Guiltgorger Giant

The Devourer's page

6 posts. Alias of Black Dow.


Damaged 0 | Hero Points 0 | Perception +X | Initiative +X | Toughness 15 | Dodge 2 | Parry 5 | Fortitude 15 | Will 5 | The Devourer

About The Devourer


"Ye have done much to bring about the indescribable return. May ye go mad quickly and not be devoured." - H.P. Lovecraft



STR • Strength 16 (8+8) [Close Damage • 16PP]
STA • Stamina 12 (8+4) [Toughness Defence, Fortitude Defence • 16PP]
AGL • Agility -1 [Dodge Defence, Initiative Bonus • +2PP]
DEX • Dexterity 0 [Ranged Attack Checks • 0PP]
FGT • Fighting 3 [Close Attack Checks, Parry Defence • 6PP]
INT • Intellect 4 (-1+5) [Intelligence Checks • +2PP]
AWE • Awareness 0 [Will Defence • 0PP]
PRE • Presence 0 [Presence Checks • 0PP]


EOTEN FORM • Activation (Standard Action, -2PP ) • Personal • Sustained • 37 pointsMystic

Eald Gigant [OE: Ancient Giant]: Growth 3 (Innate). [7PP]

Fenn-Bræðr [OE: Fen-Breather]: Immunity 1 (Drowning, Innate). [2PP]

Frwiræde (OE: Of Two Minds): Enhanced Advantage 1 (Second Chance; Mind Control). [1PP]

Hále ond Hamel [OE: Hale and Rugged]: Immunity 3 (Disease, Earthly Weather, Innate). [4PP]

I Swæc se Blōd of a… [OE: I Smell the Blood of a…]: Senses 10 (Olfactory; Accurate, Acute, Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Extended, Radius, Tracking. Limited to Blood). [5PP]

Magaþihtan [OE: Strong of Stomach): Feature 1 (Iron Stomach). [1PP]

Lang-Hóhscancan [OE: Long-Shanks]: Movement 2 (Sure-Footed 2, Innate) & Speed 1 (Innate). [5PP+2PP=7PP]

Lang-Hrīnan [OE: Long-Reach/Strike]: Damage 1 (Strength; Innate, Reach). [3PP]

þurhdelfan [OE: Dig-Through/Under]: Burrowing 2 (Penetrating, Innate). [4PP]

Toh-Scinn [OE: Tough-Skin]: Protection 3. [3PP]

Unmann Afol [OE: Brute Strength] Enhanced Strength 2 (Power-Lifting; Limited to Lifting). [2PP]

Forbregdan Sé Forswelgend [OE: Become The Devourer] Morph 1 (Metamorph - The Devourer; Uncontrolled). [5PP]

- Féondgráp [OE: Grip of a Foe] Féondgráp [OE: Grip of a Foe] Enhanced Advantage 1 (Improved Hold) & Extra Limbs 2 (Forearms/Hands; Innate). [1PP+3PP = 4PP Total]

- Gehære Unmann [OE: Hairy Brute] Feature 1 (Insulating Fur). [1PP]

- Grǣdiġ Bita [OE: Ravenous/Hungry Bite] Damage 4 (Bite; Penetrating 6, Grab-based). [6PP]

- Níðgæs Déopnes [OE: Malignant Cunning/Knowledge] Enhanced Intellect 5 [10PP]
- Ungemete [OE: Huge] Growth 1. [2PP]

- Untýdre Afol [OE: Monstrous Strength] Enhanced Strength 4. [8PP]


All-out Attack [Trade active defence for attack bonus]
Daze [Use Intimidation to daze an opponent.]
Diehard [Automatically stabilise when dying.]
Fast Grab [Make a free grab check after an unarmed attack.]
Great Endurance [+5 on checks involving endurance.]
Improved Grab [Make grab attacks with one arm. Not vulnerable while grabbing.]
Improved Hold [–5 circumstance penalty to escape from your holds.]
Improvised Weapon 2 [Use Unarmed Combat skill with improvised weapons, +1 damage bonus per rank.]
Interpose [Take an attack meant for an ally.]
Languages 1 [English & Old English (native).]
Power Attack [Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.]
Takedown [Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.]


Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 [FGT] (+7)
Expertise: Mythology 8 [INT] (+7)
Insight 2 [AWE] (+2)
Intimidation 12 [PRE] (+13)
Perception 2 [AWE] (+2)
Ranged Combat (Thrown) 4 [DEX] (+4)

Skill Modifier: Your hero’s total modifier with any skill (ability rank + skill rank + advantage modifiers) cannot exceed the series power level +10. This includes untrained skill modifiers using only ability rank, and so sets an effective limit on all abilities associated with skills.


Toughness 15 [STA • DC24 • +3 Protection Ranks]
Dodge 2 [AGL • DC10 • 5PP • -2 Growth Ranks]
Parry 5 [FGT • DC10 • 4PP • -2 Growth Ranks]
Fortitude 15 [STA • DC10 • 3PP]
Will 5 [AWE • DC10 • 5PP]

Immunities: Disease & Earthly Weather.

Defence Class: The main defence class traits are Dodge, Parry, and Will.
Resistance Checks: The main resistance check traits are Dodge, Fortitude, Toughness, and Will.

Parry & Toughness: The total of your hero’s Parry and Toughness defences cannot exceed twice the series power level. Currently 20 (PL10 x2)
Dodge & Toughness: The total of your hero’s Dodge and Toughness defences cannot exceed twice the series power level. Currently 20 (PL10 x2)
Fortitude & Will: The total of your hero’s Fortitude and Will defences cannot exceed twice the series power level. Currently 20 (PL10 x2)


Abilities 34 + Powers 63 + Advantages 13 + Skills 16 + Defences 17 = 143