in AOO.
Its fast...furious and nips the problem in the butt.

Liberty's Edge

Ross Byers wrote:
Look just to the right of the Crawling Hand, and you'll find the Giant Crawling Hand, which has the same ability and the description for it.

OOPS holy failed perception check lol, thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I was putting together some encounters for my gaming group and decided that the Crawling Hands from B2 would be fun. Only problem is that I cant seem to find the rules for "Mark Querry".
I checked the Universal Monster Rules from B1 & B2 and could not find any referance to this ability. Any idea of where this may be?
Thanks in advance.
Happy gaming !

Liberty's Edge

My introduction to the world of gaming happened when I was 11 back in the 80's at school on recess and a group of guys were talking about strange creatures, giants and dragons. I asked what they were talking about and soon enough I found my self invited to my first ADD game(1st ed).
I remember the funky dice , in the dim light of a basement they looked like strange shaped gems. Character creation was a blur, I wanted to play a ninja(go figure lol) not a class at the time. I ended up with a neutral evil human assassin. We had a very strange party of evil , two assassins and two cavaliers :)
Needless to say the game was a fun romp of slaying monsters (first one I encountered was a Rakasta(catman) and taking loot from the critters. It was monty haul, way way to much treasure etc but damn it was fun.
Soon after I purchased the books, Dice etc and well the rest is history!!

Liberty's Edge

I normaly play what most people would consider low level games( under level 10). Having played the game since first edition, this seems to be the comfort zone for me and my gaming group.
We have recently decided to give higher level play a try, and instead of restarting at lvl 10 we decided to just continue and give high level play a chance.
So far it has been a challenge, most of the pc's are currently lvl 11(we have 7 players in the group).
Creating encounters and challenges for this level of play can be hard , and my prep time is definitely higher now.
I went on a buying spree and purchased every monster manual/book I could get my hands on from 3 and 3.5/pathfinder and the variety of monsters has helped with keeping things fresh.
We have always been a very "tactical" group so using clever and creative tactics for creatures encountered helps to create a sense of danger when encountering foes in game.
Some of us are surprised at the deadly powers, dmg output of some of the characters in the group. But I think the players are enjoying the "power" :)
I plan to keep going until the game becomes unmanagable, if it takes hours to do one combat thats not really ideal as we only play once a week for about 3.5 hours.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the info. I was almost afraid that was the case. It just seems crazy the amount of damage a straight class fighter can dish out two weapon fighting with high strength and power attack.
He can easily do 75+ dmg a round .
For the first time our group is starting to try higher level play, normaly we stop before we hit level 10. So some of this is still shocking to us lol.

Liberty's Edge

Hello fellow gamers, I have a fairly basic question. When making a full attack action , does power attack apply to all attacks made in that round?
And when fighting with two weapons does it apply to both weapons or just the primary hand??
Thanks in advance!!

Liberty's Edge

One of the selling points of "Pathfinder" for my group was that the massive library of 3.x books we have could still be used.
I do however restrict access to non core Pathfinder books. Players have access to the core book and the advanced players guide at character creation.
As the characters gain levels....starting at level 6 and every two levels after(8..10..12 etc) player can select one book(with gm approval) that they can use to advance characters. Gaining access to feats...classes..spells etc in that tome. Basicly the players unlock individual books for there specific character as the character becomes more experienced.
I have found that this helps to keep the characters reasonable, and really cuts down the amount of time needed to advance characters.

Liberty's Edge

In our last game session of Pathfinder , our game came to a sudden halt when we needed to know how much can a backpack hold.
We spent about 10 minutes going through the Core Book and could not find any suggestions/rules for how much containers can hold(backpacks, belt pouches, sacks etc.)
Did I over look the section that describes this or is it absent from the book?
I am sorry if this has been asked else where.
Thanks and good luck gaming.