The Dragon Reborn's page

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

Silver Crusade Arralee Goldeneyes

F Plumekith Aasimar Monk2 (0 posts)
Sovereign Court Dusty the Dancer

female Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling dawnflower dervish bard (0 posts)

Radiant Oath Fist Frentis

Male Human Monk (0 posts)

Radiant Oath Dude the High Elf

M Human Half Elf Magus 5 (0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Delirium
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Rio the dancer

F Sylph Kineticist (0 posts)

Vigilant Seal The Coward Belvis

M Human nephilim Warpriest (0 posts)

Horizon Hunters 20th Century Fox

Kitsune (0 posts)