TheOtherTracy |
I'd just let them throw the whole thing at once. If they want to burn through that much value all at once, let them.
I allowed my players to do this in a game once. The target they threw the necklace at was a BBEG fighter/shadowdancer who sniped at them from the shadows of his lair.
Of course he was a dex build, but he made all the saves. Total damage taken was significantly less than one hit from the 2-hander fighter.
I had a villain throw his necklace at the PCs because he saw them clustered together in the hallway coming into his lab (Alchemist). All the beads went boom (Level III necklace) and I rolled all the dice for damage. Dropped only one PC, but it scared them but good. Kept them sharp for the rest of the fight and made for a great opening salvo from the bad guy.
A++ would use tactic again.