My introduction to the world of gaming happened when I was 11 back in the 80's at school on recess and a group of guys were talking about strange creatures, giants and dragons. I asked what they were talking about and soon enough I found my self invited to my first ADD game(1st ed).
I remember the funky dice , in the dim light of a basement they looked like strange shaped gems. Character creation was a blur, I wanted to play a ninja(go figure lol) not a class at the time. I ended up with a neutral evil human assassin. We had a very strange party of evil , two assassins and two cavaliers :)
Needless to say the game was a fun romp of slaying monsters (first one I encountered was a Rakasta(catman) and taking loot from the critters. It was monty haul, way way to much treasure etc but damn it was fun.
Soon after I purchased the books, Dice etc and well the rest is history!!