Jarl of the North Wind

The Scotch Assassin's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Amorphous Form As a mass of caltrops held together by magic, a caltrop golem may squeeze through any space of diminutive size or larger without penalty. Also the golem’s amorphous nature makes it immune to critical hits, sneak attacks and other precision based damage. A caltrop golem may also spread itself out in a 15 foot by 15 foot square of caltrops and move at its normal movement rate. It may take no actions except to move or reform (a standard action) in this form.

Pretty much won my vote right there. I think this is well done. And the fact it can just appear as a bed of caltrops the party is trying to get around then WHAM! Golem time. But after that is is one of the few critters i thought that could be done well with such a low ceiling on the CR and you passed with flying colors.

"IT'S A TRAP" is the first thing when i seen the rules for round three...its a grenade you should not of jumped on. I get the (pardon the pun) attraction of wanting to show how bad arse this critter is but i think you bit off more than the void could consume. Also why does it have a use magic item bonus? Am i missing something blazingly clear?

I can not really add anything my fellow peps already said. This stat up rocked. I love the fact they are "busy" bees. I and i would love to see the look on a town-folk's face when the swarm eats all the nobles jewelry and stain glass windows....you sir get a vote

Lief, you still impress. When others took the easy way out or stated the favorites from the previous round, you took the high road and took what i and many others believe was the hardest creatures to stat out this round according to the rules imposed by the judges. I would of voted for you just on effort alone. But i am truly impressed how you worked this out, and i can see my parties getting confused when trying to figure out which light is the brightest and should be extinguished first. I for one am going to throw these at a party or two and see how they respond. Hopefully we see you in round 4 as long as you are not over run by two headed rats and watered down critters. Also the group names were a great touch.

Curaigh wrote:

Congratulations! Though you did not get my final vote, this was a consisten entry.

Visual: 10 Charisma
Creativity: 10 Intelligence
Would I use it: 10 Dex
Overall: 10 Strength
Now jump out wows for me, but now glaring holes for either. I do not care for undead and gross for gross sake does not work for me. Hopefully you can make the gross for creepy's sake. A solid work that just failed to grab me, though I am glad it got others.

Congratulations and good luck in the future rounds!

It wasnt undead.

Jason Rice wrote:
Am I the only one that's never heard of a kyuss worm before this thread?

Make that two that have never heard of it...i have heard of Kyuss the band though which rocks.

I keep coming back to this creature, I think its just interesting after it plagues a village and the "heroes" get there to deal with it, it could be dead from starvation already. Causing even more confusion. It just seems awesome and the fact that Lief can change gears from round to round seems solid also. I really hope this critter's creator makes it to the third round.

Side note- The name thing has been done to death in this contest at least this name doesn't like some one trying to speak words off a Boggle grid.

Some times it's to easy to fight monsters, I want something my party will fear. The rotling's hit and run tactics will wear them down and maybe even force them to think the creature is more powerful than it actually is. I really dig this guy and love the fact it naturally dies to starvation after about a month even if it isn't killed. Well done sir, you get a vote.

Chymick-Benjamin Bruck
Haga-David Posener
Wyrnhiri-James Martin
ROTLING-Lief Clennon

Rotling is my fav with Haga a close second.

I don't like the instant kill tail. This creature seem to powerful to hunt in packs. Creatures hunt in pack in order to over come pray it cant take by its self, but it tail pretty much takes out any thing it comes across.

I dig this critter a lot and love the fact its a "weak" dragon. You def get a vote!

Seems like an awesome tool for a subplot in a epic adventure, but you would have to be an amazing DM and know your players very well to pull it off.

It knows the time of its own death, but yet it can predict anything so why would it choose to die? It seems like a very hard creature to kill. But I still like it (but it already knew that didn't it).

I just seeing some party making a lot of noise to attract one of these just so they don't have to go hunting and cook dinner. Its like a medieval corn-dog.

This sounds almost like a cursed artifact and not a creature. I like where you are going with this but i think you needed to make the "carapace" a parasite and force its will on some unwilling host. But that is just my two cents worth.

Lief Clennon wrote:
Urizen wrote:

High on the sacred mountain
Up the seven thousand stairs
In the golden light of autumn
There was magic in the air

...a Rush song. :P

** spoiler omitted **

Because we all know Rush and RPG's don't go hand in hand.....But i really enjoyed the item and look forward to finding a way to break it.

Fire Wraith wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a face to face gaming group, playing 3.5 or Pathfinder rules, in the Northern VA/DC/Maryland metro area. Ideally, I'd like to do something on the lines of Savage Tide, Rise of the Runelords, or Crimson Throne, but I'd be open to other things. Evenings and weekends preferred, as is a relatively mature group (i.e., ages 18+).

Hey hey,

I just joined this site, and just moved to the D.C. metro area. Just wondering if you are still looking for players?
