
Jack Kluge's page

51 posts. Alias of Daniel Stewart.


Reaction +0, HP 11/11, FP 12/12, DR 18/6, Dodge 12, Favoured Attack: Karate punch

About Jack Kluge

Name: Jack Kluge
Race: Human Male
ST 11 (16)
DX 14
IQ 10
HT 12

HP 11
Will 10
Per 10
FP 12

Basic Lift 24
Damage: Thr - 1d (1d+1)
Sw – 2d-1 (2d+2)

Basic Speed 6.5
Basic Move 6

Social Background
TL: 10 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Earth
Languages: Anglish

Advantages []
Combat Reflexes [15]
Forceful Chi 2 [30]
Signature Gear (Combat Gauntlets) [3]
Trained by a Master [30]

Disadvantages [-75]
Amnesia (Partial) [-10]
Discipline of Faith (Chi Rituals) [-10]
Enemy (Unknown, Medium size group) [-30]
Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5]
Vow (Discover identity and who enemy is) [-10]
Honesty (12 0r less) [-10]

Quirks [-5]
Back always to a solid surface
Like star watching
Dislikes “bright” colours
Like to whittle during down time
Does not trust "Organizations" (Government, Military, Etc)

Acrobatics 13
Breaking Blow 11
Climbing 13
Computer Op 10
Drive (Hovercraft) 14
First Aid 10
Immovable Stance 13
Judo 14
Jumping 14
Karate 15
Kiai 12
Mechanic (Hovercraft) 12
Meditation 09
Power Blow 13
Push 14
Running 11
Spacer 11
Stealth 13

Gauntlets of the Masters

Signature Gear (75% of starting points - 112) +3 pts
Arm Str +5, base 25 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%) +16 pts
Innate Attack (cr, 4d), base 20 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%, Melee Attack -30%, RoF 3 +50%, Armor Divisor (2) +50%, Double Knockback +20%) +31 pts
Psi Static base 30 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%) +20 pts
Enhanced Dodge +2 base 30 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%) +21 pts
Racial Memory base 15 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%) +11 pts
Wild Talent +1 base 20 pts (Can be stolen -10%, Unique -25%) +13

Total cost: 112 pts

The gauntlets are powered by Chi energy.

The gauntlets were passed down from master to student for hundreds of years. Each master would infuse a portion of his knowledge and soul (Chi) into the gauntlets, giving them specific powers. With the rise of Psi-nobility, users of Chi have been hunted and persecuted. The last master infused the gauntlets with the power to resist psi powers.
How Jack came to be wearing them is the rest of his background....but sometimes he can hear the whispers of the ancient masters giving him advice....

Other Equipment
Nonoweave Bodysuit, personal basics, $40,000 cr in precious gems.


Jack is a man without a past and possible no future. He awoke about 2 years ago in a back alleyway in the seedier side of downtown Detroit. Injured and unable to remember anything about himself, Jack attempted to get help from the local police. Dressed in the tattered remains of a tuxedo, Jack's only clue to who he was were the contents of his wallet (or he hopes it was his wallet!)
At the police station, he spoke to the desk sergeant and explained what had happened. The bored officer typed his information into the computer...and that was when all hell broke loose. Siren started to wail and the doors locked as a team of heavily armed SWAT officers flooded the booking room. Startled, Jack was quickly cornered and fearing for his life, lashed out.
The first officer found himself flying through the air, to slam painfully into the wall on the far side of the room. Two more soon joined them, and then with a thunderous 'crack', a shield-wielding officer was laid out...his poly-bonded shield shattered around him. That was when they noticed the strange gloves Jack was wearing. Looking like a set of regular combat gloves, these ones seemed to be made of some sort of metal.
Turning to escape, Jack punched a hole in the side of the building and ran off into the early morning. Since that time he has been hunted. Police, bounty hunters, the military and private contractors have all attempted to capture him, but so far he has been able to keep away from them.
Needing an escape, Jack has looked to the stars as a way to escape those hunting him. He is now looking to either stowaway on a space vessel, or try to join a crew.