About Thomas Silverspoon. . . . . . . . Background:
Name: Thomas Silverspoon Age: 28 General Appearance: Thomas is a bonuwat man in his mid-to-late twenties, dressed in bright Varisian clothing, with a worn and marked Razmiran mask, and a full-body cloak of banana leaves. He has a notable "pendant" hanging from his neck, an ornately clasped set of... cards? He is of average height, with a wide mouth and dusky skin - and, though not very strong, a rather lovely sight to see. Bio: The half-Ijo/half-Ombo son of a slave and a pirate (respectively), he was raised among the Ombo by his pirate-witch mother, often treated like the slave his father was supposed to be (though she was very, very protective of "her" boy). He was terrified of her his entire life, but he respected and loved her - sort of - as well. Her name was "Lovely Nightmare" (apparently he was named after his father, including "Silverspoon"), and she tended to live up to the name. That said, she would occasionally do strangely kind things to him as well - a rare sentimental gesture or kind purchase of something he'd expressed interest in when he didn't think she was watching (generally, speaking, she frowned upon him expressing interests in things... and her frown meant something really bad was coming). Though Thomas had few friends growing up, he often listened to the old wise folk who preached of Shimye-Magalla, and the song of the sea and stars - something his mother wholeheartedly respected and feared (and thus, he figured, something for him to do as well). Still, Shimye-Magalla always seemed to him to be something better than this life, more free. He loved it. When he was old enough to do so, his mother promptly hired him out as a servant of the wisefolk, where he could listen to them ramble about Shimye-Magalla instead of pestering her or driving away customers. It was there, in the temple, that he first learned of finances... a skill his mother soon put to use for their own household. A hard life, to be sure, but one that Thomas grew used to. It all came crashing to a hale the day Lovely Nightmare was killed in a dual over "cheating at cards". The victor claimed Thomas (along with all of Lovely's possessions) as a "prize" in supposed compensation for Lovely's cheating... though no one believed it, considering the way she felt about such things. Still, no one wanted to stand up to Stormthroat, as the man was known to have been "killed" by throat-cutting twice previously... and yet. But Thomas was a boy, and was terrified, and hated the man who killed his mother, however terrible she was. He waited until his new "master" slept, and slit the man's throat for a third time - and then a fourth, fifth, and six time in his panic and fury (and just to be sure it stuck this time) as well as stabbing him in the heart. Horrified at what he'd done, covered in blood, and worried about retribution from Stormthoat's friends Thomas decided to flee. Taking his mother's most prized possession - her deck of "magic" cards sacred to Shimye-Magalla, Thomas fled to the south to find the other half of his heritage... the Ijo. There, he searched for anyone else named "Thomas" or even "Silverspoon", but was unable to find his father or any relations. In the end, he decided that his father had probably been sold to Bekyar instead - not something that Thomas was going to investigate, as dealing with cannibal demon-worshipers... was not a good idea; besides, his father was likely very dead. Even still, he decided to stay - Thomas found the Ijo people very welcoming, though their ways were dishearteningly primitive and poor... they had none of the nice clothes or civilized elements he was used to, as an example (though he thought their idea of banana leaf cloaks was kind of brilliant). Thomas would have stayed with "his" people, if the pirates hadn't come. Again. Knowing it was for him (despite the Ijo's suggestions to the contrary), he fled, first to Egorian, and then boarding a ship that went to the furthest reaches of the world: the mythical northern land of Varisia. In Varisia, Thomas learned many new things - he learned that the "sacred" deck his mother had used was called "Harrow Deck" (although this one held more star-and-wave motifs than the normal), and that the Varisians believed that there was no Shimye-Magalla... the believed that there were two gods - Desna and Gozreh. It was explained to him that Shimye-Magalla was a heresy, if a "benign" one, and that his faith was misplaced. Naturally, the Varisian - the people, not the countrymen - wanted to guide him to the "correct" path and embraced a fellow wanderer. Thus, he studied and learned the ways of Harrow for many years, holding onto his "heresy", even as he was mocked (if gently) by the Varisians for it (which