Jason Applegate's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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You're not the only one Harles. My group dropped Pathfinder Core Rules just after it was released for simpler systems like C&C. We all liked aspects of Pathfinder, but it was just to complex/crunchy for us.

I bought the Beginner Box a couple of weeks ago after reading a blog post about the BB, and have started a Pathfinder revival. After I showed the other GM in our group the BB he immediately fell in love with it. BB is now becoming our house rules of choice.

We aren't planning on migrating to core rules, but like you I may be dragging out some of my old AP's like Rise of the Rune Lords and running the first couple of installments.