
Therago Agin 2ed's page

21 posts. Organized Play character for Thereus, Silver Crusader.

Full Name

Therago Agin


CG Kitsune Male Swashbuckler 2 | HP 32 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +6 | AC 19 | Perc +6 | Hero Pt 1

About Therago Agin 2ed

CG Medium Kitsune (Earthly Wilds) - Field Commission - Horizon Hunters (90808-2007)
Perception +6; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Kitsune

Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2
AC 19; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6
HP 32
Speed 25 feet

Melee +1 Rapier +9 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse, Magical), Damage 1d6+1 P
Melee Jaws +8 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d6+1 B, P or S
Ranged (Special Unarmed) Foxfire +8 (Unarmed), Damage 1d4 E or F

Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Crafting +4, Deception +6, River Kingdoms Lore +4, Underworld Lore +4, Stealth +7, Thievery +8

Feats Earthly Wilds Kitsune, Foxfire, Quick Jump, Specialty Crafting, Tumble Behind

Dueling Parry (Swashbuckler) Requirements You are wielding only a single one-handed melee weapon and have your other hand or hands free. You can parry attacks against you with your weapon. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn as long as you continue to meet the requirements.

Confident Finisher (Finisher, Swashbuckler) You make an incredibly graceful attack, piercing your foe's defenses. Make a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack that would apply your precise strike damage, with the following failure effect. Failure You deal half your precise strike damage to the target. This damage type is that of the weapon or unarmed attack you used for the Strike.

Change Shape (Kitsune) (Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) You transform into a specific alternate form determined by your heritage. If your heritage doesn’t list a form, your alternate form is a tailless form, which is a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent where you grew up (typically human). This form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. You lose any unarmed Strikes you gained from a kitsune heritage or ancestry feat in this form. You can remain in your alternate form indefinitely, and you can shift back to your true kitsune form by using this action again.

Additional Specials Panache, Precise Strike, Swashbuckler's Style (Fencer)

Precision Damage Precise Strike Finisher 2d6

Items Chain Shirt, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Thieves' Tools, Wayfinder, Clothing (Explorer's), Healing Potion (Minor) (2)
Wayfinder (Uncommon, Evocation, Invested, Magical) Activate command; Effect The wayfinder is targeted by a 1st-level light spell.