they mostly thought of as "cute"). During this same time, he met a fellow heretic, a young man named Eto, a foreigner like himself, although Eto was from far-off Tian. Eto's heresy was an unusual one, however - instead of worshiping a god that was "really" (according to the locals) two different gods, he worshiped a god that was "really" (again, according to the locals) not a god at all - merely a powerful mage faking it! How absurd! Thomas and Eto became fast friends, and Eto, though keeping most of the teachings to himself, occasionally doled out bits of wisdom he learned from his books and tomes - Eto, it was explained, longed to be a priest of this "living god" one day, and delight in all the wealth, riches, and freedom such a thing entailed. Delighted at having a friend who was equally skilled at finances, and just as much a 'heretic' and 'foreigner' as he, Thomas and Eto quickly became staunch friends and allies. Thomas shared some of his secret knowledge of Varisian traditions with Eto, while Eto shared some of his secret knowledge of Razmiran traditions with Thomas. The two dreamed big dreams of becoming power-friends, and spreading their wealth and influence far and wide... or just being very successful hucksters. That would work, too. But the dream wasn't to be. Some Sczarni, looking for an easy mark, decided to make an example of the Razmiran and rob him blind for not paying his "dues" (whatever that meant), and, figuring he was foreign, decided that Thomas could go too. Together the two narrowly escaped their aggressors and fled (a second time, for Thomas) as far as they could. This time, they fled east, across Northern Avastan to the edge of Razmiran. There, Thomas learned, much to his dismay, that his "fellow heretic" (who'd been showing him such neat things!) didn't actually believe the religion he followed! ... and that the other priests were planning on enslaving and/or killing Thomas, and forcing Eto to go through with it. Terrified, Thomas attempted to flee, but was trapped by the shore of Lake Encarthan at night, not quite able to get to the Razmiran "faith barge" he was aiming to steal and run away with. As Thomas was cowering in the waves (having angled away from the ship), the false-priests approached. Eto asked Thomas to come quietly, and promising Thomas that he'd take him as a slave personally and treat him "right", telling him that "evil, vicious things" lurked in the water - but Thomas saw the look of malevolence, and knew, knew that he'd be tortured, maimed, or worse. Thomas knelt into the water and begged Shimye-Magalla for aid, clinging to his mother's harrow deck, and then a miracle happened - Shimye-Magalla (or at least an avatar or manifestation) herself leaped from the waves and onto the cultist Thomas had once called "friend" as well as the rest of the crowded group. What happened next was... too much for Thomas. He saw little, but the strangely beautiful and horrifying creature ripping into cultists and Eto alike, killing some and causing others to flee. In the dark, Thomas couldn't see who'd lived or died... but the badly-scarred mask of an initiate - of Eto - washed ashore. Taking the mask, and the barge, Thomas sailed as far as he could, selling everything off at the furthest port he could get to. During that time, he learned several things - the creature that he'd called was not Shimye-Magalla - at least, wasn't the goddess Shimye-Magalla, although that was, in fact, its name - but instead seemed to be a part of him. It taught him magic and showed him secrets his mother had denied teaching him... and secrets Eto had kept from him as well. When he landed, Thomas was desperate. Now, no where was safe - to the north east the Razmirans were after him. To the north west, the Sczarni. To the south, the Ombo. There was nowhere safe. And thus, when the opportunity for fleeing to a new world appeared... he took it as fast as possible... Reason to go to sea: Thomas feels that he needs to leave. Now. His goal in joining the crew and leaving to sea is to literally leave the "world" (as he knows it) to escape his (possibly imaginary) pursuers. He figures that his eidolon is a spiritual protector-gift from Shimye-Magalla herself, and thus it's a sign to go, navigate by the stars (which he's rubbish at, but this is poetry) and sail to freedom (which he's also rubbish at, but again - poetry). Added to that, although he's quite skilled at the numbers part of accounting, Thomas isn't exactly the wisest or most consummate professional; as a direct result he's recently spent his last coin, and is hoping to get a job with an excellent pay-out. 3 words to describe you character:
. . . Thomas Silverspoon
BAB: +0 Brass Knife
Possible Modifiers
HP: 9 (1d8 + 1 Con per Level)
CMB: -1 (0 BAB - 1 Str)
