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I think we should keep in mind that this is first level character and first level characters suck.
Back in AD&D days I ran a campaign and a first level cleric knocked himself clean out in the first battle. He did enough damage to kill himself but I imagine it would be difficult to kill yourself with a staff.

Another thing is there are plenty of feat slots to fill in Pathfinder. Take weapon finesse(unarmed) and focus and dex after all your monk will need a high dex for AC. I would rather a high hit bonus than a high strength bonus. What good is it to be able to pound you opponent into the ground if you can not hit your opponent?

As it is when your monk gets to high levels Flurry of Blows is down right deadly and will give most tank characters a run for their money.

First level characters are now a viable option to play. AD&D it was better to start at third level to give your character a fighting chance and 3.5 was not much different. If you have to run away then pick up the bottom of your robe and run away.