Aeteperax, Green Dragon

The_Treebeard's page

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Is anyone else having trouble finding the premium module to install on Foundry?

Is it just me, or can others not see the option to download a PDF on the Product Page?

How did you all feel about the encounter with the gargoyles in the Treacherous Scree in Calamity Caves? Since it is a trained Stealth Hazard, my players stumbled right into it. And with three flying creatures with Resistance 5 to Physical, the already battered party is near death. We had to end the session halfway, but I already feel a TPK happening next session.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

While looking through the GM Core, I noticed that in the Automatic Bonus Progression, for Ability Apex, it mentions changing the Attribute Score to 18. This is a hold-over from the Ability Score of pre-remaster.
I assume the proper text should now be "choose one attribute score to either increase by 1 or increase to +4 (whichever grants the higher score)."

Dancing Wind wrote:

The PDF for the Core Rulebook costs $20.

Perhaps your group could get together and buy him his own copy as a gift.

Well I'm the only one right now who is on board with switching to Pf2e, but he's at least a little interested. I don't think anyone wants to pay for it right now. I might, but I'm also currently out of disposable income.

My 5e DM just asked if I can share the CRB PDF with him since Archives of Nethys is a hard digest for him.
I don't want to violate copyright, but if I were to add the PDF to a FoundryVTT Journal Entry without him having access to the actual file (can only view the PDF, not share), would that be fine?
Is there another solution?
I want to clarify that I am not asking a question about enforceability or morality, just if it's legal within US copyright law.
Also, we don't meet in person. He lives on a different continent right now, and the rest of the group besides one live on the other side of the US.