![]() Mark Moreland wrote:
Thanks Mark! I know it's stupid, but I always expect people to look like their avatars... ![]()
![]() LazarX wrote:
Which make me wish that someone somewhere will have the courage to finance and new sci-fi series and take the risk to make (good) movies out of it (not just B movies made for straight to DVD). I say finance because I'm sure that there are tons of scenarios already written but producers don't want to take the risk to film them because, in the end, Sci-Fi series (apart from Star Trek and Star Wars and few other series) are rarelly big sellers. ![]()
![]() A big part of the problem of the prequel is that they came out after the original series and they get compared. Make an original Sci-Fi series telling the epic story of a crumbling republic undermined by corruption and a civil war where an order of knights try to hold it together and you have a great franchise! That and the cheesy, badly scripted and acted love affair between Padme and Anakin. Oh and also the really bad acting by the guy who plays Anakin (I can't even remember his name) I just hope that Abrahams will correctly direct his actors and the story won't be too cheesy. I'm exited, but I am sucker for anything with the words "Star Wars" on it. ![]()
![]() JonGarrett wrote:
Apart from the chain Bikini (and the whole slaves outfit of Jabba), what makes you say that? Given, there's not a lot of female characters, but Princess Leia and Mon Mothma are pretty strong feminine figure and they are in charge. There's also a couple of female Jedi that are pretty important to the order and story arc. Just curious, it never stroke me as such. ![]()
![]() Mark Moreland wrote:
Well, then count me in for a more "conventional" AP set in theese regions. I really like the feel of those nations. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
Because of two very boring real life issues that would totally translate in the world of Golarion: 1. Cash flow management
1. To be able to buy all the stuff you are bringing back from adventuring, the store actually have to sell some previously acquired. If the stores buy the new stuff full price, they need to sell it higher than the acquired price to turn a profit. If the price of an item is higher at your shop, adventurers will go to another shop where they can get the item at a lower price. If they don't turn a profit, how will they pay for the rent, mortgage employees, etc...? 2. Iventory is money that is sleeping. Once you've paid for an item, you've engaged your funds and can't use to buy something else. If your inventory dosen't turn, you can't genrate money. It's real world economics, it's up to you to judge if real world economics appply to your game. ![]()
![]() It's been a while since I've been the GM, but I'm currently building my own adventure. I "coddle" by trying to respect the Adventure design guidlines as best as possible for the APL of my players. If during the course of the adventure I realise that I did an evident design error, like an overpowered encounter, I'll fudge the rolls not to TPK the party. If the players do something really stupid like going into the previously announced lair of the BBEG unprepared, I let them pay for it, without making it on purpose to TPK the party. Some characters might die but I won't TPK them just for the sake of it. In between, I sometime fudge to counterbalance some really unlucky dice rolls on both sides. ![]()
![]() Beornigar wrote: I played this campaign with my old eberron group and we got about a third of the way through it. My question is this, is there a good place to base this in Golarion? If you eant a referance The Age of Worms Campaign is in Dungeon 124-136. I'd be tempted to place that AP in Varisia with Korvosa or Magnimar being the "Free city" or in Iobaria with Orlov being the free city, there even a cairn in Iobaria! ![]()
![]() Peter Stewart wrote:
One of my "if I win the lottery fantasy" is to buy the rights to remake the games, do a sequel, make a movie and à Tv show "à la" clone Wars. That and starcraft... Man do I need to start gaming again, I feel old school when I hear of Mass Effect and I have no idea what the story's about but I CAN recall almost everything cutscenes from both freespace. ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
It's not the first time I see this. I guess it's a kind of preprogrammed task... ![]()
![]() blackbloodtroll wrote: Well, this site is a big help. I second that! The information is very well organised, it's of great help. ![]()
![]() I think that, in Golarion, Brevoy is more Russia than anything else. Brevoy, the Houses name are particularly striking. ![]()
![]() A tiny bit of ashes... Name of PC: Delvaniel Alvenas
Our group Druid reincarnated Delvaniel into a brand new human the next day and we stopped Mukmurian once and for all. ![]()
![]() You can also prepare Resist energy or Protection from energy spells. It's very usefull against those type of attacks. If you are caught by surprise it will not be that usefull because you have to cast it in advance but it's pretty cheaper to prepare those spells than investing in all that magic gear that'll only give you a small boost ![]()
![]() Ever heard: "To face the challenges ahead of us, we will have to learn to do more with less" That is the corporate mantra of my company, usually meaning: "were are expecting that you will be able to produce 20% more job with less budget" I just graduated and I really hope that I won't be the guy saying that someday... Cheers ! ![]()