Fort +1 (+ 0 Base + 1 Con)
Per Level: 8 (2 Base + 3 Int + 1 Human + 1 Favored Class + Profession (clerk))
Eye for Quality (Religion) - Your deity has granted you an uncanny ability to find the true worth of items. Benefit(s) You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise checks, you don't suffer the effects of failing such checks by 5 or more, and Appraise is a class skill for you. World Traveler (Race [Human]) - Your family has taken the love of travel to an extreme, roaming the world extensively. You've seen dozens of cultures and have learned to appreciate the diversity of what the world has to offer. Benefits: Select one of the following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you. {Optional}
{Optional; Drawback; ALTs: Tainted Spirit or Umbral Unmasking or Warded Against Nature}
Coward(Flaw, Campaign-specific) – you will run, hide or generally try to avoid confrontation. Notes:
Harrowed: Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem to have hit the mark precisely, increasing your belief that you are destined for a specific purpose in life. Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Will saves made to resist enchantment effects. Once per day, you may draw a card from a Harrow deck you own. At any one time for the rest of that day, you may apply a +2 bonus on any d20 roll modified by the card’s suit. For example, if you drew a card from the suit of Dexterity, you could apply this +2 bonus on an Initiative check, a Reflex save, a Dexterity-based skill check, or a ranged attack roll. You may assign this +2 bonus after you make the roll, but you must do so before you know whether the roll was a success or not.(Human Bonus Feat) False Focus: You can use a divine focus to cast arcane spells. Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, ability to cast arcane spells. Benefit: By using a divine focus as part of casting, you can cast any spell with a material component costing the value of that divine focus (maximum 100 gp) or less without needing that component. For example, if you use a silver holy symbol worth 25 gp, you do not have to provide material components for an arcane spell if its components are worth 25 gp or less. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs more than the value of the divine focus, you must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal. Normal: A divine focus has no effect when used as a component in arcane spells. (1st Level Feat)
Most summoners forge a bond with a single, powerful eidolon, but some summoners seek to control a variety of creatures. The master summoner sacrifices the power of his eidolon in favor of summoning a plethora of otherworldly creatures to aid him. Proficiencies - All simple weapons and light armor. Summoner spellcasting is not affected by light armor, but would suffer spell failure with medium or heavy armor or shields. Cantrips - You can cast your cantrips at will. Lesser Eidolon - Your class level is halved (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining his eidolon’s abilities, Hit Dice, evolution pool, and so on. The eidolon otherwise functions as normal. This ability replaces the summoner’s normal eidolon ability. Thomas' lesser eidolon is named Shimye-Magalla. Life Link - Starting at 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane. In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does return to normal. Summoning Mastery ({5+CHA modifier} 8/day) (Summon Monster I) - Starting at 1st level, a master summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier. The summoner can use this ability when his eidolon is summoned. Only one summon monster spell may be in effect while the eidolon is summoned. If the summoner’s eidolon is not summoned, the number of creatures that can be summoned with this ability is only limited by its uses per day. This ability otherwise functions as the summoner’s normal summon monster I ability. Other than these restrictions, there is no limit to how many summon monster or gate spells the summoner can have active at one time. This ability replaces the summoner’s normal summon monster I ability and shield ally.
DC: 10 + Spell Level + Charisma Modifier = (10+Spell Level+4) = (14+Spell Level)
Light Load 26 lbs. or less Medium Load 27-53 lbs. Heavy Load (Lift Over-head) 54-80 lbs. Lift off the ground (staggered) 81-160 lbs. Push or Drag 161-400 lbs.
21.25 lbs. Gold: 0 Cards, Fortune-teller's (masterwork) {Holy Symbol}
Piecemeal Armor
Brass Knife
Outfit (Explorer's)
Mask (Razmiran, dented and scratched)
Scarf (Varisian)
Cloak/Poncho (Banana Leaf)
Colorful Vest (Shackles)
Bandanna (Colorful)
Eyepatch (Plain)
. . . [================================================================] . . . Thomas' eidolon is named Shimye-Magalla. |