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Recently my party stumbled upon an interesting little minor artifact. Roughly the size of a human heart, apparently this ensorcelled bit of golden craftsman ship acts as an engine or portal for a metal elemental. When activated, this device allows an elemental to draw loose coins into a body. We found it in a dragon's (adult black) hoard and active. 128,000 gold pieces later, the party mage has what the DM believes is a merely a new toy. The party mage is double specialized in divination and conjuration and is my follower, and we haven't spent any gold for four levels. The mage hacks the artifact and I have an evil idea: what if we could turn this little engine into a pet dragon, a Draccoin.

1 Portable Hole (I couldn't find a big enough pot)
150 k gp (to be fair a mixture of copper, silver, gold, temple coinage, and brass/bronze/iron scrap metal)
1 set of matching adamantian steak knives (for claws and teeth)
1 Scroll of Limited Wish
1 Scroll of "Summon the Twilight Defender"
1 Mage who can turn any knowledge or craft check into a 45, minimum
lots and lots of metallic dragon scales

Now, the two things that might be racing through your mind are (1) why the heck would your DM allow you that (i.e., how are you going to get yourself screwed over), or (2) what are the stats for this beastie. To answer the former, my group is effective but aint no power gamers. That is to say, we have an understanding that so long as we the PCs don't abuse our toys then the DM won't abuse us of them. To answer the latter, I've suggested filing off the numbers of the clockwork dragon and earth elemental dragon and combing the two.

The Draccoin
N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar, dragon, swarm)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +28


AC 26, touch 8, flat-footed 26 (+18 natural, –2 size)
hp 252 (24d10+120)
Fort +13; Ref +14; Will +15

Defensive Abilities: DR 10/adamantine; Immune elemental and swarm traits


Speed 20 ft., fly 100 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft.

Melee bite +35 (2d8+18), 2 claws +35 (2d6+12), 2 wings +32 (1d8+12), tail slap +32 (2d6+18)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)


Str 35, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +24; CMB +38; CMD 48 (52 vs. trip)

Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Hover, Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claw)

Skills Fly +19, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (nature) +27, Knowledge (planes) +27, Perception +28, Survival +28

Languages Common, Terran, Dragon

SQ distraction, coin mastery, freeze, travel via hoard


Distraction (Ex)

A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 creature's HD + creature's Con modifier) negates the effect.

Coin Mastery (Ex): An elemental earth dragon gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foes are touching a dragon's hoard or large pile of coins. Further, it effectively has blind sight against anything on or in the hoard or coins.

Freeze (Ex): A draccoin can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. An observer must succeed on a DC 20 Perception check to notice that the draccoin is really alive.

Travel Via Hoard (Sp): This works like the Druid's "Travel via Plants" except through Dragon's hoards.

Note Bene: Technically the beastie would scale depending on the amount of treasure available, but that is going to be a pain to stat out. Second, the thing acts a bit more like a construct than an elemental in that the "metal heart" is programmable, but the DM wanted this to be an elemental and not a construct.

What do you guys think?

Has anyone tried setting Shattered Star in Planescape, with Sigil standing in for Magnimar and Kaer Maga?

Dear Paizo,

I would like to give you more money. To that end, may I request or suggest three products.

First, in each AP, a list of modules or PFS scenarios that might play well within the setting. That is to say, if my players wish to explore more of Westcrown and the surrounding environs of CoT, it would be nice if the AP listed scenarios I could purchase that, with perhaps a little editing, the DM could just plug-and-play. This leads to the second product or suggestion: in addition to the levels, could your label in the front the 1) location in Golarion, 2) category of adventure, e.g., heist, spy, horror, and 3) PFS environment, e.g., dungeon, mining town, market, etc.

Third, most APs seem to end somewhere between 12 and 14. It sure would be nice if there were a couple of APs that go from levels 10 to 20. Yes, the math gets silly and it is hard to write, but we the players could easily tie them in. In this method, players could get the planar, planetary, etc., adventures we crave.

Anyway, these things probably already exist and I am just missed them. So, if someone would kindly point them out, I'll tell the gnomes to start delivering the gold to your offices. Thanks.

Should I take a level of bard or just "Extra Traits" feat? My party is currently without a face or a skill monkey. My "how many points of damage did he just do" 4th level Magus is about to take 5th. Because the PC has both the highest charisma and intelligence in the group (in-game), RP and social interaction has been falling heavier and heavier on the PC's shoulder.

If I took "extra traits" feat, I was thinking of something that added diplomacy as a class skill, but unsure of the next best trait.

Any ideas or words of advice?