![]() Gary Teter wrote: I've ever heard him described as a sociologist, though he has referred to himself as "poet, philosopher and rogue." I've been a fan of his work for almost 30 years; he's been at it for nearly 50. Ted Nelson as defined by Wikipedia. Well, wiki might be wrong (again...) ![]()
![]() Rambling Scribe wrote: As an aside, in my game I give casters unlimited 0-level spells (with no cure minor wounds allowed), so they can ray of frost, acid splash or disrupt undead til the cows come home. I've found it doesn't hurt the game. Actually, I've found it to be a very effective solution to the original problem. Do they need to prepare the spells in advance or do you allow it to be played like a sorcerer knowing all the cantrips and having a 0th level - at will ? I really like the idea, but at low level, the impact must be greater? ![]()
![]() Is it true that the basic concepts of this theory were laid down by a sociologist in the late fifties mid sixties ??? One of my friend is also a software developper and he told me that what you are describing was first used for a completely different purpose. I just wanted to know if my friend told the truth. ![]()
![]() Cosmo wrote: Despite the rhetoric, I have a few theories. Well, it's seems that wikipedia has covered pretty much every subject on the planet. ![]()
![]() Gary Teter wrote: One of our webservers freaked out over the weekend, but I didn't notice because my laptop was talking to a server that wasn't discombobulated. Vic noticed it yesterday evening and I came into the office and fixed it. So things should be back to normal now. [Rhetorical Question] Why do they always have do that on weekends or even wrost, on long weekends, when no one is around ? [/Rhetorical Question] ![]()
![]() Forgottenprince wrote:
I will probably be the only arcane caster. My group is very fun for that; everybody is open minded to try something new and not to cross in another player's "sphere of influence". In our last games, I have been a druid, a fighter and a scout so it's my turn to be the arcanist. Forgottenprince wrote: Do you have a character concept that fits well with the specialization? I do have (and like) the evoker concept. I like to play charcaters that have typical traits mixed with atypical traits (my fighter was a noble that had no charisma and no money, my mercenary scout is named Manfred Teabottom, not very threatening). Dwarves are known to be fighters but their "mainstream" magic is divine. That's why I chose a wizard, but a wizard that specialize in combat and consider magic more as a tool than an art (thus the specialization). My main background idea was that my character was trained in a special "magic brigade" used to complement normal troops. That's why I want to multiclass in the Eldritch Knight PrC. I think that all of you conviced me to go with the roleplaying option, after all it's an opportunity. Thanks to all of you! Cheers! ![]()
![]() Thanks a lot to both of you. Celestial Healer wrote: When I make wizards, I often have a concept around what type of spells they use anyway, in order to fit the character, so I build around that. It's maybe not the most powergame-friendly way to build a character, but good if you are creating a role. This is why I wanted a specialist in the first place. My favored concept is that of Dwarf Evoker which would multiclass in the Eldritch Knight PrC. I like the idea of a military minded arcanist, a blaster capable of vaporizing all opposition. But I want to keep some of the versatility of the wizard, because sometimes, brute force is not the answer. Celestial Healer wrote: Just take a good look at the spell lists in the various schools and make sure this is nothing on there that you would miss too much. Popular choices for forbidden schools are Illusion, Enchantment, and Necromancy. For my Evoker I would have shed Necromancy and Enchantment and for my Enchanter Necromancy and Evocation. I know that there are a lot of good things in the Necromancy school, but I've always been under the impression that it's the easiest one to forego. Lathiira wrote: perhaps with mindbender PrC from Complete Arcane I really consider this PrC, but I am really afraid of the impact it will have on our game. I really don't like the word broken, but I fear that this particular class is a bit overpowered. I've always had the feeling that the various enchantments spells (Dominate, hold...) were the most powerful spells of the game. Dominate the enemy fighter or brute (which usually have weak will saves) and your team just won another damage dispenser. Cool on the moment but being a one trick pony is not always fun. Again, thanks for sharing Cheers ! ![]()
![]() This has probably been discussed before but I am to lazy to look in the archives... My next character will be a wizard. I've got two concepts that I want to developp and both are axed toward a specific school. One concept is an Enchanter and the other one is an Evoker. I was wondering if there is a real advantage at taking a specialized school? Is the extra spell slot really worth having to other shools banned from your repertoire? Thanks for sharing your opinions and experience. Cheers ! ![]()
![]() Saern wrote: Perhaps you could mess with the gears in Mechanus to "create" the extra time you need. And thus incurring the wrath of the God of Time or of the Inevitables (Fiend Folio if I remember correctly) responsible for the keeping of time. A crafty DM could spin this to his advantage. Beware... ![]()
