
TheInfamousWes's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (303 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 13 aliases.


Sorry for being a bit late to the conversation. I'm still in the process of picking up the book; I'm trying to fit it into my budget. Until then, I'll just say that I'm good with just about any cause or target, and my preferred method would be espionage and tactics over straight-up offense.

Well, there ya go. I’m so far ahead, I think I’m behind!

Running another SFS campaign so soon? I’m having a blast with your Into the Unknown game so far, so I’d love to be a part of your next one!

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?

I’m more concerned with strengthening the party and enhancing other players’ experiences than I am with glory-hogging. Neon’s personality always makes for fun interactions with other PCs, and his charitable streak is perfect for helping out new and veteran players alike.

2. Do you have the Alien Archive boon? This won't affect your chances of getting in.

I do not - I’m not a dedicated Starfinder GM (not yet, anyway).

3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?

Absolutely! Combat can be fun, but I enjoy thinking through encounters and trying new things much more. Relatively peaceful, RP-heavy scenarios are my absolute favorite. (Also, putting the live-streaming Neon Punk into Live Exploration Extreme? FLAWLESS.)

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 5-6 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?

No problem here whatsoever. I’m cool with establishing botting instructions, though I can’t see myself being unable to post anytime soon.

5. New to Starfinder? This also won't affect your chances of getting in.

Not at all! I’m always happy to share the little knowledge I’ve hoarded about the game (as you’ve witnessed yourself, heh).

Given that character creation is taking place as a group activity once players are chosen, how do we apply beforehand?

This sounds like a heck of a game. I have read and understand all the caveats, and I am willing to abide by them.

I have a bard rolled for a campaign like this - just need to make an alias. I'm assuming the additional rulebooks (Xanathar's, etc.) are okay to use, right?

Sandbox space exploration? Sign me up! I’ll download the PDF and read through it later today.

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I'm not generally one for 3PP content, but man, does this look cool. I'd be more than willing to grab the book and play.