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ruemere wrote:
Smaller companies, like Runic Games (guys behind Torchlight) had to get financing (bought off by PerfectWorld owners), and yet they still have problems with completing the game, satisfying themselves with Torchlight 2.

As an employee of Runic Games, I feel a bit of clarification is called for here.

Runic Games had long been planning a two-fold approach to following up Torchlight: Torchlight II, and, eventually, a Torchlight MMO.

Torchlight II is still in development (but we're close). The Torchlight MMO is still only in the planning stages, because all of our resources are currently dedicated to Torchlight II. It's a bit of a stretch to call that "having problems with completing the game"; it's like saying Ubisoft is having problems completing Battlefield 4.

And Perfect World didn't "buy off" Runic Games. They provided financing so we could finish Torchlight II SOONER, rather than later.

I'm not saying your overall concern isn't valid--only that you're mistaken in your assertions about Runic.

JD Wiker
Lead Writer
Runic Games

Ghost In The Ruins wrote:
I think there should be no connection between the Pathfinder Society Organized Play and Pathfinder Online whatsoever. They are completely different animals, with only partially overlapping consumer bases. Benefits of one should not transfer to the other.

I agree that transferring benefits is probably not a feasible plan, but, certainly, it would make a certain amount of sense to offer initial closed beta-testing to PFS members, with open beta testing going out to non-PFS members later down the road.

Personally, I'd like to see Paizo take some of what they've learned and developed from handling the PFS and apply it to the MMO. When it comes to moderating social interaction, managing the in-game economy, and ensuring that all the players enjoy a similar experience, there's a fair amount of crossover between MMOs and OP.

MRblahface wrote:
One thing I want is this, I would love a mode or feature to Play Pathfinder RPG online as I would on the table top. So have a person running the game then have players running there characters. Have the capability to have characters, Npc's, armor and interactions with the world the GM has created ect. I know you can now do this with other software such as maptool but more easy and user friendly.

The trick with a system like that is that what the GM does will have an effect on the ENTIRE game--particularly if you can customize items and NPCs. It wouldn't (necessarily) be like Neverwinter used to be, where you could create an adventure, complete with all the trappings, and let players do whatever they like--and acquire whatever you wanted them to have. If you create a superpowerful weapon, for example, that becomes a permanent part of the game.

Obviously, though, City of Heroes/City of Villains eventually developed an in-game editor that allowed players to generate content, in much the way you're describing. The major differences, of course, are that they have a pretty finite list of what permanent items can be included, because, again, those find their way out to the rest of the game world and muddle the economy. That said, there are ways to handle doling out items that won't damage the game economy too badly (separate servers for "twinked" characters, for example, or making the items bind to the character on first use or upon arrival in the character's backpack). Even so, having a party of characters running around statted and outfitted to the max because of some Monty Haul GM is probably going to be a fairly large design challenge.

This is terrific news! I can't wait to see what Paizo/Goblinworks does with this!