![]() So threadjack but... Oh my god. Cosmo you just pointed me the source of a movie that I tought I had dreamed in my youth. Anyone knows if there is a dvd/digital copy of this movie somewhere ? Sorry for the threadjack and a two thumbs up for Paizo customer relation staff and their knowledge of the obscure past. ![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote: Keep in mind that sizes ("Medium," for example), are always capitalized. And while we're on the subject of capitalization, you don't need to capitalize Lizardfolk. I have seen this type of comment coming from the judges a lot lately. Maybe it's been specified at the begining of the contest, but where can we find the "rules" to when we should use capital letters, standard letters and the bold or italic fonts ? I understand that the basics of the English language apllies, but I noticed that there seems to be another set of rules for RPG litterature. Just wondering. By the way, great contest ! Cheers ! ![]()
![]() One of my DM recently asked me what would my next character be. Since I never played a wizard, I lean (or leaned) toward the role of arcane spellcaster. But while I was going thru my books I had some small "tingly" fellings when I came across the Hex Blade (from Complete Warior) and the Knight (PHB2). I was wondering if any of you had experience playing or DMing one of theese classes. Since I have no idea what our next campaign will be and what will be the role of my fellow adventurers, I can't give anymore infos than "Hey those classes look cool, I wonder if anyone at Paizo could share their experience on that". So there it is, any opinions or experience you can share? Cheers ! ![]()
![]() I just finished watching the series in DVD this weekend. What a great show that was ! I think I really liked that show 'cause it reminded so much of the time when I was playing the d6 Star Wars RPG. It did not remind me so much of the epic struggle between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire but more of the life of the Tramp Freighter Captain that I first played. So to come back to the topic at hand, I saw Firefly as a low tech version of Star Wars without the large scale struggle. Maybe you could inspire yourself from Star Wars Saga ( I personally never played Star Wars D20 or Star Wars Saga). Hope you have fun with this game and keep us posted. Tiger Lord ![]()
![]() Savage_ScreenMonkey wrote:
YEAH, Opening Nignt is today !!! First Game of the season in Montreal !!!!!! A lot of Molson EX will be drank tonight. Cheers to all the Habs fans and Booooo to Hurricanes fans (not a real boooo just a you do not like the same team as me) ![]()
![]() Lilith wrote: Trois Pistoles is damn fine, particularly when paired with a loaf of crusty bread and a bowl of halibut chowder. Wow... I am so proud to know that a beer breewed by a company from Quebec (my home province) is known in the States. I realy did not know that it was exported Trivia: Unibroue was started by Robert Charlebois a popular singer here in Quebec. My own personnal choices: Commercial: Good Old Molson EX (known as Molson Canadian in the rest of north america) Native: La Fin du Monde (same breewer as the Trois Pistoles), Boréale and Sleeman's Silver Creek Imported: Hoegaarden and Leffe (both are Belgian beers) Cheers !!!!! ![]()
![]() yellowdingo wrote:
We also have something like 7% to 10% of the freshwater reserve of the whole world, sand full of oil and a couple of tons of raw metals on our side. Should I be scared and practice the American National Anthem ??? By the way, the US military just created AfricaCom, the war center responsible for coordinating every troops on the African Continent, which is by the way pretty near the Middle East. Just saying... A «EEEEEEvil» French Canadian (which I heard is worst than just a Canadian) ![]()
![]() Sebastian wrote:
Well come and join me and the rest of your family tree up here in cold & snowy Montreal, Quebec (Canada). My DM (who is also a corporate lawyer) worships you like a god. You already have your fan base... ![]()
![]() Garjen Soulhammer wrote:
Aren't we supposed to go in dressed as ninjas or pirates or pirates/ninjas or ninjas/pirates. I do hope that some of us have a high enough level to have evasion. Security Mage: I fireball the mob
(I do hope that the Paizo Golem is not a hidden security measure) ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: Our warehouse guys are stuffing the bits into the internet pipes as quickly as they can, but those "1"s can be tricky to hang on to. Skeld wrote:
That is a funny picture and an even funnier answer :) Thanks for the fast reply Vic. I was able to download the file so I can't complain. Like I said previously, I was just unlucky for my first try but it will not stop me from doing it again. As always, an A+ for Paizo's customer service. Cheers ! ![]()
![]() Lilith wrote: Well...according to the Internet Health Report there is a slowdown somewhere in the works. Either that, or the release of Bloodsworn Vale is causing a slight slowdown on Paizo's end. Wow, Lilith, you just gave me a geekgasm. I've been studying in engineering for the last 4 years and nobody told that this kind of ''internet report'' existed. Do you know if this kind of report exist for Canadian companies ? I finaly got the package so everything is all right. I just wondered if this situation was common or I just got unlucky on my first download. Thanks