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![]() We know Starfinder will be as backwards compatible as it can without being a slave to Pathfinder, but what about current Pathfinder classes? I think it's safe to assume, based on what's been said, that you play an existing class, but will that class have a place in this new setting? Can we expect to have parties comprised of new classes specific to Starfinder as well as a Pathfinder Ranger? Will there be support for existing classes in Starfinder? Maybe archetypes that mix in the Starfinder flavor with the groundwork Pathfinder has already done for their library of classes. This ended up being kind of a disjointed series of thoughts, but what do you guys think? What are your opinions how the two games will mix? Also, if this discussion is already happening in another thread let me know. ![]()
![]() Concept: A nature based archer, who channels spells through his arrows. Background:
The character I’m trying to build is a shifter archer who channels druidic magic through his arrows. So when I think of what I would like the character to be able to do here’s what I come up with. • Druid spell list (or something similar)
I realize that I can’t possibly get all of this into one character, this is what I see when I envision the character, so obviously I want to get as close as I can. This description just hit me that might help get a build going, think a nature based Hawkeye/Green Arrow who channels Druidic magic through his arrows as a form of “trick arrows”. Typing this out I have realized that this might just be something that can’t really be emulated using pathfinder, but I’m sure there are people that know the classes and archetypes much better than I do, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to post it anyway. Thanks in advance for any help provided. ![]()
![]() Not being able to draw, sometimes it is quite hard to find a good visual representation of how I want my characters to look, so I was wondering. Are there any good character designers available? I know about Hero Machine, but I was hoping for something more like a character designer from a video game. I realize this isn't something that likely exists, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. ![]()
![]() On 12/12/13 I received an email notifying me that my GameMastery Maps subscription would be sent to me in the next few weeks, and that there would be two (2) flip mats in the order: 1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Thieves' Guild (preorder) @ 13.99 = $13.99
I was initially curious as to why I was being sent two, but as long as it doesn’t become an every month thing it wouldn’t be a problem. On 12/19/13, at 2:36 PM, I received my usual email notifying me that my order had shipped, except that it only made mention of one on the two that the previous email said I would be shipped. I then got another email at 2:57 PM notifying me that the second map had been shipped as well. I have two separate transactions to my credit card from Paizo , one for each map, and two separate tracking numbers, one for each map, but my problem is that I have only received one map (Wastelands) in the mail. I would like to know why my order was processed this way, whether or not I was charged 2 separate shipping charges, why I have only received one map when I have been charged for two, why I was getting two maps to begin with, and if the subscription has been changed to two maps every month? ![]()
![]() I have been a subscriber of the flip mat line for a while now and never had any problem with my orders, until now. I recently received my Arcane Dungeons flip map and there are quite a few gnarly wrinkles in it. It looks like the map was folded the wrong way which caused the wrinkles. I would say it’s still usable, but given the quality I’m used to getting from this product I wasn’t expecting this. I was wondering if this is just something that happens from time to time and is no big deal or could I request a replacement map. I don’t have any ready currently, but I could provide pictures if need to, as proof of the wrinkles. ![]()
![]() I’m looking for a campaign setting for an upcoming game I’ll be running, and would appreciate some suggestions. Things I’m looking for:
2. Reasonable land size:
3. Iconic:
4. Environments:
5. Availability:
Obviously I’m not going to find exactly what I’m looking for, so there is wiggle room. Though, I would like to get as close to number 3 as possible. So if I have to sacrifice on the others, so be it. Thank you for any help you offer. ![]()
![]() I have been a PFRPG subscriber for some time now and recently, today actually, became a GameMastery Maps subscriber and I had a question about bundling my subscriptions to save on shipping. If I bundle my maps subscription with my PFRPG subscription will waiting for the maps hold up my PFRPG items? One of my favorite things about my PFRPG subscription is getting my books a little early, but I don’t want to miss out on that because I bundle my two subscriptions together. ![]()
![]() Sorry if this has been covered already, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. I'm a little confused about the selected target word. Can I cast words restricted to the selected target word on myself? The wording suggests no, but I can't help but think you should be able to cast some of them with the range of personal. Especially as I am playing a magus and there are a few spells I would like to use on myself. ![]()
![]() So here’s how it breaks down. I signed up for the Pathfinder RPG subscription shortly after the APG came out and on Aug 10th I received an e-mail saying that my book was being shipped and I could go download my pdf copy of the book. I was stoked. Weeks passed and no book, I got the cheapest shipping but it was already past the suggested time period. I went ahead and e-mailed customer service to see if they could find out why I hadn’t received my book yet. I was told that it was only a couple days past the suggested time period for the shipping I paid for and that because the book had shipped my pdf copy was available and I should wait a few more days. Another week passed and I began sending more e-mails, which I got no response from. We are now up to Sep 13th. Finally I decide to post something in the customer support forums to see what I could get done. I got a very quick response letting me know that my book was in fact late if I still didn’t have it, and that CS was running behind because they were preparing for their monthly AP subscriptions. Never the less I was told that another book was being shipped to me and I was once again happy. (I did see if I could get bumped up to quicker shipping but was told it would be sent via the same shipping method. No big deal just trying to get a little something extra.) It is now Oct 4th, still have no book, but this time I called CS myself to find out what the deal is. So I was told that they didn’t know why I hadn’t received my original copy, but the replacement copy never shipped due to some kind of bug in their system. At this point it is their fault that I never received my replacement book, oh and did I mention that I was told yet again that I’ve had the pdf of the book the whole time, like that makes up for me not getting what I paid for. Any way I was told that the replacement would be shipped out today and I would get a confirmation e-mail when it did. This time I asked if I could get my shipping upgraded so I would be able to track the order, but again was told no and was reassured that the book would be shipped today and I would get an e-mail. I don’t know about you, I don’t like being given the impression that because I got the pdf free it’s not that big of an issue that I have yet to receive my book. I just feel like because I have the pdf I was being back burned. From what I understood the pdf was a free gift for being a subscriber, not an alternative to good customer service and accurate shipping. This ended up being much longer than I expected, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this kind of problem. I’m not so much mad as I am confused that a company that produces such great products would have (IMO) such bad customer service. ![]()
