Vampire Lord

The Mad Fiddler's page

1 post. Alias of TheMadFiddler.


Heavy armor should fit pretty neatly in with Taldor society. For any parties that players went to, as long as things were cleaned and shined appropriately, then just about everything passed in my opinion.

Taldor is a society that clings to its past of war and conquest, I had many NPCs present with various armor to show off their connections to the military and try to one up another with their status.

Heavy weapons are going to be a little tougher though, there are a number of instances when carrying large weapons may make things a little revealing, but I think you can be creative about keeping them out of sight or beyond the concern of those around you. It only gets easier to hide them as the campaign goes on and you level up, when you may be more interested in keeping them hidden anyways.