I think that almost every class should have an archtype that specializes in the gun. That way the DM has an easy switch to throw for everyone. And, it will be easier to create champaigns for Alkenstar or regular steampunk:

Fighter: Muskateer/Pistoleer

Alchemist: Black Powder Alchemist

Ranger: Hunter

Rogue: Sniper

Monk: Way of the Gun

Bard: Mountebank (specializes in using gunpowder explosions to debuff)

Gun Mage: Prestige class for spell casters.

Chevalier: Cannoneer (rides a cannon)

Witch: Patron - EXPLOSION!

Paladin: God of Pickles

Inquisitor: I know Gung Fu.

What if instead of Fighter (or Ranger), the Gunslinger was an Alchemist alternative class? We could call it a Black Powder Mage or Bullet Mage. I would pull out poison use and mutagens, and replace them with appropriate Gunslinger feats and intelligence based grit. Instead of bombs, the class would construct and enhance bullets.

1st: Grit & Deeds instead of Mutagen. Gunslinger instead of Throw Anything.
2nd: Point Blank Shot & Rapid Reload instead of Poison Resistance & Poison Use
3rd: Precise Shot & Deeds instead of Swift Alchemy
6th: Fast Bullets (functioning as Fast Bombs) instead of Swift Poisoning
7th: Deeds
8th: Gun Mastery (functioning as Crossbow Mastery[would lower reloading a musket to a swift action])

Unlike bombs, bullets would generally not have area of effects. So, Smoke, Incendiary, Poison & Stink Bullets would be limited to the square of the target that takes a direct hit from the bullet. Further, because an Alchemist could presumably make gunpowder, the cost would be reduced to 5gp per shot. I would consider a Discovery that allowed the Alchemist to load and fire without using gunpowder; instead the explosive power would be generated by the enhanced bullet.

From looking at the classes, I have the feeling Paizo would prefer class mechanics over mandatory feats. The former is more flavorful and creative. So, I could see removing a few of the feats (Point Blank, Rapid, & Precise) for a mechanic. For example, when the Alchemist gains Poison Resistance, he instead can take a move action to gain an "aiming bonus" to his attack roll. Mechanically, this would effectively offset the penalty for throwing into melee or make a very deadly sniper.

Hey Guys,

I want to play a drow “fey’ri” in an upcoming Second Darkness campaign. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the race, a fey’ri is the elven version of a tiefling and was introduced in 3.0 D&D’s Races’ of Faerun. To obtain a +0 race (or “lesser fey’ri”) I’ve thought of two possible race make ups.

The first version is the simplest. Take you basic tiefling and add the “racial heritage” feat from APG as your first level feat, selecting Drow as the racial heritage. Now your tiefling has pointed ears and dusky grey skin, and we’re done. However, while simple and maybe even elegant, this really isn’t as flavorful or a pleasing mechanical match as I’d like it. Yes, I know "racial heritage" is RAW a human-only feat.

The second version starts out with your basic PF drow. First, remove light blindness and balance by lessening the darkvision to 60 feet and removing dancing lights and poison use. Second, change the drow’s 1/day faerie fire to disguise self. Or, alternatively, make “disguise self” a more limited version by limiting the disguise to only be as an elf, but allowing it to be an at-will power. Third, change type to “outsider (native).” In this version, the final stat block would look like this:

Stats: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Fey’ri are nimble and manipulative.

Medium: Fey’ri are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Fey’ri have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Fey’ri can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Fey’ri Immunities – Elven Blooded: Fey’ri are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus to saves against enchantment spells. Additionally, for all special abilities and effects, a fey’ri is considered an elf (drow).

Keen Senses: Fey’ri receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Spell Resistance: Fey’ri possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.

Spell-Like Abilities: A fey’ri can cast darkness once per day and can cast disguise self (elf only) at-will, using his total character level as his caster level.

Weapon Familiarity: Fey’ri (Drow) are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.

Languages: Fey’ri begin play speaking Elven and Undercommon. Fey’ri with high Intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, or Goblin.

I think this version is mechanically closer to the original 3.0 Fey’ri, but keeping the LA to +0. It would also allow a player to take one of the fiendish heritage/façade feats at 1st level. And, if you wanted a plain elven tiefling, just change the stats to fit and replace Spell Resistance for Elven Magic. So, what do you think? Do these versions balance with the pre-existing tiefling? What might you do differently?

P.S. I know there is some discussion on whether "native (outsider)" is too powerful, but I'm trying to use the Tiefling, as written, as the benchmark. In otherwords, the change in type isn't what I'm interested in.