Rache, keep one neutralize hold. These things are not capable of feeling fear.
Rache's blade clangs against the thug's blade, and the blade dissolves. The thugs don't seem to care, and both close on Na-Zo, more or less ignoring Rache.
As the thugs close, Na-Zo confirms their worst fears: the illusion of flesh disappears. Na-Zo lashes out at each, the cudgel bashing against both mechanical skulls, knocking bloody gears loose to bounce along the ground. Again, these thugs hardly seem to mind.
The bladeless one clasps its metal claws around Na-Zo's neck, while the bladed thug turns to prevent Rache's interference, standing ready with blade drawn.
Flecks of bloody spittle fall on Na-Zo's clothing as it speaks. You are the least, but not the last. You will take us there.
The claws begin to close, cutting off your airway.
What do you each do?
Let me know if you think I'm being unfair with your hold usage ... still getting used to this.