Cleric of Kyuss

The Necromancer's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

figured i've waited long enough. i recently moved and changed my address about a month ago. i changed it for my supscription, but i still havent recieved either of the new issues of dungeon or dragon.

any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

i'll hopefully be posting the ruminating and rather exciting adventures that my small (3 people including me) group goes on. And first and foremost, I'd like to say, sorry about the spelling, i'm tired.

To start the adventure we have:

Vythranus, Kobold Monk/Warlock (Me)
Spoon(because i can't remember his character's name), Half-Orc Priest of Hextor

we start our adventure in a sleepy little town of Deew, located on a river and having a population somewhere in the vicinity of 15 or so. Vyth, having just left the monastary to finish out his path to enlightenment, was sent on a mission on behalf of his order. He called upon his childhood friend Spoon(some random nickname i made up when he still hadn't come up with his character's name. mine's Fork) for aid, Spoon verily answered the call to arms, and using serveral prayers we had a good solution to my problem. I needed to get 10,000 gold to save my monastary from certain destruction. We decided to look in the local tavern for some work. After much drinking, (Vyth had warm milk, and Spoon had some ale) we looked at the bulletin board to see if anything would crop up. Turns out that there were 2 bounties posted.

Robert "Bob" Plutowsky: Tax Evasion 50gp &
Gar'ranith the Slaughterer: Killed 27 childern, Wanted Dead, 5,000gp

And, well, being like-minded individuals decided to got after Bob first, hoping that doing the easier one would prove to be a good enough fundraiser to get some better supplies.

Well, off to the law office we went to ask about Bob. Upon arriving we were greeted by a portly man in his mid-forties sitting behind the desk...sleeping. I looked at Spoon, and hopped up on the table slamming my fists to make a better wake-up call. He woke with a start, glaring at the both of us.

"What do you want?" he said.

"Well, here's the deal," I said, "We'd like to know any information on 'Bob the Tax-Evader."

"...wait...what?" he said, rather taken aback. "Most people come through here asking about Gar the Slaughterer, I mean, nobody wants to hunt down Bob...its only a 50 gold bounty..."

"That shows how little you know about us," Spoon quipped.

"Uh, well, i don't have any information on him right now, you should come back in the morning, when my boss is here."

"Fine," I said. "We'll be back, but, I'll remember this and I'll be back for you soon." He looked at me rather quizzically, then returned to sleep.

At that point Vyth was mad. A plan started to formulate, and a fairly ingenious one at that. We headed home and slept, getting up bright and early to catch the big-boss-man.

We headed back to the Law offices as it were, and entered, finding a much older and grizzled man sitting behind the desk. We asked the same question as before.

"You lot are gonna hafta head to Northbrook, they got the tax office there," he said. "They be the ones who put out tha bounty."

"Ah, I see. Thank you my good man," I said. "Now, one other thing. The man here last night, is he a relative of somebody in the Law?"

"Well, I don't rightly know."


And with that we proceeded our one-day trek to Northbrook. Vyth got hungry about half-way there, and started to hunt some of the local fauna, mostly birds. Unable to hit any, I then spied a farmer in his field, using a cow to plow it. That gave me an idea. I snuck up on the Farmer, using my kobold sneakerin' skills, managed to get right behind him. I struck, and the power of my blow was such as he died right there. Spoon then walked up to the cow and smashed its head in with his flail. Dinner was tasty.

More soon, this was just the first session.

I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't see on the website anything about submitting artwork. Do you guys take those sort of submissions? If so, how should i go about it? Or, who should I be attempting to submit my artwork to?

sorry, you can go about your daily lives now.