Holy Vindicator

The Shrike's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I sent in my pictures last week to Katina. I haven't received a response yet to my pictures and such. Can I get some info on where the replacement is at? Thanks!

I got my book at Gen Con and have the same problem. The binding detached at the actual convention. Is there a process for replacement? I don't have a receipt because I bought it there.

I am staring Starfinder Society soon and don't want the book to straight up lose pages.

For Gen Con pickup options, will there be a separate line for them, will there be select times for pickup, or can we get it right away? I have a 1PM Thursday Starfinder event and would like to have my book for it.

ryric wrote:
JD Ager wrote:
Sorry to bring this up again, but has anything official been announced about picking up preorders at Gencon yet? I know they will have plenty there, but after missing out on L5R I would like to at least guarantee getting the Starfinder books :)
It's a bit OT, but FFG has stated they will have L5R at their booth for sale so you can still get it even if you didn't get in the event. That's my plan.

Hard Choices. I want both Starfinder and L5R. I would spend 5 hours in the FFG booth to MAYBE get L5R.

CKent83 wrote:
This will be my second time going to GenCon (the first being the release of Pathfinder back in 2009),

Oh Boy, you are in for a treat. In 2009, attendance was 27,000 and last year it was 60,000. The exhibit space has at least tripled and there will be games in Lucas Oil Stadium as well.

You will be blown away.

Daniel Moyer wrote:
Hyprow wrote:
Does the Eidolon take a negative for multiple attacks in a round? Is one attack (ie. claws) primary when the bite is secondary? I don't think so but someone in my group is arguing with me. Thanks.

Bite and Claws(x2) are all primary attacks. The evolutions specify which are counted as primary and secondary attacks.

If you only have ONE primary attack and nothing else you get 1-1/2 STR bonus instead just STR bonus. That is the only situation in which the text in the evolutions ever comes into question... that I noticed.
Ex: Quadraped Eidolon with only the bite it gets to start.

If you have 3 claw(& limbs) evolutions, you potentially have 6 primary attacks, HOWEVER "number of attacks" POSSIBLE is determined by the Eidolon chart, so it's possible you could only legally use 3 out of 6 attacks.
Ex: 1st Level - Quadraped Eidolon... 3 points spent: claws (front legs), claws (back legs), Improved Damage on it's bite. Has 5 "primary" attacks, but can only legally use 3 of them at any given time until the Summoner gains some levels.

So, as a quadriped with a claws evo, I can attack three times in the round with no negative since all are primary? Is that outlined in the book or assumed since all are listed as primary?

Does the Eidolon take a negative for multiple attacks in a round? Is one attack (ie. claws) primary when the bite is secondary? I don't think so but someone in my group is arguing with me. Thanks.

Any thoughts on the best Character sheet for the summoner?

Jared Ouimette wrote:

Here's what you should do. Construct your Summoner first, before you decide on the kind of eidolon you want. You want high DEX, high CHA, definitely. The rest of the stats depend on your personal playstyle.

So, High INT not too important? My highest points need to be in CHA and DEX?

Forgive me, first time making a Pathfinder character.

So, does the Summoner get extra spells off of Charisma then and NOT intelligence?