Hero of Valhalla

Thehigher cause's page

Organized Play Member. 64 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Silver Crusade

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I feel that there are a number of rules that need some work how about you?

One rule I find needing the be changed is damage reduction. It worked for a while but now not so much.
5/magic for low level people is good
10/magic or higher is usually nothing for players about 4th level as everybody has a magic weapon or can have or a temp one
It just not the great defensive ability it was.
3.5 rule was 5/magic, 10/+2 weapon and so on. And the weapon needed have a plus two not just 2 pluses worth. I'm not sure that is the right answer either.

Silver Crusade

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Thehigher cause wrote:
So how would you determine if there are problems?

Discussion. Play testing. Study. The same things we have been doing.

And polls. So long as you are aware of selection bias and the myriad other effects on the results.

But that's not what your reply was about. You were casting him as saying that there are NO problems with Pathfinder, and that simply wasn't true.

Well that was not what my reply was about. I was saying is that the current state of play is not working for myself and at least 2 dozen people I regularly play with. Perhaps its just different styles of play. I have to say I think there a number large holes in the system that should be looked into by somebody, either them or a three party. It's hard to find anyone who thought the last book was at all useful. In the last year or so the quality for pathfinder products has been on the decline. Perhaps everything is just find and my groups are just abnormal.

I hope pathfinder lives forever and perhaps I just nit-picking. I just thought someone by now had considered this.