
The Flame Princess's page

9 posts. Alias of Kajehase.


Oh woe is me!

Oh woes and tribulations! Now they want me to go adventuring too!

Woe is me. Vojne vojne vojne.

The Jade wrote:
The Flame Princess wrote:
Does anyone mention me?
While your name is certainly mentioned in passing, milady, I fear we did not investigate you or your lamentations... only men on the backs of T-rexs firing bazookas at Hastur. Or something like that.

Oh woe is me, all but forgotten again!

Does anyone mention me?

I'm still not happy, though. Vojne vojne vojne.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
The Flame Princess wrote:
Oh woe is me. Woe woe woe.
Damn, babe. You really let yourself go.


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Oh woe is me. Woe woe woe.