
The_Great_Gazoo's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Hi, I just tried to place an order using my American Express card, and it couldn't get past the "enter your CVV number step". I wiped the card from account and re-added it, verifying all input, and it still failed. I added one of my Mastercards, and checkout worked immediately, so it seems like something's up with Amex verification? Just an FYI...

EDIT: I just noticed that the website FAQs don't list Amex as an accepted form of payment. Provided this information is current, why would the site allow me to save Amex cards in the first place??

Hi all, considering playing Pathfinder again after a VERY long break: Something that's wildly unclear to me is if scenarios using the 1e ruleset are still happening, or is that ruleset out of play in organized play scenarios?

How exactly would this work? The wearer/user would get the AC and unarmed damage of a monk 5 levels higher than the result of their hourly check via the "emulate class feature" usage of UMD?

Does an opponent being engaged by Spiritual Weapon count as being "in melee" for the purposes of determining whether or not said opponent can be attacked at range without penalty? The spell description indicates "no" to me, but a developer opinion would be really helpful.