
The_Great_Gazoo's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Blave wrote:

I like pretty much everything I've seen so far. Or at least I can't think of much that's negative to me. I'm indifferent about the alignment removal, for example.

The only two (potential) downsides I can see so far:

1. The new Grab monster ability could be a bit much since many creatures have pretty high Athletics scores, especially when used as a level+2 (or higher) boss. That makes them very likely to outright restrain someone with the new Grab. Their high Athletics also makes any Escape attempts very hard and they can just keep Restraining their target with an action every turn without even rolling another check. While using one action per turn is a significant downside for a boss encounter, it also means the player is probably not really participating in the fight.

2. The Wizard. I won't go into details because everyone here who cares about it probably know them. I'm hoping that remaster Wizard-blogpost they mentioned on reddit is from the in-depth line of remaster blogposts and not from the "here are the remaster basics" line.

After seeing how destrucutive auto-succeed grabs are in, say, Sky King's Tomb, I think even a chance for failure is an improvement here.

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I can't believe nobody's mentioned "Nighttrain" by Guns N Roses.....