![]() My order was shipped on 8/10, and I still have not received it. Worst of all I have e-mail customer service about it multiple times and was told to wait longer the first time and have gotten no response the others. I just want the book that I paid for, or at least a response from you saying that you are looking into why I have not received my book. I don't think this is too much to ask. ![]()
![]() So my players found The Deck of Many Things last night and the NG cleric pulled the 2 of spades (immediately shift to a radically different alignment), which would put him CE, or LE. I'm wondering what happens with the character. I could find any specific ruling that has anything to do with class abilities and matching your gods alignment, but there is the part that says a cleric must be within 1 step of their deity. Also would he just automatically just change from channeling positive to negative energy? Please help. I'm just not sure what happens. ![]()
![]() I'm running a game in a world of my own creating, and one of the major plot points for the game revolves around a special metal that the players have discovered. After quite awhile of trying to decide on what the stats for this material would be i have finally made up my mind. Arcanite: Arcanite is the result of ambient arcane energy collecting under extreme pressure until it takes on a solid state. In order to craft items out of arcanite you must be within an anti-magic field in order for it to worked with normal crafting tools. 35 hit points/ inch of thickness
Arcanite, although very strong, weighs the same as an equal amount of iron or steel. A weapon made from arcanite has a natural +1 enhancement bonus, and is always considered magical for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Arcanite provides a special defense bonus against magical effects. Armor and shields made from arcanite gain a +1 bonus to AC (touch and flat-footed included) or saving throw made against magical effects. Tis bonus does not stack with itself. So if you have a shield and armor made of arcanite you receive this bonus only once. Being composed of solidified arcane energy arcanite takes to magical enchantments especially well. It requires only three quarters (3/4) the time normally required to enchant an item, as well as reducing the cost by 10%. Let me explain that this material is EXTREMELY RARE, and is not something the players can just say, "I want and arcanite long sword." then just have it. It is completely at my discretion how they come about finding it in it's raw state. That being said what do you think, opinions welcome. ![]()
![]() So i was thinking about epic levels, as my group usually get to them in our game. We have a fairly quick level progression. Any way... I've read the "suggestion" in the core rulebook, i've used the 3.5 epic level handbook, but neither of them sit well with me. How about this. Once you hit 20th level all of your base stats stop increasing. What I mean is if you have a +17 BAB at 20th level once you level up it stays at +17. The same goes for your base saves (Fort, Ref, Will). Everything else stays the same, when you level you get your special abilities and class features just like normal. I haven't decided what to do about hit points and skill points, if they should continue to increase or not, or if they should increase differently. I like this idea because it's simple, and i think it will maintain balance. I'm not the best at figuring balance. One thing to keep in mind, this method would require multi-classing, or for you to go in and do epic progression for base classes. I personally prefer multi-classing. I'd love to get feed back on this. it seems like it might be a simple way to handle epic play until we get official rules. Let me know what you think. ![]()
![]() Ok I'm getting ready to start a pathfinder game and have a player that wants to play a 1/2 drow 1/2 elf. any ideas on how to stat this up. i figured the drow half would be based off the basic drow in the bestiary, not the drow noble. i know the player very well and if he's asking for something like this he has more to do with history for the character than stats and abilities. that said i would still like to come up with something, i'm just really bad at this kind of stuff. thanks. ![]()
![]() Ok, let me begin by saying that from a power stand point, I do not think the Factotum needs to be converted to Pathfinder. Ok, now that that's out of the way, lets get to what this thread is about. Even though the Factotum doesn't "NEED" a conversion from a power stand point what about an options stand point. All the classes that Paizo has release get some options within the class. Whether it be a Sorcerers bloodlines, a Barbarians rage powers, and so on. what would be a good way to bring this to the Factotum? I ask this because I personally am horrible at creating game stuff and keeping it balanced. So i figured there has to be something that can be done. Like i said this class works just fine as is, but that doesn't mean it can't be re-work to get a bit more of a pathfinder feel to it. thanks for any help. ![]()
![]() I've heard a lot about another company, Dreamscarred i think, doing psionics conversion for pathfinder. i don't remember seeing anything set in stone about Paizo doing psionics. my question is two fold. do we know if paizo is planning on doing psionics? and if Dreamscarred beats them to the punch do you think it would be a good idea for paizo to release a set of rules after them. i personally would rather paizo do their own conversion of psionics. i'm not exactly sure why i would prefer it that way just the way i feel. what do you guys think? ![]()
![]() I've been reading up on Pathfinder and it got me wondering. How well will my favorite 3.5 characters convert to this system. I have a few characters that that use classes that i don't believe are covered in the Pathfinder book. Some of the classes i have used are:
These are just some of the classes i have used, and only ones published by WotC. There are 1 or 2 PrC that i have used from 3rd party books before. Any way, I already ask the question. Will i be able to play a character with these classes in a pathfinder game, and if so, will i still get the same feel from the class as i got in 3.5? |