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Thomas Christy's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Has anyone solved the black background issue with copy and pasted images?

I have tried a number of pdf readers without success.

I understand from other threads that it does not happen universally with all images and that it is related to the image having an alpha channel.

Thank you,

Kvantum wrote:

Yep, it's your version of Acrobat. Reader 8 used to, but for some stupid reason, Reader 9 can't.

Solution: download SomePDF ImageExtractor and give it a whirl.

That was it. Reloaded Acrobat 8 and it works again. Thank you very much.

I used to be able to extract maps to use with my overhead projector, but that does not seem to work anymore.

I am using Adobe Reader 9. Not sure what I was using then, but when I used to hover over a map a dialog box would open with a "copy image" choice or something like that. It would copy the map without the numbers and other DM info. Perfect for projecting.

Anyone know why that may not be working now. Is it my version of Adobe? Something else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Add me to the (short it appears) list of those who would love to see Paizo do 4E stuff. I think Paizo's work is some of the best, but I play 4E. I will be canceling my Pathfinder subscription now that the 3rd adventure path is complete, but would renew it or start a new one for 4E content.

Thank you Paizo for the great products you have put out. I had a great time playing through both Age of Worms and Rise of the Runelords. Good luck!

Should you start support for 4E, please announce it everywhere (as I am sure you would if you did) and I will be back.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Yep—we are among the "small group of publishers" mentioned in the release.
Vic Wertz wrote:
We're committed to the Pathfinder RPG for future Pathfinder products, but we've always said that we would consider doing some non-Pathfinder 4E products. (Assuming the GSL allows that.)


Please reconsider. I love your Pathfinder product and I love 4E. I am currently a subscriber to Pathfinder and want to keep that going. But if it does not switch to 4E as soon as possible I will regretfully (and I mean that in all sincerity, I love your work) have to cancel my subscription.

Thank you

Please send a copy of this and the C1 conversion to tomchristy <at> cox <dot> net

Thank you!

Erik Mona wrote:
* Except perhaps Harnmaster, but while I like that style I do not think it particularly appropriate for core Dungeons & Dragons.

Wow, bonus points for mentioning Harnmaster, I love their maps even though I agree they would not be appropriate for your magazine.

I prefer Christopher West's maps over Robert Lazzaretti's. Although I have to say that Roberts seem to have gotten better over time. I was disappointed when I saw Rob was doing the maps for the new adventure path. Will he be doing all of them like Christopher did for Shackled City?